Will this affects something?

Nov 23, 2019
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I shall construct a website but I plan not to use javascript now
I shall try to sell my projects and give information as open source.
but do not know whether this would affect the traffic,sell count and any else things.
I shall request payment via sending money direct to my bank account and inform me after that so that I shall be able control the system.

(I think I am not good javascript currently so I do not want to use it now)
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Nov 27, 2019
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Not using JS is unthinkable to me. How will you retrieve product information from your database? How will you display that information? If you don't know JS what is your level of understanding PHP?

Either stop and learn JS AND PHP and learn how to setup a database for your purpose. OR the best option "Hire a Programmer".
Nov 23, 2019
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@sunfighter welcome.I have almost thought I missed you :) (where were you two days or more :) ) (I really enjoy your wordings because your comments generally smells information and/or encourages me to learn well)
as for your comment,I thought html&css would be well for representation of information & instructions.
(I was to pass "event handlers" ...but I have taken a break and ...(additionally think that it would not be sufficient to complete only one book for whole of js. meanwhile,I do not know currently php)

I am following this book: jon duckett ,javascript & jquery ,wiley publishing. you presumably know this book.
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Nov 27, 2019
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The books I learned from are long gone. One book I had "The PHP Bible", I think, was 4 to 5 inches thick. I was almost done with it when the revived issue came out. I started using the internet cause things change so fast. W3Schools.com and MDN.com,

Just write code to do a single landing page for your site. It does not need to be interactive at first. Do you have a FREE provider for your web page? They still exist.
Nov 23, 2019
Reaction score
The books I learned from are long gone. One book I had "The PHP Bible", I think, was 4 to 5 inches thick. I was almost done with it when the revived issue came out. I started using the internet cause things change so fast. W3Schools.com and MDN.com,

Just write code to do a single landing page for your site. It does not need to be interactive at first.
Thanks, these days i have decided to browse/download suitable books and read all of them as possible as i can.

Do you have a FREE provider for your web page? They still exist.
If you are asking "hosting", i have not bought the service yet. Have you had any recommendation for me? I was thinking blue host sometimes if it should be decided fast. (because the fee is discounted these days) there is, however, one a detail causes me to be not confident about something ( e.g. : should i prefer/think/consider long timetable or like a short lifetime for that website. And should the domain name be general or specific (will it be better)?) I have such queries.

one more detail, the hosting services are called "qualified" are generally more expensive and provide longer contract. while,I was planning "yearly" contrac (renewal per year) they would have longer renewal period.

one question: will it be a copyright issue if I use any form of design of webpage from any book (preferably from jon duckett ,above),even if I make little or big changes on it?
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