A Tree class, my $0.02 contribution to the python community.


Antoon Pardon

Does this type bear any relationship at all to what most people call a
tree, which is a bifurcated data structure? Or do you call it a tree for
some other reason?

The underlying implementation is an AVL balanced binary tree with
inorder threading.
Sounds like "cdict" might be a better name ...

I don't know. The python dictionary type with its name, seem to refer
to how it is implemented, so I thought Tree was an appropiate name
here as it is implemented as a tree.


Steve said:
Does this type bear any relationship at all to what most people call a
tree, which is a bifurcated data structure? Or do you call it a tree for
some other reason?

I'd think that the 'avl' part would answer that question.

!google avl tree

George Sakkis

Antoon Pardon said:

How about adding two shortcut methods, nextkey(k) and prevkey(k), to return the next and previous
key respectively ? For instance nextkey would be equivalent to (untested):

def nextkey(self, key):
iter = self[key:]
first = iter.next()
if key not in self: return first
else: return iter.next()

Also for consistency, nextvalue(k), prevvalue(k), nextitem(k), previtem(k) would be reasonable

And a question: what does step do if the keys are not integers since you restrict step to be integer


Diez B. Roggisch

Antoon said:
I don't know. The python dictionary type with its name, seem to refer
to how it is implemented, so I thought Tree was an appropiate name
here as it is implemented as a tree.

I too had the impression you're talking about a tree-implementation, not
a mapping based on key compare operations.

Java calls such a thing TreeMap - so maybe TreeDict would be a suitable


Antoon Pardon

Op 2005-10-12 said:
How about adding two shortcut methods, nextkey(k) and prevkey(k), to return the next and previous
key respectively ? For instance nextkey would be equivalent to (untested):

I'll file this as: I'll probably never need it, so I'm going to resist
the temptation to add them now. If i find out I'm wrong, I can still do
so later.
def nextkey(self, key):
iter = self[key:]
first = iter.next()
if key not in self: return first
else: return iter.next()

I think the if statement can be replaced by:

if not self.cmp(key, first) == 0: return first
Also for consistency, nextvalue(k), prevvalue(k), nextitem(k), previtem(k) would be reasonable

And a question: what does step do if the keys are not integers since you restrict step to be integer

It skips keys/items/values.
.... 'alfa', 'bravo', 'charlie', 'delta', 'echo', 'foxtrot', 'golf', 'hotel', 'india',
.... 'juliet', 'kilo', 'lima', 'mike', 'november', 'oscar', 'papa', 'quebec', 'romeo',
.... 'sierra', 'tango', 'uniform', 'victor', 'whiskey', 'x-ray', 'yankee', 'zulu' ]
letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
from avltree import Tree
t.keys('choco',None,3) ['delta', 'golf', 'juliet', 'mike', 'papa', 'sierra', 'victor', 'yankee']
['c', 'g', 'k', 'o', 's', 'w']

What would you have in mind if step would have been a string here?

Paul Rubin

Antoon Pardon said:
The underlying implementation is an AVL balanced binary tree with
inorder threading.

Dan Bernstein argues for switching from hash tables to crit-bit trees
(a/k/a Patricia trees), because of their guaranteed worst case
performance. He also claims:

"Crit-bit trees are faster than comparison-based structures such
as AVL trees and B-trees. They're also simpler, especially for
variable-length strings."





for some stuff about the dangers of hash tables.

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