XMLSpy: why is IDREF undefined?



Hi all,
I suspect this may be a bug in XMLSpy, since IE seems to validate this
XML successfully. Maybe someone here has run into this and can tell

Problem: When I try to validate the XML document hans-cc.xml in
XMLSpy, it gives me the error
Undefined ID 'comp-cl' referred to from attribute 'styleID'

I have an XML file hans-cc.xml which uses entity references to include
a file called aesthconf3.xml. Here's the beginning of hans-cc.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="cc-to-html.xsl"?>
<!DOCTYPE cc SYSTEM "cc.dtd" [
<!ENTITY ancf SYSTEM "hans-ancf.xml">
<!ENTITY aecf SYSTEM "aesthconf3.xml">
<cc xmlns="http://www.gial.edu/huttar/cc/">
<metadata dtd-version="2003-06-13T14:17:05-0500"
source-document='Hwang, Shin Ja J. 1997. Chart of "Little Hans".
Unpublished ms.' source-version="1997"
<title>Constituent chart: "Little Hans"</title>
<attribution>from Hwang, Shin Ja J. 1997. Chart of "Little Hans".
Unpublished ms. Used by permission.</attribution>

When XMLSpy gives me the aforementioned error, it highlights the two
entity references shown above. (I know the entity references per se
are not broken, as they've been there for a while and have not caused

Here's part of the file aesthconf3.xml, including both the definition
of the 'comp-cl' ID, and an IDREF referring to it (see comments):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<column-style rank="2" border-style="double"/>
<stretch-style styleID="move-dest" />
<stretch-style styleID="note" />
<stretch-style styleID="comp-cl" /> <!-- this attr is of type ID
<stretch-style styleID="rel-cl" />
<stretch-style styleID="direct-quote" />
<stretch-style styleID="italic" />
<legend-sample description="complement clause">
<wordStretch unitGroup="u3" styleID="compl-cl"> <!-- type IDREF

Here's a bit of cc-aesthconf.dtd (included by cc.dtd) which defines
stretch-style's styleID attribute as being of type ID:

<!-- cc:stretch-style - a container for a styleID attribute of type
ID, for IDREFs to refer to -->
<!ELEMENT stretch-style EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST stretch-style styleID ID #REQUIRED>

So... anybody see what I'm doing wrong? It seems to me I'm defining an
ID with value 'comp-cl', yet XMLSpy tells me 'comp-cl' is an undefined

Obviously I haven't given all the files... that might be a bit much
for the newsgroup, but I've put them at
in case they need to be seen in entirety.

Thanks for any help!

By the way, I would also be happy to learn how to ask Saxon 6.5.2 (or
rather ask Crimson, via Saxon command-line) to validate my XML as it's
reading it in. Currently that doesn't seem to be happening. I would
like to see whether Crimson agrees with XMLSpy that my XML is invalid.


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