Looking for Perl regexp powered Editor


Loup Blanc

I'm looking for a text editor or a word processor that allows the use
of perl regexp commands. e.g. s/ / / and the like. The more perl
features available, the best it is.
Usually we have to make the script work on the closed text file, this
is what I want to avoid.
Plus, for word processing files, the previous solution won't work
because of the word processor particular coding of the text. So it
would be great to have perl text processing embedded in it.
Let me know if such softs exist, especially for MS Win.


Jürgen Exner

Loup said:
I'm looking for a text editor or a word processor that allows the use
of perl regexp commands. e.g. s/ / / and the like. The more perl
features available, the best it is.

It should be fairly simple to write an elisp extension for emacs which calls
Perl on the mini-buffer or the edited text.


Gregory Toomey

Loup said:
I'm looking for a text editor or a word processor that allows the use
of perl regexp commands. e.g. s/ / / and the like. The more perl
features available, the best it is.
Usually we have to make the script work on the closed text file, this
is what I want to avoid.
Plus, for word processing files, the previous solution won't work
because of the word processor particular coding of the text. So it
would be great to have perl text processing embedded in it.
Let me know if such softs exist, especially for MS Win.


If all you want is regular expressions, vi & emacs will do the job.
Available on most platforms.


John Bokma

Loup said:
I'm looking for a text editor or a word processor that allows the use
of perl regexp commands. e.g. s/ / / and the like. The more perl
features available, the best it is.

Textpad (http://textpad.com/ ) has IIRC perl compatible regexp. Together
with macrorecording this is quite powerful.

Jim Cochrane

If all you want is regular expressions, vi & emacs will do the job.
Available on most platforms.

And vim is an "improved" version of vi that is available for win32.

Uri Guttman

Jürgen> It should be fairly simple to write an elisp extension for
Jürgen> emacs which calls Perl on the mini-buffer or the edited text.

RLS> For a while, someone was maintaining a way to embed Perl inside of
RLS> Emacs, so you could write Perl programs that used Elisp (from the
RLS> command line), or Elisp routines that used Perl (while in full-screen
RLS> "editing" mode).

RLS> Very cool, but I never got it to work very well. I think I found it
RLS> in the CPAN somewhere.

i copied these from somewhere and i just rediscovered them as i forgot i
had them. i just wrote a one liner to do some simple munging that would
be tons of lisp code (matching and grabbing and changes to case, etc.).

(defun perl-region (command)
"Run perl command on selected region"
(interactive "sWhat command: perl ")
(shell-command-on-region (mark) (point) (concat "perl " command) t t))

(defun perl-buffer (command)
"Run perl command on entire buffer"
(interactive "sWhat command: perl ")
(shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max) (concat "perl " command) t t))

(defun perl-point (command)
"Run perl command at point"
(interactive "sWhat command: perl ")
(shell-command (concat "perl " command) t))


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