algorithms in C++ book



i am looking for "algorithms in C++" book. Knuth is FULL of
Mathematics, not my kind of author. i checked ACCU and got these
(listing only those that are available in my country:

1. Algorithms in C++ -- Robert Sedgewick (3e)
2. Data Structures and Algorithms Analysis - Mark Allen Weiss (2e)
3. Introduction to Computing and Algorithms - Russell Shackelford
4. Introduction to Algorithms - Cormen et al.(2e)

besides these 2 more are available:

5. Algorithms and Data Structures in C++ - Leendert Ammeraal
6. Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms - Aho, Ullman and
Hopcraft (1e)
7. Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ - Goodrich et al. (1e)

i do not want an academic text. i have posted enough here so you folks
know about my thinking and problem solving style, so may i know which
one you recommend ?

Victor Bazarov

arnuld said:
i am looking for "algorithms in C++" book. Knuth is FULL of
Mathematics, not my kind of author. i checked ACCU and got these
(listing only those that are available in my country:

1. Algorithms in C++ -- Robert Sedgewick (3e)
2. Data Structures and Algorithms Analysis - Mark Allen Weiss (2e)
3. Introduction to Computing and Algorithms - Russell Shackelford
4. Introduction to Algorithms - Cormen et al.(2e)

besides these 2 more are available:

5. Algorithms and Data Structures in C++ - Leendert Ammeraal
6. Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms - Aho, Ullman and
Hopcraft (1e)
7. Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ - Goodrich et al. (1e)

i do not want an academic text. i have posted enough here so you folks
know about my thinking and problem solving style, so may i know which
one you recommend ?

For general stuff, Sedgewick is OK. For math-related stuff (whether
you'll need it I don't know), try "Scientific and Engineering C++";
I don't recall the author, google for it.


John Harrison

arnuld said:
i am looking for "algorithms in C++" book. Knuth is FULL of
Mathematics, not my kind of author. i checked ACCU and got these
(listing only those that are available in my country:

1. Algorithms in C++ -- Robert Sedgewick (3e)
2. Data Structures and Algorithms Analysis - Mark Allen Weiss (2e)
3. Introduction to Computing and Algorithms - Russell Shackelford
4. Introduction to Algorithms - Cormen et al.(2e)

besides these 2 more are available:

5. Algorithms and Data Structures in C++ - Leendert Ammeraal
6. Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms - Aho, Ullman and
Hopcraft (1e)
7. Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ - Goodrich et al. (1e)

i do not want an academic text. i have posted enough here so you folks
know about my thinking and problem solving style, so may i know which
one you recommend ?

Sedgewick, apparently the C++ is atrocious, but the explanations of the
algorithms are very good (I haven't read the C++ edition, only the
non-language specific edition).

The Cormen book is very good, but more academic. I'm not familiar with
the others.


red floyd

Aho, Ullman, and Hopcraft (I've always called it "Aho, Hopcraft, and
Ullman") is not C++ specific, but is an excellent algorithms book.

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