Web Services persistent messages - only for advance programmer




I would like ask some expirience java programmers, to which direction
shoul I go in my particular problem:

I have to types of services which exchange XML messages:

1. Request & Reply
2. Fire & Forget

For those first I would like use Web Services and transport layer HTTP.
But problem is with those second. I will describe a little what I mean
Fire & Forget.
Client of the service, would like to send a message for the provider,
which is kind of notification - for instance: I chenged status into:
DISABLED. Client dose not care when provider will be notifed, but there
is one assumption - provider will be noified for 100% somewhere. For
instance you can set up it in the Java Messaging System (JMS) as:
DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT and then I have sure that the message will be
delivered on 99,99%.
In the net I find out somethink like:
OASIS Web Services Reliable Messaging (WSRM) TC
but I require somethink more useable....
I have to use somethink platform and language (programming) independend
- where WebServices are almost perfect instead of this, they they dose
not support F&F type of messages - or I do not know about this.
I know that there is product like IBM MQ Series, which allo such a
functionality and contain API in C/java and maybe others. But I would
like to be rather technology dependent and not the product.

Do you had such problem, what do you preffer, what will be the best
solution for that?

Best regards

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