[web_framework] Basic Question regarding web framework


Francis Lavoie


I have some questions regarding webframework, I must say that I quite
lost and these questions are basicly to help me understand the way it work.

I have some knowledge with PHP and JSP.

I have looked for a python web framework to build a web site, a site
that I had start in php (and quite finish), but for some reason I wont
explain, I lost everything. I have started writting app with python 6
months ago and I fall in love with the language (if I can say that ;-)
Now I'm looking to rebuild that site again, but I would prefer to use
python instead. For learning purpose and because I chose python as my
language of choice to write apps, that way I would extend my knowledge
to other project.

Firstly, I have question regarding the way it work. I see that there's a
bunch of web framework, zope, webware, Skunkweb, etc...
But on the webware website I see that they want to port the framework to
web-SIG. I read both site but I'm still not sure how it work.
What are exactly all these framework? are they all different version of
framework that use python as synthax but work diffenrently, like if
there where different version of php only using similar synthax?
Or is it the Web-SIG that dictate the 'language' and all these framework
are what tomcat is for JSP?

Secondly, I would like to receive any advice on which webframe is best.
I will build a website with an online store and it should be quite busy.
Is webware is a good choice?
Can I use ZODB outside ZOPE? and is this database is appropriate for
large amount of treatement or should I stick with another database?
Because I had very good feedback on how powerful and easy ZODB was and
it's object oriented data manipulation.

Thank you

Francis Lavoie


Francis said:
I have some questions regarding webframework,
> [..]
Firstly, I have question regarding the way it work. I see that there's a
bunch of web framework, zope, webware, Skunkweb, etc...

I hope there will soon be frameworks implementing PEP 333 (Python Web
Server Gateway Interface v1.0).

What are exactly all these framework?

They most times are completely different approaches.
Can I use ZODB outside ZOPE?


Ciao, Michael.

Jim Smith

Francis said:
I have some knowledge with PHP and JSP.

Secondly, I would like to receive any advice on which webframe is best.

Each of the frameworks uses a different approach and has different
strengths and weaknesses. It depends on which one fits you brain the
best. The evaluation process can take a fair amount of time.
Is webware is a good choice?

- Webware - Works well, but requires an application server that
communicates with the web server. This is difficult in many hosting

A few that I like that work in most hosting environments are:

- Quixote - A programmer's approach. You write a program that has
subroutines that create the web pages. This one either fits your brain
or it doesn't. If you view your site as a program this is good choice.


- jonpy - A better CGI. It provides an object oriented interface for
writing CGI programs. I like it for its simplicity.


- Spyce - Python Server Pages. Web pages with embedded python. The
ability to embed Python chunks including proper indentation is very nice.

All of these work well, it just depends your style. If you are looking
for something close to PHP then I think Spyce is your best choice.

Good luck,


Jim Smith

Francis said:
I have some knowledge with PHP and JSP.

Secondly, I would like to receive any advice on which webframe is best.

Each of the frameworks uses a different approach and has different
strengths and weaknesses. It depends on which one fits you brain the
best. The evaluation process can take a fair amount of time.
Is webware is a good choice?

- Webware - Works well, but requires an application server that
communicates with the web server. This is difficult in many hosting

A few that I like that work in most hosting environments are:

- Quixote - A programmer's approach. You write a program that has
subroutines that create the web pages. This one either fits your brain
or it doesn't. If you view your site as a program this is good choice.


- jonpy - A better CGI. It provides an object oriented interface for
writing CGI programs. I like it for its simplicity.


- Spyce - Python Server Pages. Web pages with embedded python. The
ability to embed Python chunks including proper indentation is very nice.


All of these work well, it just depends your style. If you are looking
for something close to PHP then I think Spyce is your best choice.

Good luck,


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