"Metaclass" Name Survey


why the lucky stiff

Lionel said:
Trans a écrit :

MyClass.meta => meta class of MyClass
object.meta => singleton/meta object of object

Come on: catself.


1. It sounds the way it looks!
2. The "special singleton class" is _truly_ nothing more than a cat
clinging to the pant leg of a Ruby object!
3. Cat's elf! (Translation: Pets owning humankinds is cool.)
4. If you have a secret feline identity, you may refer to You as "self"
and Whiskered You as "cat self". So it is with objects!
5. c(lass) @ self!
6. catself.net and catself.org domains are available, whereas meta and
metaclass domains are not!
7. Here's a simple reason: It's easy to use.
8. CA TSE LF (CAlifornia TSE-tse fly in LF radio band.) That's a _very_
visual representation of this ambiguous element and people will really
latch on to this image!
9. Did I say the one about feline identity? Because, in retrospect, I'm
thinking such line of reasoning could be a strike against this proposal.
But I'm leaving it in for now anyway, since this is informal and we're
all bosom friends here.
10. Easy to make the meta-object kind called with an "o" -- oatself.
See, that was a no-brainer.

I'd love to hear from my critics at this point.


why the lucky stiff

Hal said:
Sorry, but they all just had aneurysms.

Having an aneurysm during an argument has got to be the OLDEST strawman
in the book! This is so typical of my critics.


George Ogata

Trans said:
I'm taking a vote/survey on what would be the best method name for
accessing (class << self; self; end).

Does any other language have this feature?

If not, then I assume Matz came up with the idea, so "Matz class"
(#matz_class) would be a natural choice...

(0.5 serious)


William Morgan

Excerpts from Trans's mail of 26 Apr 2005 (EDT):
I'm taking a vote/survey on what would be the best method name for
accessing (class << self; self; end).

I voted for awesomeclass. Because they're awesome.

Are you with me?

(iliasclass was a close second)

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