A couple small FireFox quirks...




In FireFox and Netscape, images show placeholders while downloading. I
don't like the way this looks. Is there any way to make it like IE where no
placeholder is shown while image are downloading?

Also, asp.net imagebutton shows pointer cursor rather than hand cursor in
FireFox and Netscape. Is there any way to force it to a hand?


Mark Fitzpatrick

You can't change this behavior, it's part of the browser engine itself. One
of those features to attempt to create a quick layout of the page by setting
the space for the images right away, instead of IE which saves a lot of work
later once the images are loaded and the page layout can be determined.
In FireFox and Netscape, images show placeholders while downloading. I
don't like the way this looks. Is there any way to make it like IE where
no placeholder is shown while image are downloading?

You could set a CSS property on the image button to show the cursor how you
would like when it is over this item. I haven't tried this for an
imagebutton, but it is fairly standard CSS. Check out
http://www.w3schools.com/css/pr_class_cursor.asp for some info.

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