Hello to community.

Dec 21, 2022
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Hello Community! :)

I am new to here and I am passionate C++ developer with expert knowledge.
So, if somebody has some questions about C++, feel free to ask me.

Actually, I am self-employed and running also my own webpage and blog (C++ and other programming).
Not sure, if its allowed here to link it directly, but you find it in my profile.

I am working on my own private project for (self) educational and maybe later also for commercial purposes. It is a script language in C++ and for C++ (you can use it as a C++ library (not yet released), or also execute script files (preview release available)).
It really makes fun to work on that project.
Actually, I am really proud of the already present Functional Programming capabilities (including Lambda functions and building higher order functions).

Hmm, what I just recognized:
There is no sub-forum for e.g., Rust or Go.... Is this intended?
I have a personal goal to start learning Rust. Is somebody here program in Rust?

Dec 21, 2022
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hi i just started coding in vs code and i know very little. I can't make my icons like chevron_left or chevron_right to show on my website. I downloaded the from fonts.google.com/icons and i don't even know where should the downloaded file go to. I also thought maybe i needed an icon extension for vs code. Could you please help me. Thamks
Dec 21, 2022
Reaction score
hi i just started coding in vs code and i know very little. I can't make my icons like chevron_left or chevron_right to show on my website. I downloaded the from fonts.google.com/icons and i don't even know where should the downloaded file go to. I also thought maybe i needed an icon extension for vs code. Could you please help me. Thamks
Hi, I think you posted your question in the wrong topic. I cannot see any relationship to C++.
Also, I don't even understand your question. Sorry, that I cannot help you. You must try it somewhere else.

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