Why is a vector find faster than a set with find()?




I'm storing a large (100K) list of integer id's in a set which I need to
frequenctly search for a given id. When I try doing this with a set using the
standard find() function it takes 3 times longer than doing the same with a

Why is this? Surely given that its ordered a set could be searched using
a binary chop whereas a vector must be a linear search. Even if the set is
searched linearly why does it take 3 times as long?

Thanks for any info


Alain Ketterlin

I'm storing a large (100K) list of integer id's in a set which I need
to frequenctly search for a given id. When I try doing this with a set
using the standard find() function it takes 3 times longer than doing
the same with a vector!

It is kind of surprising with such a large number of items. Linear scan
is certainly faster with small vectors/sets, but 10^5 should be enough
to make algorithmic complexity be the major factor.

What do you count exactly? Does your timer include filling up the set?
Can you post some (simplified) code exhibiting the phenomenon?
Why is this? Surely given that its ordered a set could be searched
using a binary chop whereas a vector must be a linear search. Even if
the set is searched linearly why does it take 3 times as long?

Here is a plausible explanation. A vector stores integers in a
contiguous area of memory, and recent processors have pretty efficient
hardware prefetchers, which give their best when scanning an array
(basically what you are doing when traversing a vector). STL set, on the
other hand, allocates a new block for each element, so find needs to
follow pointers. There is no good reason for these pointers to exhibit
any kind of regularity, so prefetchers are inoperant, and you pay the
cache miss cost on every access (if set cells are about the size of a
cache line). Yes, data locality matters...

Still, it would be spectacular to observe this effect on 10^5 items.

-- Alain.


It is kind of surprising with such a large number of items. Linear scan
is certainly faster with small vectors/sets, but 10^5 should be enough
to make algorithmic complexity be the major factor.

What do you count exactly? Does your timer include filling up the set?
Can you post some (simplified) code exhibiting the phenomenon?

No, doesn't include filling up but thats so fast it would hardly register.
I traced the delay down to the search of the set and timed that. Tried a
vector and it was 3 times faster. Its annoying because I wanted to use a
generic function with find() in it but now I'm having to explicitely check for
a set and use the sets built in find() which is about 200 times faster and I'm
presuming does do a binary chop.
(basically what you are doing when traversing a vector). STL set, on the
other hand, allocates a new block for each element, so find needs to
follow pointers. There is no good reason for these pointers to exhibit

Ah , didn't realise that. I assume a set was the same internally as a vector
except kept ordered. I thought only lists and queues used pointers.
Still, it would be spectacular to observe this effect on 10^5 items.

My code was nothing more than:

myiterator = find(mydata.begin(),mydata.end(),val);

So it would be fairly easy for someone to reproduce.


Joe Greer


I'm storing a large (100K) list of integer id's in a set which I need
to frequenctly search for a given id. When I try doing this with a set
using the standard find() function it takes 3 times longer than doing
the same with a vector!

Why is this? Surely given that its ordered a set could be searched
using a binary chop whereas a vector must be a linear search. Even if
the set is searched linearly why does it take 3 times as long?

Thanks for any info


If I had to guess (and I do :) ), I would guess that it has to do with the
CPU's cache and read prediction logic making things fly for the list of
integers. I suspect that things would start to change if you were dealing
with a list of pointers to an object instead. If the a class were big
enough, I suspect even a list of a non-trivial class would also start to
slow down.


Alain Ketterlin

No, doesn't include filling up but thats so fast it would hardly

Not sure. Inserting into a set may involve allocating memory, and that
is costly.
I traced the delay down to the search of the set and timed that. Tried
a vector and it was 3 times faster. Its annoying because I wanted to
use a generic function with find() in it but now I'm having to
explicitely check for a set and use the sets built in find() which is
about 200 times faster and I'm presuming does do a binary chop.

You lost me. What is 200 times faster and what is 3 times longer? Do you
mean: myset.find(...) is fast, but find(myset.begin(),myset.end(),...)
is slow? Yes, obviously (both functions do not do the same thing).

OK, forget all this nonsense about cache lines etc. Of course
myset.find() is faster than find(myset.begin(), myset.end(),...). If you
want to stay generic, use a wrapper to std::find(), and specialize it
for sets.

-- Alain.


Not sure. Inserting into a set may involve allocating memory, and that
is costly.

Well, it seems quick when I time it. *shrug*
You lost me. What is 200 times faster and what is 3 times longer? Do you

myset.find() is about 200 times faster than find(myset.begin().
Using the latter is also about 3 times slower on a set than a vector.
mean: myset.find(...) is fast, but find(myset.begin(),myset.end(),...)
is slow?

Yes, obviously (both functions do not do the same thing).

Thats what I didn't realise. I assumed the generic find() would be
specialised internally for the type of container it was operating on. I
didn't realise it just did a dumb linear search on everything.


Juha Nieminen

Thats what I didn't realise. I assumed the generic find() would be
specialised internally for the type of container it was operating on. I
didn't realise it just did a dumb linear search on everything.

Care to show us a version of find() that searches faster when it's given
iterators to a std::set?

Jorgen Grahn

Care to show us a version of find() that searches faster when it's given
iterators to a std::set?

I don't think he claims there could be such a thing, or even that he's
criticizing our beloved STL! Hopefully he got enlightened instead.


Jorgen Grahn

It is kind of surprising with such a large number of items. Linear scan
is certainly faster with small vectors/sets, but 10^5 should be enough
to make algorithmic complexity be the major factor. ....
Still, it would be spectacular to observe this effect on 10^5 items.

(Later postings showed that the OP didn't do tree-based lookups.)

FWIW, I expect that effect to be observable up to 20--100 items, on a
recent machine. I.e., if I really needed performance for semi-small
data sets, I'd do a benchmark before choosing std::map or similar.


Juha Nieminen

My point is that if you actually try to implement a find() function that
tries to take advantage of the fact that the iterators are std::set
iterators and hence tries to make a O(log n) search, you'll quickly see
that it's not that trivial to do with those iterators only. (For one,
you don't have access to the "left" and "right" pointers of the nodes,
not in a standardized way.)

Perhaps <set> *could* provide a specialized version of std::find() that
it befriends and allows it to access those internal pointers in order to
make a O(log n) search. However, this isn't required by the standard and
thus you shouldn't rely on such a thing.

Casey Carter

No, doesn't include filling up but thats so fast it would hardly register.
I traced the delay down to the search of the set and timed that. Tried a
vector and it was 3 times faster. Its annoying because I wanted to use a
generic function with find() in it but now I'm having to explicitely check for
a set and use the sets built in find() which is about 200 times faster and I'm
presuming does do a binary chop.

If searches are an order of magnitude or two more common than
inserts/deletes - which seems to be the case from your description - you
will likely get best results from using std::lower_bound to binary
search a sorted vector.



I'm storing a large (100K) list of integer id's in a set which I need to

frequenctly search for a given id. When I try doing this with a set using the

standard find() function it takes 3 times longer than doing the same with a


Why is this? Surely given that its ordered a set could be searched using

a binary chop whereas a vector must be a linear search. Even if the set is

searched linearly why does it take 3 times as long?

Thanks for any info


You have a set of integers, the only sensible operations (which are close to log N) are :

Add int to a set
Remove int from a set
Know if an int is in that set
Finding the iterator pointing to a given int using set::find

std::find makes no assumptions about the iterators its given except that they have ++ and * and it does a linear search.

What exactly are you trying to achieve? The only thing I can think of is you look at a given int in the set and then iterate forward from there to get a certain range perhaps.
If you only need to test if the int is in the set then set::count() is your friend

James Kanze

I'm storing a large (100K) list of integer id's in a set which
I need to frequenctly search for a given id. When I try doing
this with a set using the standard find() function it takes 3
times longer than doing the same with a vector!
Why is this? Surely given that its ordered a set could be
searched using a binary chop whereas a vector must be a linear
search. Even if the set is searched linearly why does it take
3 times as long?

By definition, std::find does a linear search. That's part of
its definition. If performance is important, and you're dealing
with sorted data, there is std::lower_bound and company.

Practically speaking, neither std::find nor std::lower_bound
have any way of knowing whether the range they're iterating over
is sorted or not. It's up to you, the user, to tell it whether
the range is sorted or not, by choosing the appropriate
function. If you lie, it's undefined behavior, because
typically, the function has no way of knowing.

Finally: using an std::vector, and keeping it sorted, is often
superior to using std::set, because of greater locality. I'm
currently working on some high performance software, and we've
banned the use of node based containers for critical data,
because the loss of locality kills performance. We've also
banned them in large parts outside of the critical area, because
memory is very, very tight, and they tend to use a lot more
memory than std::vector as well. (Note that this is *not* a
general recommendation. We only took these steps because we had


By definition, std::find does a linear search. That's part of
its definition. If performance is important, and you're dealing
with sorted data, there is std::lower_bound and company.

Practically speaking, neither std::find nor std::lower_bound
have any way of knowing whether the range they're iterating over
is sorted or not. It's up to you, the user, to tell it whether
the range is sorted or not, by choosing the appropriate
function. If you lie, it's undefined behavior, because
typically, the function has no way of knowing.

Finally: using an std::vector, and keeping it sorted, is often
superior to using std::set, because of greater locality. I'm
currently working on some high performance software, and we've
banned the use of node based containers for critical data,
because the loss of locality kills performance. We've also
banned them in large parts outside of the critical area, because
memory is very, very tight, and they tend to use a lot more
memory than std::vector as well. (Note that this is *not* a
general recommendation. We only took these steps because we had

You could try Btree as it is combination of vector and tree .
Btree's have better lookup than standard red black trees,
while erasing and inserting is slower due nature
of vectors.


You can improve the locality of the node based containers by using a
custom allocator; I got significant speed increases doing it this way
(but how much was down to improved locality and how much was down to
not using a general purpose allocator is unclear).


I have tried to0, with custom allocator, but binary trees are inherently
not cache friendly, as after number of deletions and inserts, order
of nodes tend to became random, no matter how allocator is created.


On Tue, 7 Aug 2012 13:04:41 +0000 (UTC)

I'm storing a large (100K) list of integer id's in a set which I need
to frequenctly search for a given id. When I try doing this with a
set using the standard find() function it takes 3 times longer than
doing the same with a vector!

That is because sets iterators are complex. Incrementing sets iterator
is O(n), while incrementing vectors iterator is O(1).

Why is this? Surely given that its ordered a set could be searched
using a binary chop whereas a vector must be a linear search. Even if
the set is searched linearly why does it take 3 times as long?

Do you mean sets member function find or generic find?

On my system standard find with vector is 200 times slower than sets
member function find with 100k elements.


On Tue, 7 Aug 2012 13:04:41 +0000 (UTC)

That is because sets iterators are complex. Incrementing sets iterator
is O(n), while incrementing vectors iterator is O(1).
Pardon, O(log n)

Juha Nieminen

Melzzzzz said:
That is because sets iterators are complex. Incrementing sets iterator
is O(log n)

Actually it's not that simple.

The amount of operations needed to increment a set iterator may be O(log n)
at worst. However, traversing the entire tree from beginning to end is
still just O(n) (and not O(n log n) as one could hastily think). It might
not be immediately intuitive why, but it's a good thinking exercise.

The slowness of traversing a set from beginning to end compared to a
vector does not come from the computational complexity being larger
(it's the same for both). It's just that the set iterator has to do
more things to increment the iterator. (Also, there's a higher probability
of cache misses with a tree than a vector.)


Actually it's not that simple.

The amount of operations needed to increment a set iterator may be
O(log n) at worst. However, traversing the entire tree from beginning
to end is still just O(n) (and not O(n log n) as one could hastily
think). It might not be immediately intuitive why, but it's a good
thinking exercise.

Are you sure? Tree iterator has to travel up-down through nodes (take
a look at Treap iterator I posted in thread about binary search trees)?
I didn't think much, but traversing trough several nodes to
reach target node, could not be O(n) when traversing whole tree, I
The slowness of traversing a set from beginning to end compared to a
vector does not come from the computational complexity being larger
(it's the same for both). It's just that the set iterator has to do
more things to increment the iterator. (Also, there's a higher
probability of cache misses with a tree than a vector.)

Cache misses are another problem, yes.

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