2D arrays, pointers, and pointer arithmetic: question



I'm reading "A Book on C", 4th edition. The author gives the following example when discussing two dimensional arrays:

a[3][5], so let a[][] be of type int.

col 1 col 2 col 3 col 4 col 5
row 1 a[0][0] a[0][1] a[0][2] a[0][3] a[0][4]
row 2 a[1][0] a[1][1] a[1][2] a[1][3] a[1][4]
row 3 a[2][0] a[2][1] a[2][2] a[2][3] a[2][4]

The author then says that the following expression are equivalent

*(a + j)
(*(a + i))[j]
*((*(a+i)) + j)
*(&a[0][0] + 5*i + j)

I understand that the table is just a convenient representation of the 2D array.
In memory the 2D array is actually contiguous. OK.

My question has to do with saying or writing out in words what is being shown when using the *, dereferencing, and &, address operators.

Is this the correct way of saying:

*(a + j) the base address is pointed to by a and we move along the contiguous memory j (interval), so we add j, j of size int, to get the value at that location we use the dereference operator.

I believe I understand what's happening, but am I saying it right.

(*(a + i))[j] the base address is at a, i is added to the base address, ok, I understand that we are looking at the row location here, but I'm stuck at how to say this.

let's say addresses are given in decimal, an integer in one byte and each address points to a byte. I hope I'm saying this right?
at address 100, a[0][0]
at address 109, a[1][0]
(if this thought is wrong please clear this up)

let's also say we are starting at location 100 (decimal).
consider a[1][0]. row 2, col 1 for the following discussion please.

(*(a + i ))[j] --- (*(a + 1))[0]
so, a, the start of the array is pointing to location 100
What does it mean to add 1 to a?
I mean, I understand that we are now at the address of the second row. I guess this should be known from the additional [0] indicating this is not just a one byte move?

And what about the others like: *((*(a+i)) + j)
Let me stop here, I think I'm starting to confuse myself. (ok, yes i'm already confused. :) )

Thanks for the help everyone,


Adrian Ratnapala

*(a + j) the base address is pointed to by a and we move along the

Yes, but that makes a sound like a pointer. I would say "a, is the i'th element of a 2d array, which is therefore a 1-d array".

contiguous memory j (interval), so we add j, j of size int, to get the
value at that location we use the dereference operator.

I would say "we then implicitly convert a to a pointer-to-int, add j andthen dereference it". Which I think is what you said.

(*(a + i))[j] the base address is at a, i is added to the base address, ok, I

"Implicitly convert `a` into a pointer-to-array-of-ints", add `i` to it (which means increment the pointer by 3*sizeof(int) bytes). Then get an array-of-ints by dereferencing that pointer (this step doesn't do an actual memory lookup, it just changes the type; arrays are weird that way). Finally give us the j'th integer in that array.

I'll stop now, because I am supposed to be doing real work. I hope it helps.

James Kuyper

I'm reading "A Book on C", 4th edition. The author gives the following example when discussing two dimensional arrays:

a[3][5], so let a[][] be of type int.

col 1 col 2 col 3 col 4 col 5
row 1 a[0][0] a[0][1] a[0][2] a[0][3] a[0][4]
row 2 a[1][0] a[1][1] a[1][2] a[1][3] a[1][4]
row 3 a[2][0] a[2][1] a[2][2] a[2][3] a[2][4]

The author then says that the following expression are equivalent

*(a + j)
(*(a + i))[j]
*((*(a+i)) + j)
*(&a[0][0] + 5*i + j)

This last expression takes a pointer to the first element of an array
containing only 5 elements, and (for i > 0) attempts to dereference it
after adding an integer greater than or equal to 5. Such derefencing has
undefined behavior (6.5.6p8). This interpretation of the standard is
controversial, but IMNSHO correct. In practice, on many machines it will
work exactly as expected. It's unlikely to fail except on systems which
provide run-time array bounds checking, which is rare.

Otherwise, the only way it's likely to fail is if the optimizer takes
advantage of the fact that it has undefined behavior by performing
optimizations that depend upon such code not being executed. For
instance, an implementation that performs an optimization based upon the
assumption that a[0]+i never refers to the same object a[1]+j,
regardless of the values of i and j, is perfectly legal despite the fact
that such an optimization could break code like this.
I understand that the table is just a convenient representation of the 2D array.
In memory the 2D array is actually contiguous. OK.

My question has to do with saying or writing out in words what is being shown when using the *, dereferencing, and &, address operators.

Is this the correct way of saying:

*(a + j) the base address is pointed to by a and we move along the contiguous memory j (interval), so we add j, j of size int, to get the value at that location we use the dereference operator.

I believe I understand what's happening, but am I saying it right.

Not quite, a doesn't point at the base address. a is an expression
of array type, and in most contexts (this being one of them) gets
automatically converted to a pointer (address) to the first element of
the array.
(*(a + i))[j] the base address is at a, i is added to the base address, ok, I understand that we are looking at the row location here, but I'm stuck at how to say this.

a is an expression of array type, which automatically gets converted
into a pointer to the first element of that array, a[0]. Adding 'i' to
that pointer gives the address of the 'i+1'th element of that array,
a. Dereferencing that pointer gives an expression of array type,
referring to a. Like all such expressions, in most contexts, it gets
automatically converted to a pointer to the first element of that array
a[0]. Whenever x[j] is a valid expression, it is equivalent to
*(x+j). Adding 'j' to that pointer gives a pointer to the 'j+1'th
element of a, which is a[j]. Dereferencing that pointer gives the
value of that element.
let's say addresses are given in decimal, an integer in one byte and each address points to a byte. I hope I'm saying this right?
at address 100, a[0][0]
at address 109, a[1][0]
(if this thought is wrong please clear this up)

a[1][0] is stored at a position that is exactly 5*sizeof a[0][0] bytes
after the position of a[0][0]. Therefore, assuming a linear address
space (which C does NOT require), the difference in the addresses must
be an exact multiple of 5. 109-100=9 doesn't qualify.
let's also say we are starting at location 100 (decimal).
consider a[1][0]. row 2, col 1 for the following discussion please.

(*(a + i ))[j] --- (*(a + 1))[0]
so, a, the start of the array is pointing to location 100
What does it mean to add 1 to a?

a + 1 => &a[0] + 1 => &a[1].

88888 Dihedral

James Kuyperæ–¼ 2012å¹´8月25日星期六UTC+8上åˆ12時01分58秒寫é“:
I'm reading "A Book on C", 4th edition. The author gives the following example when discussing two dimensional arrays:
a[3][5], so let a[][] be of type int.
col 1 col 2 col 3 col 4 col 5
row 1 a[0][0] a[0][1] a[0][2] a[0][3] a[0][4]
row 2 a[1][0] a[1][1] a[1][2] a[1][3] a[1][4]
row 3 a[2][0] a[2][1] a[2][2] a[2][3] a[2][4]
The author then says that the following expression are equivalent

*(a + j)

(*(a + i))[j]
*((*(a+i)) + j)
*(&a[0][0] + 5*i + j)


This last expression takes a pointer to the first element of an array

containing only 5 elements, and (for i > 0) attempts to dereference it

after adding an integer greater than or equal to 5. Such derefencing has

undefined behavior (6.5.6p8). This interpretation of the standard is

controversial, but IMNSHO correct. In practice, on many machines it will

work exactly as expected. It's unlikely to fail except on systems which

provide run-time array bounds checking, which is rare.

Otherwise, the only way it's likely to fail is if the optimizer takes

advantage of the fact that it has undefined behavior by performing

optimizations that depend upon such code not being executed. For

instance, an implementation that performs an optimization based upon the

assumption that a[0]+i never refers to the same object a[1]+j,

regardless of the values of i and j, is perfectly legal despite the fact

that such an optimization could break code like this.


I understand that the table is just a convenient representation of the 2D array.
In memory the 2D array is actually contiguous. OK.
My question has to do with saying or writing out in words what is beingshown when using the *, dereferencing, and &, address operators.
Is this the correct way of saying:
*(a + j) the base address is pointed to by a and we move along the contiguous memory j (interval), so we add j, j of size int, to get the value at that location we use the dereference operator.
I believe I understand what's happening, but am I saying it right.

Not quite, a doesn't point at the base address. a is an expression

of array type, and in most contexts (this being one of them) gets

automatically converted to a pointer (address) to the first element of

the array.

(*(a + i))[j] the base address is at a, i is added to the base address,ok, I understand that we are looking at the row location here, but I'm stuck at how to say this.

a is an expression of array type, which automatically gets converted

into a pointer to the first element of that array, a[0]. Adding 'i' to

that pointer gives the address of the 'i+1'th element of that array,

a. Dereferencing that pointer gives an expression of array type,

referring to a. Like all such expressions, in most contexts, it gets

automatically converted to a pointer to the first element of that array

a[0]. Whenever x[j] is a valid expression, it is equivalent to

*(x+j). Adding 'j' to that pointer gives a pointer to the 'j+1'th

element of a, which is a[j]. Dereferencing that pointer gives the

value of that element.

let's say addresses are given in decimal, an integer in one byte and each address points to a byte. I hope I'm saying this right?
at address 100, a[0][0]
at address 109, a[1][0]
(if this thought is wrong please clear this up)

a[1][0] is stored at a position that is exactly 5*sizeof a[0][0] bytes

after the position of a[0][0]. Therefore, assuming a linear address

space (which C does NOT require), the difference in the addresses must

be an exact multiple of 5. 109-100=9 doesn't qualify.

let's also say we are starting at location 100 (decimal).
consider a[1][0]. row 2, col 1 for the following discussion please.
(*(a + i ))[j] --- (*(a + 1))[0]
so, a, the start of the array is pointing to location 100
What does it mean to add 1 to a?

a + 1 => &a[0] + 1 => &a[1].

In summary one should view int ** a, and int *a2[4000], and int a3[4000][4000]

The last one has been very easy to be used in the unix or linux
systems long time ago.


Again thanks everyone.

I think have a better understanding of what is happening and what the other expressions are doing and how to describe them.

I created a simple program, creating a 2X3 array and explored the address of the expressions, in piece and whole.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define SPACE_BETWEEN_LINES "\n\n"

int main(void)
int a[2][3];
int i,j;


for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
a[j] = 0;


for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
printf ( "The address for a[%d][%d] is %p\n", i, j, &a[j] );


for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
printf ( "The address for ((*(a + %d)) + %d) is %p\n",
i, j, ((*(a+i)) +j) );


printf ( "The starting address of a is: %p\n\n", a );

printf ( "The second row starting address: %p\n\n", a + 1 );

printf ( "The a[1][0] address is : %p\n\n", &a[1][0] );


printf ( "*(a+0) address is: %p\n\n", *(a+0) );

printf ( "*(a+0) + 1 address is: %p\n", *(a+0) + 1);

printf ( "The value at *(a+0) is %d\n", **(a+0) ); /* *(*(a+0)) */

printf ( "\n" );

return 1;


The address for a[0][0] is 0x7fff67ca8bf0
The address for a[0][1] is 0x7fff67ca8bf4
The address for a[0][2] is 0x7fff67ca8bf8
The address for a[1][0] is 0x7fff67ca8bfc
The address for a[1][1] is 0x7fff67ca8c00
The address for a[1][2] is 0x7fff67ca8c04

The address for ((*(a + 0)) + 0) is 0x7fff67ca8bf0
The address for ((*(a + 0)) + 1) is 0x7fff67ca8bf4
The address for ((*(a + 0)) + 2) is 0x7fff67ca8bf8
The address for ((*(a + 1)) + 0) is 0x7fff67ca8bfc
The address for ((*(a + 1)) + 1) is 0x7fff67ca8c00
The address for ((*(a + 1)) + 2) is 0x7fff67ca8c04

The starting address of a is: 0x7fff67ca8bf0

The second row starting address: 0x7fff67ca8bfc

The a[1][0] address is : 0x7fff67ca8bfc

*(a+0) address is: 0x7fff67ca8bf0

*(a+0) + 1 address is: 0x7fff67ca8bf4
The value at *(a+0) is 0

Ok, *(a+0) returns and address, *(a+0) + 1 returns an address.

So, given a[][], a two dimensional array, *(a+i) will return the address of the starting row, *(a+i) + j, returns the address of row,column, &a[j].
The i term added to a is being added to the base address of the array and itself, i, representing the size of a row. j then adds to that address giving the column position.

Or something like that... :)

Thanks again.

James Kuyper

On 08/27/2012 04:35 PM, (e-mail address removed) wrote:
printf ( "The address for a[%d][%d] is %p\n", i, j, &a[j] );

Whenever you print a pointer using "%p", the expression you print should
have the type 'void*'. In all cases in this code, that would require a
cast: (void*). Your code appears to work as expected, because on your
system, as on many others, the conversion to void* is a no-op for these
pointer types. However there are systems where such code won't work as
expected without the cast; it might not work at all, causing your
program to fail.
I didn't notice any other problems with your code, and your description
of what you're expecting to see seems to match the standard (assuming a
linear address space - which is very common, but NOT required).


On 08/27/2012 04:35 PM, (e-mail address removed) wrote:

printf ( "The address for a[%d][%d] is %p\n", i, j, &a[j] );

Whenever you print a pointer using "%p", the expression you print should

have the type 'void*'. In all cases in this code, that would require a

cast: (void*). Your code appears to work as expected, because on your

system, as on many others, the conversion to void* is a no-op for these

pointer types. However there are systems where such code won't work as

expected without the cast; it might not work at all, causing your

program to fail.

I didn't notice any other problems with your code, and your description

of what you're expecting to see seems to match the standard (assuming a

linear address space - which is very common, but NOT required).

Thanks for letting me know that and thanks for explaining the linear address space is common but not guaranteed. The books that I'm reading don't make these points clear.

Thanks again. With you guy's help I may actual write good code one day. These groups are the best thing since slice bread. :)

Barry Schwarz

On Mon, 27 Aug 2012 13:35:35 -0700 (PDT), (e-mail address removed) wrote:

I created a simple program, creating a 2X3 array and explored the address of the expressions, in piece and whole.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define SPACE_BETWEEN_LINES "\n\n"

int main(void)
int a[2][3];
int i,j;


for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
a[j] = 0;

10*i+j might have been a better value so when you print any element of
the array you can tell it is the correct one.

printf ( "The value at *(a+0) is %d\n", **(a+0) ); /* *(*(a+0)) */

*(a+0) is by definition the same as a[0]. a[0] is an array of 3 int.
It doesn't make sense to talk about a single value for such an array.

**(a+0) is same as a[0][0] (from recursive application of the above
definition). a[0][0] is the single int you print. But it is not the
value of a[0].
printf ( "\n" );

return 1;

This is a non-portable return value from main. Usually successful
completion returns 0. If you really wanted a non-zero value,
EXIT_FAILURE is portable and always non-zero.


The address for a[0][0] is 0x7fff67ca8bf0
The address for a[0][1] is 0x7fff67ca8bf4
The address for a[0][2] is 0x7fff67ca8bf8
The address for a[1][0] is 0x7fff67ca8bfc
The address for a[1][1] is 0x7fff67ca8c00
The address for a[1][2] is 0x7fff67ca8c04

The address for ((*(a + 0)) + 0) is 0x7fff67ca8bf0
The address for ((*(a + 0)) + 1) is 0x7fff67ca8bf4
The address for ((*(a + 0)) + 2) is 0x7fff67ca8bf8
The address for ((*(a + 1)) + 0) is 0x7fff67ca8bfc
The address for ((*(a + 1)) + 1) is 0x7fff67ca8c00
The address for ((*(a + 1)) + 2) is 0x7fff67ca8c04

The starting address of a is: 0x7fff67ca8bf0

The second row starting address: 0x7fff67ca8bfc

The a[1][0] address is : 0x7fff67ca8bfc

*(a+0) address is: 0x7fff67ca8bf0

*(a+0) + 1 address is: 0x7fff67ca8bf4
The value at *(a+0) is 0

Ok, *(a+0) returns and address, *(a+0) + 1 returns an address.

So, given a[][], a two dimensional array, *(a+i) will return the address of the starting row, *(a+i) + j, returns the address of row,column, &a[j].

* is not a function so return is not the best term to use. The
expression *(a+i) and its identical twin a will, with a few
exceptions that don't apply here, both EVALUATE to the address of the
i-th row, not the starting row. If you meant the start of row i, that
would be correct.
The i term added to a is being added to the base address of the array and itself, i, representing the size of a row. j then adds to that address giving the column position.

When a pointer and an integer are added, the value of the integer is
scaled by the size of the object pointed to, or if you prefer, the
size of the object type pointed to.

Given a pointer p to type T and an integer k, the C expression
p + k
is mathematically equivalent to
p + k * sizeof(T)
or the synonymous
p + k * sizeof *p

Furthermore, discounting the exceptions alluded to above, an
expression with array type is converted to the address of the first
array element with type pointer to element type.

So, the expression
is converted to &a[0] with type pointer to array of 3 int,
syntactically written as int(*)[3]. Since sizeof(int) is 4 on
your system, an array of 3 int has size 12.

Combining these two facts tells us that the expression a+i will
evaluate to the address i*12 bytes beyond the start of the array and
still have type pointer to array of 3 int. The net effect is that a+i
evaluates to the address of the i-th row

The expression *(a+i) dereferences this pointer and the result is an
array of 3 int. Consequently, this expression is also converted as
described above. The result is the address of the first element of
the i-th row &a[0] with type pointer to int. In other words,

Adding j to this expression will evaluate to the address j*4 bytes
beyond the start of the row and still have type pointer to int. In
other words, &a[j].

Keith Thompson

Barry Schwarz said:
On Mon, 27 Aug 2012 13:35:35 -0700 (PDT), (e-mail address removed) wrote: [...]
* is not a function so return is not the best term to use. The
expression *(a+i) and its identical twin a will, with a few
exceptions that don't apply here, both EVALUATE to the address of the
i-th row, not the starting row. If you meant the start of row i, that
would be correct.

The usual term is "yield": functions return values, and expressions
yield values.

When a pointer and an integer are added, the value of the integer is
scaled by the size of the object pointed to, or if you prefer, the
size of the object type pointed to.

Another way to look at it is that the value is *not* "scaled" by the
size of the object pointed to; rather, the addition yields a pointer
that points N *objects* past the object that the original pointer
points to. (There has to be an array for this to make sense, possibly
the 1-element array that's equivalent to a single object.)

The standard's description doesn't talk about scaling (N1570 6.5.6p8):

When an expression that has integer type is added to or
subtracted from a pointer, the result has the type of the
pointer operand. If the pointer operand points to an element
of an array object, and the array is large enough, the result
points to an element offset from the original element such that
the difference of the subscripts of the resulting and original
array elements equals the integer expression. In other words, if
the expression P points to the i -th element of an array object,
the expressions (P)+N(equivalently, N+(P)) and (P)-N(where N
has the valuen ) point to, respectively, the i+n-th and i−n-th
elements of the array object, provided they exist.

Referring to addition being "scaled" implies that pointers are
*really* pointers to bytes. That's likely true on the machine code
level, but it's not true in the C abstract machine; rather pointers
*really* point to whatever type they're defined to point to.
Given a pointer p to type T and an integer k, the C expression
p + k
is mathematically equivalent to
p + k * sizeof(T)
or the synonymous
p + k * sizeof *p

I understand what you mean, but the fact that you're using "+"
with two very different meaning could be confusing.


Adrian Ratnapala

On 08/27/2012 04:35 PM, (e-mail address removed) wrote:
printf ( "The address for a[%d][%d] is %p\n", i, j, &a[j] );

Whenever you print a pointer using "%p", the expression you print should
have the type 'void*'. In all cases in this code, that would require a

Is there really any reason to cast an (int *) into a (void *). The only
reason I could imagine is to keep your compiler quiet.

Eric Sosman

On 08/27/2012 04:35 PM, (e-mail address removed) wrote:
printf ( "The address for a[%d][%d] is %p\n", i, j, &a[j] );

Whenever you print a pointer using "%p", the expression you print should
have the type 'void*'. In all cases in this code, that would require a

Is there really any reason to cast an (int *) into a (void *). The only
reason I could imagine is to keep your compiler quiet.

This is Question 5.17 at the comp.lang.c Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ) page, <http://www.c-faq.com/>.

James Kuyper

On 08/27/2012 04:35 PM, (e-mail address removed) wrote:
printf ( "The address for a[%d][%d] is %p\n", i, j, &a[j] );

Whenever you print a pointer using "%p", the expression you print should
have the type 'void*'. In all cases in this code, that would require a

Is there really any reason to cast an (int *) into a (void *). The only
reason I could imagine is to keep your compiler quiet.

The standard says that the behavior is undefined. It does so because
there are real platforms out there where void* is incompatible with
int*. For instance, on platforms where the word size is larger than than
a byte, a void* must include information identifying the particular byte
within a word where an object starts, because it might be required to
point at an object smaller than a word. However, for word-aligned types,
the pointer need only identify which word it starts at. There have been
real machines where pointers to word-aligned types have been smaller
than pointers to smaller types, for precisely this reason.
It's also permissible for pointers of the same size to use different
representations. I don't know of any examples, but I wouldn't recommend
ruling out that possibility.

Is that a good enough reason for you? If you're certain your code will
never be used on such machines, you can ignore the issue - in which case
someone, not necessarily you, will pay the price if your certainty turns
out to be unjustified. If you do this, you'll have plenty of company.

Keith Thompson

James Kuyper said:
On 08/28/2012 03:06 PM, Adrian Ratnapala wrote: [...]
Is there really any reason to cast an (int *) into a (void *). The only
reason I could imagine is to keep your compiler quiet.

The standard says that the behavior is undefined. It does so because
there are real platforms out there where void* is incompatible with

Strictly speaking, void* and int* are incompatible types regardless of
the platform (the standard has its own definition of compatibility for
types). The point, of course, is that they can have different

James Kuyper

James Kuyper said:
On 08/28/2012 03:06 PM, Adrian Ratnapala wrote: [...]
Is there really any reason to cast an (int *) into a (void *). The only
reason I could imagine is to keep your compiler quiet.

The standard says that the behavior is undefined. It does so because
there are real platforms out there where void* is incompatible with

Strictly speaking, void* and int* are incompatible types regardless of
the platform (the standard has its own definition of compatibility for
types). The point, of course, is that they can have different

I should have said "have incompatible representations". I didn't mean to
bring C's definition of compatible types into the discussion.
Incompatible representations is a sufficient, but not necessary,
condition for types to be incompatible.

Adrian Ratnapala

The standard says that the behavior is undefined. It does so because
there are real platforms out there where void* is incompatible with
int*. For instance, on platforms where the word size is larger than than
Is that a good enough reason for you? If you're certain your code will
That's a good enough reason.

I had mistakenly thought the (void *) requirement was mere pedanticism,
because I thought pointers always had the same size unless explictly
modified by something like "near/far". And I agree "always, on the
machines you know about is a far, far cry from "always".

BTW: I don't know if my misconception is "frequent" enough to warrant an
FAQ change, but it doesn't look like the FAQ covers this. Contra Eric,
5.17 is about something else; 4.17 / 19.40 are closer but not quite

James Kuyper

That's a good enough reason.

I had mistakenly thought the (void *) requirement was mere pedanticism,

Almost every seemly pedantic issue associated with the standard exists
because there are implementations where the issue is relevant, or at
least there were such implementations at the time the rule was created.
There's a few that exist just because the committee didn't see any need
to impose a requirement on future implementations just because every
current implementation satisfies that requirement, but those are rare.
because I thought pointers always had the same size unless explictly
modified by something like "near/far". ...

In general, pointers to different types can, in principle, have
different representations, alignment requirements, or even sizes. The
word-size issue is the only one I'm aware of that actually comes up on
real implementations, but there's probably other reasons I'm unaware of.
There's only a few exceptions:

Pointers to void have the same representation and alignment requirements
as pointers to character types (6.2.5p268).

Identically-qualified pointers to compatible types are compatible
(, and pointer types that differ only in the way that they are
qualified have the same representation and alignment (6.2.5p26).
... And I agree "always, on the
machines you know about is a far, far cry from "always".

Good - I'd thought your comment reflected a more casual attitude toward
portability issues. The tone of my reply reflected my disdain for people
with such attitudes; I apologize for that.
BTW: I don't know if my misconception is "frequent" enough to warrant an
FAQ change, but it doesn't look like the FAQ covers this. Contra Eric,
5.17 is about something else;

5.17 is also about other things, but it mentions systems which use
multiple different (and presumably incompatible) pointer types: the
Eclipse MV series from Data General, the HP 3000, "several of the
machines above" (which is a little vague), and some 64-bit Cray
machines. All three of the specific example involve word pointers vs.
byte pointers.

Adrian Ratnapala

5.17 is also about other things, but it mentions systems which use
multiple different (and presumably incompatible) pointer types: the

All true, but it doesn't directly tackle my error, only the consequences
of it. That's fine in an FAQ, since it could be that many people are
confused about NULL pointers while not so many have specific wrong ideas
about pointer representations.

On the other hand, if my error *is* common. Or at least if people often
ask that turn out to involve pointer representations, then the FAQ
should probably include something similar to what you just wrote.

Eric Sosman

[... about converting int* to void* for "%p" conversion ...]
BTW: I don't know if my misconception is "frequent" enough to warrant an
FAQ change, but it doesn't look like the FAQ covers this. Contra Eric,
5.17 is about something else; 4.17 / 19.40 are closer but not quite

5.17 is mostly about representations of null pointers, but
not entirely. If you'll read the entire thing, you'll find two
specific mentions of different pointer formats, plus a link to
further examples.

14.17 and 19.40(d) are about `near' and `far', whose
connection to the matter at hand eludes me.

Keith Thompson

Eric Sosman said:
[... about converting int* to void* for "%p" conversion ...]
BTW: I don't know if my misconception is "frequent" enough to warrant an
FAQ change, but it doesn't look like the FAQ covers this. Contra Eric,
5.17 is about something else; 4.17 / 19.40 are closer but not quite

5.17 is mostly about representations of null pointers, but
not entirely. If you'll read the entire thing, you'll find two
specific mentions of different pointer formats, plus a link to
further examples.

14.17 and 19.40(d) are about `near' and `far', whose
connection to the matter at hand eludes me.

`near` and `far`, which are of course non-standard, can result in
different pointer types having different sizes. Passing a `near`
or `far` pointer to printf with a "%p" format is likely to give
bad results in practice.

Edward Rutherford

Keith said:
`near` and `far`, which are of course non-standard, can result in
different pointer types having different sizes. Passing a `near` or
`far` pointer to printf with a "%p" format is likely to give bad results
in practice.

Using near or far pointers in any way at all will invoke an undefined
behavior, so I think it's safe to say bad results are likely with or
without attempts to printf() such pointers!

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