Security Trimming in ASP.Net 2.0 question



Hi guys,
Just got a questions here regarding Site Navigation
I have SiteMapNode with Roles attribute
The Roles are from Active Directory since i'm using Windows Auth.
But the problem is my treeview menu is going to be huge and i would have to
be constructing the siteMap and then assigning the proper
roles to each node.It works fine but its not dynamic.
So is it possible generate a siteMap file or write an applicaton that can
split out a siteMap file.But i would need the Roles attribute to contain the
groups from the Active Directory
So for example <siteMapNode url="~/reports/setup/report.aspx"
title="Setup" description="Setup Report" roles="ReportManager,Adnin,Senior
Managers" />
where ReportManager,Admin,Senior Managers
role is from the AD
Any ideas?

Dominick Baier


the roles attribute is NOT meant to specify who can see the node. SiteMap
pulls this information from the <authorization> element in web.config.

The roles attribute is only used if you want to override the information
from web.config.

You first have to make sure your client only have access to stuff they are
allowed, then you don't have to specify any role attribute at all.

Maybe does not answer your question - but saves you from a security problem

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