Win32 ActiveX with COM support



I am creating a web application where I access a database on a SQL
server machine from local networked PC's via Javascript and HTML.
Unfortunately, Microsoft does not allow the ado intervace to fire
events back using Javascript or VBScript. I am trying to figure out how
to notifiy each client that is connected to the server whenever the
database changes. What I think might work well is to have a client
activeX component built with Python embedded in the html page that
receives event notification from a server component embedded in an ASP
page or maybe an HTML I don't know yet. At any rate, Can I create a COM
server / client component set with Python?


How would the controls run within a web browser. Would the python
interpreter automatically run after loaded into a browser? Also, the
python controls would be text files?

Larry Bates

I am creating a web application where I access a database on a SQL
server machine from local networked PC's via Javascript and HTML.
Unfortunately, Microsoft does not allow the ado intervace to fire
events back using Javascript or VBScript. I am trying to figure out how
to notifiy each client that is connected to the server whenever the
database changes. What I think might work well is to have a client
activeX component built with Python embedded in the html page that
receives event notification from a server component embedded in an ASP
page or maybe an HTML I don't know yet. At any rate, Can I create a COM
server / client component set with Python?
You can most certainly create COM server with Python. This sounds like
a job for AJAX (asynchronous javascript and xml). Use javascript xmlrpc
client code to asynchronously talk to a xmlrpc server application (you
can write in python+twisted).

If you choose to go this way, you might want to take a look here:

Hope information helps.




Make your COM server with PyWin32 (e.g. named PCOM)

In your HTML, with JScript, you can :

open :
try{ var pserv = new ActiveXObject("PCOM");}
catch(error){alert('Ne trouve pas PCOM');}

call :
var vret = pserv.youfunction( par1, par2) ;

With PyWin32, all the remainder is automatic

(the example is only for I.E.)



Thanks to Michel and Larry, very interesting. How about database
access. Can I create a Python component that will run in my browser and
be able to use the ADO (active data objects) activeX interfaces. I am
right now using the ADO activex with javascript but javascript and
vbscript can not subscribe to ADO events. Can the Python component
receive events from the ADO interface within the web browser.Thanks, Dan

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