accessing a page which request an openID authentication


Mark Lawrence

I have a page that request an openID authentication "google ID" before you are able to download any file from it.
this is the website "" and I tried a lot but it dose not seem that the ordinary login using session or requests work on this case ? any guidance or help ?

Please show us a code sample that you've tried. State what you expected
to happen, what actually happened, your OS and Python version. If you
have a traceback cut and paste all of it into your message.

Steven D'Aprano

And your Python question is?

I thought the question was fairly obvious. How would you access a page
using OpenID in Python?

The "in Python" should be implied by the fact that it was posted to a
Python forum rather than a Ruby/Forth/C/Go/Scheme/whatever forum.
Presumably the poster is an expert Python coder who just needs a pointer
to some library that handles OpenID, probably because Google is blocked
in whatever part of the world he is posting from. As are Bing,
DuckDuckGo, and Yahoo. (It must suck to be a programmer in North Korea.)

To uni.mail.2014, if that is your real name, you'll improve the quality
of the answers to your questions if you improve the quality of your
questions. What gave you tried? What result did you get? What result did
you expect? What version of Python are you using? What level of hand-
holding do you require, e.g. are you a Python expert or beginner?

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