What is This Construct?


Travis Tslib

I'm messing with a gem called eve-api. I have a Perl and PHP
background. I'm messing with Ruby for the first time, and I've not read
any manual cover to cover. I'm crashing into this.

I've looked in Ruby Essentials and a few other places returned from a
Google query. In the gem is a file defining:

def account_transactions(character_id, type, account_key)
transactions = []
doc = @transport.call("#{type.to_s}/WalletTransactions.xml.aspx",
:characterID => character_id, :accountKey => account_key)
doc.each_element('//rowset[@name="transactions"]/row') do |row|
transaction = {
:date => DateTime.parse(row.attributes['transactionDateTime']),
:item => {
:id => row.attributes['typeID'].to_i,
:name => row.attributes['typeName']
transactions << transaction
return transactions

I've truncated that a bit.

In my code, when I call this, I can

myAccount.transactions.each do |trx|
puts "#{trx.date}"

I can't get to the ID or Name of the item. I've tried trx.item.id and
trx.item[0].id and a few other things. What is that? How can I access
it? The thing that really confuses me is trx.date works.

Steve Klabnik

I can't get to the ID or Name of the item. =A0I've tried trx.item.id and
trx.item[0].id and a few other things. =A0What is that? =A0How can I acce= ss
it? =A0The thing that really confuses me is trx.date works.

It's a hash. Try this:

myAccount.transactions.each do |trx|
puts "#{trx[:item][:id]}: #{trx[:item][:name} (on #{trx[:item][:date]})"

Ryan Davis

I can't get to the ID or Name of the item. I've tried trx.item.id and
trx.item[0].id and a few other things. What is that? How can I = access
it? The thing that really confuses me is trx.date works.

transaction =3D {
:date =3D> DateTime.parse(row.attributes['transactionDateTime']),
:item =3D> {
:id =3D> row.attributes['typeID'].to_i,
:name =3D> row.attributes['typeName']

that's a nested hash, just like you'd use in perl.
myAccount.transactions.each do |trx|
puts "#{trx.date}"

that shouldn't work... are you loading something magical? Eve-api might =
be doing it. I've never used that... Ah. Looking at the code I see:

class Base # omg I hate that name for class hierarchies. DHH be =
def method_missing(method, *args)
return(@options[method]) if @options.has_key?(method)
raise(Exceptions::AttributeException,"unknown attribute =

class Transaction < Base; end

So, yeah. that's why date works... and item. But since it probably isn't =
recursively creating the objects, the sub-sub items won't work the same =
way. You'll have to use hash syntax for those (I'd file a bug too):

trx.item[:id] and trx.item[:name]

should both work fine.

Travis Tslib

Thanks. After Steve's comment, I tried the exact thing that Ryan
recommends. But thanks for the explanation, Ryan. I'm new to Ruby and
I couldn't figure out why it worked one way and not another.

It is all working now.

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