Frames ???


Ria Van Heerden

Is it a pro or a con to use frames in your site ???

I want to redo my site and would like some assistance.



Ria said:
Is it a pro or a con to use frames in your site ???

A con on 99,99% of the sites, imho.
I want to redo my site and would like some assistance.

Some assistance on what? If you have specific questions, post
them, and see what happens ;-)

Ria Van Heerden

Thanks - I will let you know about the other questions ...

what does imho mean ?


Ria Van Heerden said:
Is it a pro or a con to use frames in your site ???

I want to redo my site and would like some assistance.


It all depends on the site. Most of the time, Frames Are Bad (write it on a
sticky and stick it to the side of your screen, along with "CSS is good" and
"tables are bad"). However, there are good reasons for the application of
inline frames (iframes, rather than frames) on occassions - with one minor
caveat; the use of any frames anywhere can severely damage the usability of
your web site, and hamper it's progress up search engine ranking.

Ria Van Heerden

Users must be able to easily navigate the site and download and upload

Is layers a good or bad thing and how does it hamper my site progress up
search engine rankings ???


Ria said:
Thanks - I will let you know about the other questions ...

what does imho mean ?

It means 'in my humble opinion' :)

Btw, would you please answer below the text you're responding
to? This is called bottom posting, and is the standard in
this group. Avoiding the opposite (top posting) gets you more
answers when you're asking stuff :)


Is it a pro or a con to use frames in your site ???

It is mostly a con, but there are valid and logical used for using them.
Each site / page needs to be evaluated separately. Without knowing the
content of your site, this question can not be answered for you.
(unless the person answering is closed minded and likes to make
judgements before all the facts are known)


Users must be able to easily navigate the site and download and upload

While frames can be the quick and dirty way of creating simple navigation,
they'll bite your arse in the long run. The little extra effort involved in
using layers, CSS and where possible SSI (server side includes) will save
you a LOT of development time - especially if you have one of those fickle,
temperamental clients who change their mind every time the wind blows.
Is layers a good or bad thing and how does it hamper my site progress up
search engine rankings ???

Layers have no negative effect on how search engines view your site - layers
(divs) and CSS are your best friend.


Is it a pro or a con to use frames in your site ???

I want to redo my site and would like some assistance.


My personal test is this: Do all the items in a row or column have
something special in common? If so, table markup is fine. If not, it's
being abused.

I'd attempt a CSS layout, but first really get familiar with CSS. Don't
attempt to learn it along the way, you'll end up killing someone. Practice
with silly test projects first, and get pretty good at it. Then you'll be
able to know what you can and can't do, and can design the site

Ria Van Heerden

Els said:
It means 'in my humble opinion' :)

Btw, would you please answer below the text you're responding
to? This is called bottom posting, and is the standard in
this group. Avoiding the opposite (top posting) gets you more
answers when you're asking stuff :)

Sonhos vem. Sonhos vão. O resto é imperfeito.
- Renato Russo -

I will remember that ...


Neal said:
My personal test is this: Do all the items in a row or
column have something special in common? If so, table
markup is fine. If not, it's being abused.

Neal, you're completely right. But I think the OP was asking
about frames, not tables ;-)
I'd attempt a CSS layout, but first really get familiar
with CSS. Don't attempt to learn it along the way, you'll
end up killing someone.

Yup, I must have killed a few myself ;-)
Practice with silly test projects
first, and get pretty good at it. Then you'll be able to
know what you can and can't do, and can design the site

Good advice. (seriously)

Karl Groves

Ria Van Heerden said:
Is it a pro or a con to use frames in your site ???

I want to redo my site and would like some assistance.

It is common newsgroup etiquette to search the archives before asking your
If you had done so, you'd notice that this same question (more or less) is
asked about once every 10 days.


Ria Van Heerden

Karl Groves said:
It is common newsgroup etiquette to search the archives before asking your
If you had done so, you'd notice that this same question (more or less) is
asked about once every 10 days.




Ria Van Heerden said:
Is it a pro or a con to use frames in your site ???

I want to redo my site and would like some assistance.

It all depends.

Can you tell us a little more about what you are doing and why you think
frames might be a good idea?

Can you post the url of your current site?


William Desrochers

quote [tables are bad] unquote

What do you mean? I use tables to construct websites all the time.

Barry Pearson

William said:
quote [tables are bad] unquote

What do you mean? I use tables to construct websites all the time.

So do the vast majority of authors in the world. Layout tables can be very

But they can also be designed badly, in which case they can cause all sorts of
problems. A bad table may be inaccessible to people with vision problems. A
bad table may break apart if the user needs to use larger text. And bad tables
can have other problems too. There is, therefore, a (vocal) minority view that
layout tables are bad, and should always be replaced by use of
CSS-positioning. That extreme position doesn't stand up to scrutiny. The
answer is to avoid using *bad* tables!

Always use CSS. But make sure it is good CSS, because bad CSS *also* has
problems, of course! And also use layout tables if you want. They are not
incompatible; in fact, they can work very well together:

David Dorward

Ria Van Heerden wrote:

Please read said:
Is layers a good or bad thing

That depends on how you use them. Its very easy to make a site inaccessible
using layers.

It should be noted, however, that while CSS is the tool that is generally
used to produce layers on a website, the use of CSS doesn't automatically
mean you are using layers.


William Desrochers said:
quote [tables are bad] unquote

What do you mean? I use tables to construct websites all the time.

Ria Van Heerden said:
Users must be able to easily navigate the site and download and upload

Is layers a good or bad thing and how does it hamper my site progress up
search engine rankings ???
on good"
and usability
And so do I William, and well done for having the bottle to say it!
Now stand well back and await the flamers... lol

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