Which coding style is better? public API or private method insideclass definition



For example: I'm writing simple class:

class Numbers:
def __init__(self, numbers):
self._numbers = numbers
def get_all(self):
for number in self._numbers:
yield number

If I want to add another method for yielding even numbers only, I may

def get_even(self):
for numbers in self._numbers:
if numbers % 2 == 0:
yield number

or, I can use public method 'get_all' instead of using private
attribute '_numbers', like:

def get_even(self):
for numbers in self.get_all():
if numbers % 2 == 0:
yield number

Which coding style do you prefer? I'm more toward public API way,
since it requires less code change if I refactor private data
structure later.
Plz give pros and cons of these.


I found typo after posting: local name 'numbers' and 'number' are
Plz don't report bug but focus on coding style only :)

Carl Banks

For example: I'm writing simple class:

    class Numbers:
        def __init__(self, numbers):
            self._numbers = numbers
        def get_all(self):
            for number in self._numbers:
                yield number

If I want to add another method for yielding even numbers only, I may

        def get_even(self):
            for numbers in self._numbers:
                if numbers % 2 == 0:
                    yield number

or, I can use public method 'get_all' instead of using private
attribute '_numbers', like:

        def get_even(self):
            for numbers in self.get_all():
                if numbers % 2 == 0:
                    yield number

Which coding style do you prefer? I'm more toward public API way,
since it requires less code change if I refactor private data
structure later.
Plz give pros and cons of these.

Using Public API makes it easier to subclass, if you want to redefine
the meaning of "all" somehow. The main reason to avoid Public API is
to get performance benefits (most Python built-in classes access the
internal structure directly for this reason). There are occasions
where a function really needs to access the internals and not the
"visible" value.

Also, in Python it's reasonable to consider an instance variable to be
part of the public interface of a class, because backwards-
incompatible changes can be avoided using properties.

Carl Banks

Jean-Michel Pichavant

Inyeol said:
For example: I'm writing simple class:

class Numbers:
def __init__(self, numbers):
self._numbers = numbers
def get_all(self):
for number in self._numbers:
yield number

If I want to add another method for yielding even numbers only, I may

def get_even(self):
for numbers in self._numbers:
if numbers % 2 == 0:
yield number

or, I can use public method 'get_all' instead of using private
attribute '_numbers', like:

def get_even(self):
for numbers in self.get_all():
if numbers % 2 == 0:
yield number

Which coding style do you prefer? I'm more toward public API way,
since it requires less code change if I refactor private data
structure later.
Plz give pros and cons of these.
- Unless you already know that you'll need to refactor the structure
later, there's no need to anticipate => unnecessary optimization

- Using public API deos not necessarily make refactoring easier.
Let me explain, public APIs are meant to be called by external objects.
These APIs may need to do some things that internal computing doesn't.
For instance, let's say you add a logging statement in the get_all()
method. Every call triggers a log entry. Does the get_even method want
to log this call ? Maybe not. In that particular case, using the
internal strucutre is preferable.

- If you agree to the statement that readability > edition, then you
should care more about writing clean and concise code, than refactorable
( :D ) code. Using self._numbers raises less questions to the reader.
Though I admit that question raised by get_all are answered in 5 seconds
(the question being 'If he used an method instead of _numbers, this
method must do something special')

- In fine, it doesn't really matter in the example you gave above.


Neil Cerutti

For example: I'm writing simple class:

class Numbers:
def __init__(self, numbers):
self._numbers = numbers
def get_all(self):
for number in self._numbers:
yield number

If I want to add another method for yielding even numbers only,
I may use:

def get_even(self):
for numbers in self._numbers:
if numbers % 2 == 0:
yield number

or, I can use public method 'get_all' instead of using private
attribute '_numbers', like:

def get_even(self):
for numbers in self.get_all():
if numbers % 2 == 0:
yield number

Which coding style do you prefer? I'm more toward public API
way, since it requires less code change if I refactor private
data structure later. Plz give pros and cons of these.

Decoupling a member function from its own internal state would be
of little benefit.

However, decoupling an interface from its implementation can be a
good idea. Python provides inheritance and the NotImplmented
exception to help with that. Duck-typing is another popular

Peter Otten

Jacek said:
Sorry for OT, but this is actually a question of mine
wouldn't the following be faster?

You can answer that and similar questions yourself with the timeit module:

$ python -m timeit -s'm, n = 1234, 1235' 'm % 2 == 0; n % 2 == 0'
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.377 usec per loop

$ python -m timeit -s'm, n = 1234, 1235' 'm & 1 == 0; n & 1 == 0'
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.298 usec per loop

So yes, a binary and seems to be faster.


Which coding style do you prefer? I'm more toward public API way,
since it requires less code change if I refactor private data
structure later.
Plz give pros and cons of these.

Great question. It gets at the heart of Python style.
It's a tricky question and can be answered so many ways. I'm not a pro-
programmer anymore so here's my hobbyst's take on it.

First, API is application programming interface. Follow me for a sec.
It's the interface that your programmers use to use your "package".
But WHICH programmers? For large apps like game developers or large
all encompassing apps for companys there are many different types of
programmers. That helps determine how heavy to lean towards private
verse public interfaces.

Funny thing is I end up using the private interfaces as much as the
public interaces for certain things. For example when coding in
wxPython I rarely use any private apis (ie. __dict__ or other "special
or magic named" attributes). But when coding outside of wxPython I'm
all over the place defining new classes with special named attributes
like __new__ or __metaclass__, and lots and lots of other magic named
methods and private attributes.

So one way to decide whether to be coding towards more public verse
private is where in your project you are. Building infrastructure and
framework verse building "application" and end-user interfaces.

Or similarly the interface TO the API interface is private (as far as
Python considers things private that is). The interface to all others
to use your "package" is public.

And if your code is not a package for other coders, then what is the
sense in having private anythings?

One thing that mungles one's mind into thinking it matters is your IDE
tools. When you run your scripts as an end user, who cares that
there's tons of objects cluttering your namespace - I'm implying that
using private API in that case is somewhat a waste. When in your IDE
coding like PyCrust and you type in the interface something like wx.
you'll get a popup of "attributes" and you think "ah, these attributes
and methods I can use". But in use of that program, there's no sense
in hidding stuff with underscored names.

On the otherhand. I like to think my namespaces are simple, clean,
uncluttered. There's less "What the heck is that thing" while looking
at dir() and debugging.

Personally I do not like the underscore. My hands don't like the
keystroke pattern. And the underscore is butt ugly to me. Ugly does
not equal "less readable". I find underscore easier to read then camel
case/Hungarian Notation (wx and .NET has a lot of that). Although name
mangling and camel case usage are different things, from a visual (of
source code), to me they are the same. Also when there is name
mangling, there is often an unmangled version of it in some usage
somewhere in your code.

Another thought. Although private interfaces are not intended to be
SEEN, you code your private interfaces (i.e. attributes and methods,
functions, etc) to denote themselves as private when you LOOK at them
by using underscores. I'd rather have my source code just color
private attributes differently. However editors are not at that level
yet (meaning they'd have to interpret the code to know what's

Lastly. Shouldn't it be better to use APIs based on the docs instead
of analyzing the code for intended public interfaces verse private

Although not explicidly listing pros and cons to public verse private
APIs I hope I spark some useful insight.

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