8086 simulator in ruby


Vasil Vangelovski

I'm thinking of writing a simulator for the intel 8086 processor in
ruby. At first I'm interested in implementing basic instruction
execution and memory access, no interrupts. The interface may later be
implemented with Tk maybe even as an ajax application on rails. My buest
guess is using metaprogramming for interpreting the assembly
instructions. I'm not wery experienced with design patterns, so I need
some ideas on the levels of abstraction (the classes) i need to start
with this. Any ideas?


Vasil said:
I'm thinking of writing a simulator for the intel 8086 processor in
ruby. At first I'm interested in implementing basic instruction
execution and memory access, no interrupts. The interface may later be
implemented with Tk maybe even as an ajax application on rails. My buest
guess is using metaprogramming for interpreting the assembly
instructions. I'm not wery experienced with design patterns, so I need
some ideas on the levels of abstraction (the classes) i need to start
with this. Any ideas?

Woo-hoo! Like Larry Wall said (he'd know), Real programmers can write
assembler in any language!


cpu = CPU.new
cpu.push 42
cpu.shift :b

and away you go!

(Oh, and use Test Driven Development to write it all. I think that's
generally how Intel invents chips, too!)

Wilson Bilkovich

I'm thinking of writing a simulator for the intel 8086 processor in
ruby. At first I'm interested in implementing basic instruction
execution and memory access, no interrupts. The interface may later be
implemented with Tk maybe even as an ajax application on rails. My buest
guess is using metaprogramming for interpreting the assembly
instructions. I'm not wery experienced with design patterns, so I need
some ideas on the levels of abstraction (the classes) i need to start
with this. Any ideas?

Check out rubinius at http://rubini.us for a Ruby implementation
written (mostly) in Ruby and (mostly) test-first. It may help you
think of some ideas.

What you are describing is basically just a virtual machine that you
happen to already know the V-ISA for. You can definitely do this in
Ruby, though simulating a real CPU is never going to be easy.

John Joyce

Aww, how about a C-64 emulator...
you could even offer an option to simulate "speed" when loading from
(avg time: 30 - 60min, chance of failure: 65% or higher)
Or even a PDP-11

Just be sure to include the frustrations of old, slow machines that
often had problems, as an option to set. Can be very instructional to
users who never had the experience and to those who start to wax


John said:
Aww, how about a C-64 emulator...
you could even offer an option to simulate "speed" when loading from
(avg time: 30 - 60min, chance of failure: 65% or higher)
Or even a PDP-11

Dude, there are simulations of Ada & Babbage's "Inference Engine" out there!

Robert Dober

I'm thinking of writing a simulator for the intel 8086 processor in
ruby. At first I'm interested in implementing basic instruction
execution and memory access, no interrupts. The interface may later be
implemented with Tk maybe even as an ajax application on rails. My buest
guess is using metaprogramming for interpreting the assembly
instructions. I'm not wery experienced with design patterns, so I need
some ideas on the levels of abstraction (the classes) i need to start
with this. Any ideas?
I do not think metaprogramming is of use here, maybe you can get some
inspiration from here?

Robert Klemme

Woo-hoo! Like Larry Wall said (he'd know), Real programmers can write
assembler in any language!


cpu = CPU.new
cpu.push 42
cpu.shift :b

and away you go!

I'd rather do

CPU8086 do
label :begin
push 42
shift :b
jmp :begin

I.e. create an instance behind the scenes and instance_eval the block.

Kind regards



Robert said:
CPU8086 do
label :begin
push 42
shift :b
jmp :begin

How you get a class name to respond to do? I thought objects couldn't
respond to do, essentially at the syntax level...

(Or is that pseudo?)

Tom Werner

Phlip said:
Robert Klemme wrote:

How you get a class name to respond to do? I thought objects couldn't
respond to do, essentially at the syntax level...

(Or is that pseudo?)

def FOO

FOO do
puts 'FOO called'

# => FOO called

Tom Preston-Werner

* Libraries:
Chronic (chronic.rubyforge.org)
God (god.rubyforge.org)
* Site:

John Joyce

How you get a class name to respond to do? I thought objects couldn't
respond to do, essentially at the syntax level...

(Or is that pseudo?)

Nah, it's just a normal block of Ruby!
With an iterator, you might do:

10.times do
puts 'hello'

In this case, 10 is not really any different than CPU8086.
Think of do-end as a block that iterates 1 time. That's what it is!

Marc Heiler

cpu = CPU.new
cpu.push 42
cpu.shift :b
and away you go!

Actually, even though this example may be totally useless (although it
contains the ultimate answer to everything!), I really really love the
abstraction you can get. Would be funny to write in ruby but get
compiled assembler code!

Wouldnt using cpu << 42 be nicer though? :D


Nice idea Vasil.
8086 simulator as a DSL in ruby is a very good idea.
I would just love to see your implementation

Rubini.us etc are different things.

bye :)
(e-mail address removed)

Robert Klemme

Nah, it's just a normal block of Ruby!
With an iterator, you might do:

10.times do
puts 'hello'

In this case, 10 is not really any different than CPU8086.
Think of do-end as a block that iterates 1 time. That's what it is!

Actually it's not the "10" but the "times" because "CPU8086" would be a

def CPU8086(&b)
o = Whatever.new

Kind regards



Think of do-end as a block that iterates 1 time. That's what it is!

Please read my posting history, blogs, Ruby open source, etc. (-;

Robert said:
Actually it's not the "10" but the "times" because "CPU8086" would be a

def CPU8086(&b)

The point: I thought a method was forbidden as a constant. Easy to write but
hard to call.

By contrast...

doc = Hpricot(my_html_string)

His Whyness did something to the module to make it take a method call

Chris Carter

Please read my posting history, blogs, Ruby open source, etc. (-;

The point: I thought a method was forbidden as a constant. Easy to write but
hard to call.

By contrast...

doc = Hpricot(my_html_string)

His Whyness did something to the module to make it take a method call

No modules were hacked or harmed. He just defined a method:

3 def Hpricot(input = nil, opts = {}, &blk)
4 Hpricot.parse(input, opts, &blk)
5 end


John Joyce

No modules were hacked or harmed. He just defined a method:

3 def Hpricot(input = nil, opts = {}, &blk)
4 Hpricot.parse(input, opts, &blk)
5 end


Yep, normal stuff. EXCEPT for the capitalization. You can do it, but
it goes against usual style.
An example:

module Unchi

def poots(who)
puts "#{who} did pooh, poot"

# Poots = poots
alias_method :poots, :poots

include Unchi


Simon Krahnke

* Vasil Vangelovski said:
I'm thinking of writing a simulator for the intel 8086 processor in
ruby. At first I'm interested in implementing basic instruction
execution and memory access, no interrupts. The interface may later be
implemented with Tk maybe even as an ajax application on rails. My buest
guess is using metaprogramming for interpreting the assembly
instructions. I'm not wery experienced with design patterns, so I need
some ideas on the levels of abstraction (the classes) i need to start
with this. Any ideas?

That depends on the level of emulation you want. What others propose
here seems to be a quite high level assembler interpreter.

A CPU bascically operates on memory and has several registers, one being
the instruction pointer.

So on some no-exact-timing, debugger-like level you implement just that:
Memory can be an array or a string[1]. At each step the byte at the ip
is read, decoded and the ip incremented until you have a full
instruction, referenced memory is read, instruction executed and the
result stored in memory or a register.

class CPU8086
attr_accessor :memory, :ip, :sp, :ax, :bc, :cx ...

The instruction manual basically describes the interface.

mfg, simon .... l

[1] Is there a performing byte storage in Ruby 1.9?

Robert Klemme

Phlip, not sure what you meant by this. It's not different from any
other method.
Yep, normal stuff. EXCEPT for the capitalization. You can do it, but it
goes against usual style.

Even the std lib does it:

irb(main):019:0> Kernel.methods.grep /^[A-Z]/
=> ["Integer", "Float", "String", "Array"]

I don't see a big issue here.

Kind regards



Robert said:
Phlip, not sure what you meant by this. It's not different from any other

I mis-remembered something. Something about a method that you could create
but would have difficulty calling. No worries.

David A. Black

Hi --

I mis-remembered something. Something about a method that you could create
but would have difficulty calling. No worries.

You might be thinking of:

irb(main):005:0> class C
irb(main):006:1> define_method("!@$*") { puts "hi" }
irb(main):007:1> end
=> #<Proc:0x0032a410@(irb):6>

where you then have to do this to call it:

irb(main):008:0> C.new.send("!@$*")


* Books:
RAILS ROUTING (new! http://www.awprofessional.com/title/0321509242)
RUBY FOR RAILS (http://www.manning.com/black)
* Ruby/Rails training
& consulting: Ruby Power and Light, LLC (http://www.rubypal.com)

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