[ANN] Rubydium 0.1 - Tech Preview


Alexander Kellett

Whoa, say what?
Rubydium is aiming to become an optimising reimplementation
of the Ruby 1.8 interpreter, currently its as good as vapourware
however the key mechanism has been prototyped, thusly before
commencing a major rewrite I thought i'd release the
current state of the art.

Why oh why?
Rubydium works by generating optimized platform specific code
on the fly, as needed, using instance type information gathered
during the execution itself.

Optimisations are possible as the generated code can be specialized
for the types in question, therefore allowing heavy inlining of
speed critical sections.

Where ya at?
This preview can execute an primitive subset of the
Ruby language, its slow, buggy, more complex than i'd
really like, and will probably make you loose a fair
amount of hair just getting the preview working :)

However, its a proof of concept that does show that
The Twist is implementable using the libjit library.

Whats you using mate?
As a backend code generator libjit (http://www.southern-storm.com.au/libjit.html)
is being used. The first component of Rubydium is therefore
a small and incomplete binding to the libjit library. The CVS
version of libjit is required for the Rubydium tech preview.

As a Ruby parser Robert Feldt's awesome Ruth library is used.
The AST is used directly during code generation at this point.
Several minor modifications were needed so a custom Ruth library
is required for Rubydium.

Dude, where's my car?
I've given Rubydium a nice cozy and well furnished apartment
at the RubyForge estate:


Or for the wgetters out there:


Didn't downloading that just feel sooo damn good?
All excited? Hope so :)

But, Geez, Dude, How do I start her up ?
The Libjit CVS snapshot (needs base system - c/c++/bison-1.35/flex)
(more information can be found in the included README)
./configure --prefix=/path/to/install/prefix --enable-interpreter
(example prefix: /home/alex/install/libjit)
make install

Please note, the "--enable-interpreter" option is required.

Ruth with my local modifications (1.8.x ruby is known to work)
(see included README file for more information)
ruby helpers/make.rb
ruby helpers/install.rb

export JIT_DIR=/path/to/install/prefix

This will configure, then build, and finally execute the test suite.
The test suite will produce an obscene amount of information,
take a look through it on a rainy day sometime if you wish :)

Any failed tests?, first please check that you actually do have an
interpreter build of libjit rather than a x86 backend build. If you're
certain that there are other errors, feel free to email me the failure
reports :)

And now what?

Take a look around at the source. Given its current state
its certainly not useful for executing anything, but
its sure fun to see all that output whizz past!

Here's to hoping at least some of
you guys/gals can get this working! :)

Enjoy :)

Mauricio Fernández

Why oh why?
Rubydium works by generating optimized platform specific code
on the fly, as needed, using instance type information gathered
during the execution itself.

Optimisations are possible as the generated code can be specialized
for the types in question, therefore allowing heavy inlining of
speed critical sections.

How are you going to implement code cache invalidation? Will you just
detect method redefinitions or is there some better way?
Where ya at?
This preview can execute an primitive subset of the
Ruby language, its slow, buggy, more complex than i'd
really like, and will probably make you loose a fair
amount of hair just getting the preview working :)

How large a subset?
However, its a proof of concept that does show that
The Twist is implementable using the libjit library.

How does libjit interact with low-level things like OS threads?
Any failed tests?, first please check that you actually do have an
interpreter build of libjit rather than a x86 backend build. If you're
certain that there are other errors, feel free to email me the failure
reports :)

Do you know when it will become possible to use the x86 backend?
And how big a speed increase can be expected relative to the interpreted VM?

Alexander Kellett

How are you going to implement code cache invalidation? Will you just
detect method redefinitions or is there some better way?

ouch, good question :p

in the case of non-inlined non-type-specialized methods this is trivial
as the dispatcher will be called into again, will have been notifed of
the modification to the object model, and will be able to adjust the
generated method as needed.

however, in the case of an inlined/specialized method, in which a method
call from within the specialized parent could result in a object model
modification, this becomes slightly more difficult. in this case a kind
of "cache exception" would be thrown, the inlined method would be jumped
out of, and a new updated method generated and control passed on.
How large a subset?

have just been working on some stability improvements
to the current engine while trying to find out exactly what
sort of stuff could be implemented with the current subset.
i've got this nice example running in the latest version :)

def strlen str
return str.get_element(0)
def putstr str
size = str.get_element(0)
n = 1 # pos 0 is the length
while n < (size + 1)
putchar str.get_element(n)
n += 1
def num_to_s num
n = num
pos = 0
while n > 0
pos += 1
n /= 10
t = VByteArray.new
t.alloc((pos + 1) * 4)
size = pos
t.set_element(0, size)
n = num
while n > 0
ch = ?0 + n % 10
t.set_element(pos, ch)
n /= 10
pos += -1
def mul_line sx, sy, y
max_num_len = strlen(num_to_s(sx * sy))
alignment = max_num_len + 1
x = 1
while x < (sy + 1)
num_str = num_to_s(x * y)
num_spaces = alignment - strlen(num_str)
c = 0
while c < num_spaces
putstr " "
c += 1
putstr num_str
x += 1
def mul_table sx, sy
y = 1
while y < (sy + 1)
mul_line sx, sy, y
putstr "\\n"
y += 1
mul_table 12, 12

which produces the very pretty :)P) output:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72
7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84
8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96
9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 110 121 132
12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144

(note the code doesn't reflect ruby's api basically
out of pure lazyness on my part, it would be possible
to use ruby's object model / naming schemes however i
just quickly hacked this together in a half hour :))
How does libjit interact with low-level things like OS threads?

as far as i can tell (and as far as the libjit documentation
reports) this should be no problem :), this is principally a
question of making sure that the standard library is reentrant.
however as 90% of the standard lib will be implemented in ruby
itself. i see no reason why not :)
Do you know when it will become possible to use the x86 backend?

the libjit x86 backend doesn't implement some of the more esoteric
features that i've used. hopefully i'll be able to get this up and
running in the near future :)
And how big a speed increase can be expected relative to the interpreted VM?

in a quick benchmark 1000 calls to method with an 10000 iteration loop
took 22 seconds with ruby. and exactly the same with rubydium :) this
is as currently no inlining of the calls is performed thusly an actual
ruby method call (to dynamically generate the method) takes place for
every call.

i've benchmarked libjit quickly, a gcd (greatest common denominator)
benchmark takes 15 seconds. this is in comparison to 30 seconds for a
non optimised gcc. 12 seconds for -O3 gcc (though the compile takes
3 seconds :p). and... well... lets say a "while" longer for ruby :)
(an hour based on a quick sample)

i would hope that for that particular benchmark, rubydium will be
able to achieve the 15 second time within the coming 6 months of

hope that helped answer your questions :)

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