XML::Parser Installation error: XML-Parser-2.34



I downloaded the XML-Parser module from
and I untar the source ball to $HOME/local/XML-Parser-2.34.
Can someone give me some helps? I appreciate!

Here is what I did and what errors I got:

1) sean$cd local/XML-Parser-2.34
2) XML-Parser-2.34$ ls
Changes Expat MANIFEST Makefile.PL Parser Parser.pm README blib
pm_to_blib samples t
3) XML-Parser-2.34$ perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=$HOME/local/perl
Writing Makefile for XML::parser::Expat
Writing Makefile for XML::parse
4) XML-Parser-2.34$ make
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/seany/local/XML-Parser-2.34/Expat'
-fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE
-fPIC "-I/usr/lib/perl/5.8/CORE" Expat.c
Expat.xs:12:19: error: expat.h: No such file or directory
Expat.xs:60: error: syntax error before 'XML_Parser'
Expat.xs:60: warning: no semicolon at end of struct or union
Expat.xs:78: error: syntax error before ':' token
Expat.xs:79: error: syntax error before ':' token
Expat.xs:80: error: syntax error before ':' token
Expat.xs:106: error: syntax error before '}' token
Expat.xs:106: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
......(lots of similar errors)
make[1]: *** [Expat.o] Error 1


well, I think the C Expat library should be self-contained in this perl
XML-Parser module. Here is a 'try-to-prove'. I see a Expat.c there.

XML-Parser-2.34$ cd Expat/
Expat$ ls
Expat.c Expat.pm Expat.xs Makefile Makefile.PL encoding.h
pm_to_blib typemap

So, the previous question was about why Expat.h was missing.


Jim said:
Sean said:
I downloaded the XML-Parser module from
and I untar the source ball to $HOME/local/XML-Parser-2.34.
Can someone give me some helps? I appreciate!

Here is what I did and what errors I got:

1) sean$cd local/XML-Parser-2.34
2) XML-Parser-2.34$ ls
Changes Expat MANIFEST Makefile.PL Parser Parser.pm README blib
pm_to_blib samples t
3) XML-Parser-2.34$ perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=$HOME/local/perl
Writing Makefile for XML::parser::Expat
Writing Makefile for XML::parse
4) XML-Parser-2.34$ make
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/seany/local/XML-Parser-2.34/Expat'
-fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE
-fPIC "-I/usr/lib/perl/5.8/CORE" Expat.c
Expat.xs:12:19: error: expat.h: No such file or directory
Expat.xs:60: error: syntax error before 'XML_Parser'
Expat.xs:60: warning: no semicolon at end of struct or union
Expat.xs:78: error: syntax error before ':' token
Expat.xs:79: error: syntax error before ':' token
Expat.xs:80: error: syntax error before ':' token
Expat.xs:106: error: syntax error before '}' token
Expat.xs:106: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
.....(lots of similar errors)
make[1]: *** [Expat.o] Error 1

Do you have the expat library installed? XML::parser is a Perl wrapper
for using the expat C library. Try here: http://expat.sourceforge.net/

In the meantime, you can try XML::SAX::purePerl, but it will be much
slower than XML::parser and expat.

Ben Morrow

[please don't top-post]

Quoth "Sean said:
Jim said:
Sean said:
Here is what I did and what errors I got:

4) XML-Parser-2.34$ make
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/seany/local/XML-Parser-2.34/Expat'
-fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE
-fPIC "-I/usr/lib/perl/5.8/CORE" Expat.c
Expat.xs:12:19: error: expat.h: No such file or directory
Expat.xs:60: error: syntax error before 'XML_Parser'

Do you have the expat library installed? XML::parser is a Perl wrapper
for using the expat C library. Try here: http://expat.sourceforge.net/

In the meantime, you can try XML::SAX::purePerl, but it will be much
slower than XML::parser and expat.

well, I think the C Expat library should be

ITYM 'I think it is' rather than 'I think it should be'? In any case, it
isn't. Did you read the README?
self-contained in this perl
XML-Parser module. Here is a 'try-to-prove'. I see a Expat.c there.

XML-Parser-2.34$ cd Expat/
Expat$ ls
Expat.c Expat.pm Expat.xs Makefile Makefile.PL encoding.h
pm_to_blib typemap

So, the previous question was about why Expat.h was missing.

Expat.h ne expat.h. Filenames are case-sensitive under Unix.

expat is a lot more than one C file. That Expat.c is produced from
Expat.xs, and is part of the glue between Perl and expat.

Now, do you have expat installed somewhere weird so MakeMaker can't find
it, or do you not have it installed at all?



I downloaded the XML-Parser module from
and I untar the source ball to $HOME/local/XML-Parser-2.34.
Can someone give me some helps? I appreciate!

Just some cut & paste to hopefully get you on track.....

Using AS Perl:
Its been a couple of years and I can't remeber exactly but
I think all of this is available in the repository and auto
installs using ppm.
Installing Xerces however, is a different thing.
Its great for schema checking. I've only installed it for win32

After install, my perl docs look like this:


Don't use SAX, its slower than drying paint.
Eventually you should be able to do this:
use XML::Xerces;

use XML::parser::Expat;
use XML::Simple;
$XML::Simple::pREFERRED_PARSER = 'XML::parser';
#use Data::Dumper;

## Loop through some file list
next if (!ValidateSchema ($fullname));
#open the file

## Parse xml and integrity check
my $parser = new XML::parser::Expat;
$parser->setHandlers('Start' => \&stag_h,
'End' => \&etag_h,
'Char' => \&cdata_h);
$parser->setHandlers('Comment' => \&comment_h) if (clog);

eval {$parser->parse(*SAMP)};
if ($@) {
## xml integrity failed -log this error
$@ =~ s/^[\x20\n\t]+//; $@ =~ s/[\x20\n\t]+$//;
# attempt strip off program line,col info at end
$@ =~ s/(at line [0-9]+,.+)?at .+ line [0-9]+$/$1/;
reporterror($@, $XML_File);

sub ValidateSchema {
my ($xfile) = @_;
#my $valerr = 0;

# Docs: http://xml.apache.org/xerces-c/apiDocs/classAbstractDOMParser.html#z869_9
my $Xparser = XML::Xerces::XercesDOMParser->new();
#$Xparser->setValidationSchemaFullChecking(1); # full constraint (if enabled, may be time-consuming)


my $ERROR_HANDLER = XLoggingErrorHandler->new(\&LogX_warn, \&LogX_error, \&LogX_ferror, );
#my $ERROR_HANDLER = XML::Xerces::perlErrorHandler->new();

eval {$Xparser->parse (XML::Xerces::LocalFileInputSource->new($xfile));};
## this not to be used ...
if ($@) {
# if (ref $@) {
# my $msg = $@->getMessage();
# $msg =~ s/^[\x20\n\t]+//; $msg =~ s/[\x20\n\t]+$//;
# LogInfo ($msg,1,0);
# } else {
# die $@;
# $@ =~ s/^[\x20\n\t]+//; $@ =~ s/[\x20\n\t]+$//;
# LogInfo ("$@",1,0);
# }
# $valerr = 1;
return 1;
## Error logging callbacks for Xlogging class
sub LogX_warn {...}
sub LogX_error {...}
sub LogX_ferror{...}

## Custom Error logging handler CLASS for Xerces
## (not alot of docs for this, just pass the message to the callers log handlers)
package XLoggingErrorHandler;
#use Carp;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw();
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
$self->{'Warnlog_h'} = shift;
$self->{'Errlog_h'} = shift;
$self->{'Ferrlog_h'} = shift;
return bless $self, $class;
sub warning
my ($self, $iref) = @_;
if (defined $self->{'Warnlog_h'}) {
} else {
print "No warning msg handler for msg: ".fmt_msg($iref)."\n";
die ("no msg");
sub error
my ($self, $iref) = @_;
if (defined $self->{'Errlog_h'}) {
} else {
print "No error msg handler for msg: ".fmt_msg($iref)."\n";
die ("no msg");
sub fatal_error
my ($self, $iref) = @_;
if (defined $self->{'Ferrlog_h'}) {
} else {
print "No fatal error msg handler for msg: ".fmt_msg($iref)."\n";
die ("no msg");
sub reset_errors {}
sub fmt_msg
my $iref = shift;
#return ($iref->getLineNumber.", ".$iref->getColumnNumber.": ".$iref->getMessage);
return ($iref->getMessage." at line ".$iref->getLineNumber.", column ".$iref->getColumnNumber);

This goes on the top of your program.
This is a general block to get Perl2Exe to work with this:

## Utf8 bug workaround; Force RE to load.
## Notice- this generates warnings only when running the exe
## if not compiled with warnings off. Go into \perl\lib\utf8_heavy.pl
## and comment "#use warnings", then use P2e to build it.
eval { XMLin( '<hell>hy</hell>' , SuppressEmpty => '') };

OR just turn it off for that module ?

# For Perl2Exe 8.60 - Win32
my $P2E = ($^X =~ /(perl)|(perl\.exe)$/i) ? 0 : 1;
my $progname = $P2E ? "myprog.exe" : "perl myprog.pl";
$0 = $^X unless ($^X =~ m%(^|[/\\])(perl)|(perl.exe)$%i);
my ($progdir) = $0 =~ m%^(.*)[/\\]%;
$progdir ||= ".";# if (length($progdir)>0);

#use XML::NamespaceSupport; # uncomment for P2x binary
#use XML::parser::Style::Tree; # uncomment for P2x binary
#use bytes; # uncomment for P2x binary
#use File::Glob ':glob'; # uncomment for P2x binary

#perl2exe_include "utf8_heavy.pl";
#require "unicore/lib/SpacePer.pl";
#perl2exe_include "unicore/To/Lower.pl";
#perl2exe_include "unicore/To/Upper.pl";
#perl2exe_include "unicore/To/Fold.pl";
#require "unicore/lib/Digit.pl";
#require "unicore/lib/Word.pl";
#perl2exe_include "Encode/Unicode.pm";

#perl2exe_info FileVersion=
#perl2exe_info CompanyName=
#perl2exe_info FileDescription=
#perl2exe_info InternalName=
#perl2exe_info LegalCopyright=
#perl2exe_info LegalTrademarks=
#perl2exe_info OriginalFilename=myprog.exe
#perl2exe_info ProductName=
#perl2exe_info ProductVersion=

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