yaml.rb and YAML "%" directives


Joshua Choi

I'm new to Ruby, and it really is fun. Right now, I'm playing with YAML...

...but one part of yaml.rb doesn't seem to work--it doesn't seem to
recognize any % directives
(http://yaml.org/spec/current.html#id2523453) like "%YAML 1.1" or
"%TAG ! tag:blah.com,2007:".

Why might it not be working?

I'm using Ubuntu Dapper, Ruby v1.8.4. The versions of yaml and syck
I'm using are the ones that came with Ruby/Ubuntu.

Thanks in advance,
Joshua Choi

(My test case is from the YAML 1.1 spec:

%TAG ! tag:clarkevans.com,2002:
--- !shape
# Use the ! handle for presenting
# tag:clarkevans.com,2002:circle
- !circle
center: &ORIGIN {x: 73, y: 129}
radius: 7
- !line
start: *ORIGIN
finish: { x: 89, y: 102 }
- !label
start: *ORIGIN
color: 0xFFEEBB
text: Pretty vector drawing.

And if I do this:
require 'yaml'
dump = YAML.load(...what's above...)
puts dump.to_yaml

...it prints:
"%TAG ! tag:clarkevans.com,2002":

Apparently, it's interpreting the top line as a string instead of a
directive; the rest of the document was cut off by the top "---".

It works if the top line isn't there or is below the "---", and it
doesn't work if there's any line starting with "%" above "---" ; if
it's below "---", it gets interpreted as a string.)


I'm new to Ruby, and it really is fun. Right now, I'm playing with YAML...

...but one part of yaml.rb doesn't seem to work--it doesn't seem to
recognize any % directives
(http://yaml.org/spec/current.html#id2523453) like "%YAML 1.1" or
"%TAG ! tag:blah.com,2007:".

Why might it not be working?

Okay, so, the reason is: Ruby's builtin YAML library only does YAML
1.0 documents. I'm afraid I haven't worked on 1.1 support yet. So
try the "Last Call" spec. If you're having a hard time with
anything else, please send me word!


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