[ANN] JRuby 1.1RC2 Released


Thomas Enebo

The JRuby community is pleased to announce the release of JRuby 1.1 RC 2

Homepage: http://www.jruby.org/
Download: http://dist.codehaus.org/jruby/

JRuby 1.1RC2 is the second release candidate of JRuby 1.1. JRuby 1.1
represents a concerted focus on speed and refinement. Ruby code can
completely compile in an Ahead Of Time (AOT) or Just In Time (JIT) mode;
yielding a faster Ruby! It also uses less memory than our previous

We need people to download JRuby 1.1RC2 and give us feedback. Test your
applications and help us make JRuby 1.1 a great release.

- 260 issues resolved since JRuby 1.1RC1
- Large IO refactoring
- Memory improvements for JIT'd methods:
- Control total number of methods JIT'd
- Support a JIT cache between runtimes to return permgen
- Reduce codesize of generated methods (50-70% reduction)

Vladimir Sizikov has been added as a core committer. His amazing work
on fixing rubyspec failures has made him a welcome addition to the team.

We want to thank all the people who gave us feedback this last release
We ended up resolving a tremendous number of issues in a short period of

Issues fixed since 1.1RC1:
JRUBY-251 Concurrency Issue with IRuby.evalScript(), require etc.
JRUBY-334 Process module does not implement some methods
JRUBY-781 Can't reference java classes that start with a lower case
JRUBY-864 ant test does not run successfully with thread pooling enabled
JRUBY-867 Iconv character set option //translit is not supported
JRUBY-919 autoload?, autoload, const_defined? do not work well with
Colon2's (e.g. autoload Object::Foo, 'blah.rb')
JRUBY-939 Improve automatic conversion between JRuby BigDecimal and
JRUBY-1003 Rubinius string_spec failures
JRUBY-1047 IO.for_fd missing
JRUBY-1050 If there is a file named date.rb in the same dir that
contains a file that requires 'yaml' an exception is thrown when you run
the file requiring 'yaml'
JRUBY-1057 Rubinius core/exception_spec failures
JRUBY-1064 Rubinius core/object_spec failures
JRUBY-1067 Rubinius core/thread_spec failures
JRUBY-1068 Rubinius core/time_spec failures
JRUBY-1103 Settting -Xmx and -Xss through environment variable would
be more convient
JRUBY-1106 Process.euid() not implemented, causes MailFactory failure
JRUBY-1114 Exception when running instance_eval on a Java Object
JRUBY-1124 Import broken with Rake
JRUBY-1128 Regular expression bug
JRUBY-1142 #! shebang in cygwin uses cygwin paths
JRUBY-1145 Testcase:
testBasicStringScalarLoad(org.jvyamlb.YAMLLoadTest): FAILED
JRUBY-1148 Array#== doesn't use custom to_ary method for RHS arguments
JRUBY-1151 BigDecimal to_s displays incorrect number when number has
no whole part
JRUBY-1188 JRuby base64 encoding methods appear as both public and
private methods.
JRUBY-1214 The behaviour of File.flock is not same with C Ruby
JRUBY-1222 Net::HTTP response error using SSL connection
JRUBY-1272 UNIXSocket not available on JRuby
JRUBY-1277 Mongrel clashes with JVM for the right to handle SIGUSR1
JRUBY-1279 Serialization/Persistence Fix
JRUBY-1294 crash starting jar-console on trunk, r4214
JRUBY-1304 Problem talking to processes. JRuby's read hangs.
JRUBY-1358 Failure in ruby_test String#aset test
JRUBY-1361 Failure in ruby_test Numeric#to_int test
JRUBY-1362 Failure in ruby_test Numeric#truncate test
JRUBY-1371 testTime.rb doesn't work correctly on some configuration
JRUBY-1373 Cannot run JRuby through 'java' when having space in path
in JRuby's home
JRUBY-1397 testUTF8Regex.rb doesn't even run anymore
JRUBY-1399 Reflection-based execution is totally broken
JRUBY-1402 spurious warning messages when yaml is analized with
debug option.
JRUBY-1414 ArgumentError using to_time string conversion
JRUBY-1433 File::Stat.uid needed for rubyzip
JRUBY-1455 Cloning ARGF in IRB results in a java.lang.ClassCastException
JRUBY-1471 YAML dumping or loading is mucking up object IDs
JRUBY-1485 Some names not being interned by parser / eval
JRUBY-1493 Methods do not always have the right line number in the AST
JRUBY-1495 When a negative Float is YAML::dump'ed, the negative sign
is lost.
JRUBY-1496 Update to 1.8.6 stdlib
JRUBY-1501 Update to current RubyGems, hopefully the long-awaited
version currently in beta
JRUBY-1502 Trap not returning a proc as the previous handler
JRUBY-1507 Ruby String aset ([]=) with 3 args does not work is start
index is one past string length
JRUBY-1509 0o00 is broken
JRUBY-1511 bad shebang line in gem
JRUBY-1516 FileTest#chardev? is not currently implemented.
JRUBY-1517 Embedded null characters in source cause premature EOF
JRUBY-1524 Dynamic classes/classloaders may not be using the
appropriate containing classloader, resulting in permgen leaks
JRUBY-1526 NullPointerException when deriving non-existant
(lowercase) java-class
JRUBY-1530 Some conflict when using JSON Pure to create a JSON
string from a Hash with non-ASCII character
JRUBY-1532 String#chomp misbehaving in 1.1b1
JRUBY-1534 ThreadLibrary Queue#num_waiting and Zlib to_io method not
bound correctly.
JRUBY-1535 <clinit> must be generated with static modifier
JRUBY-1536 Giving YAML.load a non-IO object raises a Java error
instead of a Ruby error
JRUBY-1537 Sun JVM-specific signal handler should be used only when
JRUBY-1540 Process.pid does not give the correct PID
JRUBY-1545 Trying to extend an interface (e.g. class Foo <
Interface) NPEs and gives no clue
JRUBY-1552 /o regexp modifier (Ruby compatibility)
JRUBY-1553 Generator sometimes hangs up
JRUBY-1554 Time.gm should not allow negative
JRUBY-1558 RubyBigDecimal does not dump/load properly when Marshalling
JRUBY-1560 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException -1 in
JRUBY-1563 RubyYaccLexer not returning EOF properly
JRUBY-1564 AbstractVisitor doesn't provide empty implementation for
JRUBY-1567 StringScanner missing #get_byte
JRUBY-1568 File.symlink shells out to /bin/ln unnecessarily
JRUBY-1571 Calling map on string causes
JRUBY-1581 Signal#trap doesn't handle failure of trapping gracefully.
JRUBY-1585 Incompatible behavior in Comparable#==
JRUBY-1586 Array#initialize_copy is public, but should not be
JRUBY-1589 Float#coerce fails when invoked with String argument
JRUBY-1590 Completely wrong Float::MAX_10_EXP value (negative)
JRUBY-1593 Range#step produces wrong error message
JRUBY-1594 Range#new breaks when 3rd parameter is not boolean
JRUBY-1596 Range#eql? works incorrectly for char ranges
JRUBY-1597 Struct#new behavior differs from MRI
JRUBY-1598 Struct#select allows for non-block arguments
JRUBY-1599 Symbol#to_int should produce warning in verbose mode
JRUBY-1600 Serious incompatibility in Thread#join(limit)
JRUBY-1601 JRuby incorrectly/incompatibly handles "TZ" environment
variable (Time spec failures)
JRUBY-1605 Hash#[]= and Hash#store don't follow dup semantics for keys
JRUBY-1607 File#truncate works incorretly deleting entire file content
JRUBY-1610 DynamicScope could benefit from some custom impls that
use Java fields rather than an array
JRUBY-1611 Variable access with depth > 0 should be more static
JRUBY-1612 File#truncate creates a new file if the file doesn't exist
JRUBY-1614 File.open should throw Errno::EACCES when opening
non-permitted file
JRUBY-1617 RubyZip Zip::ZipFile#read raises TypeError under JRuby;
does not do so under MRI
JRUBY-1618 rescue doesn't work with SystemExit exceptions (Regression)
JRUBY-1619 File.open(1) throws TypeError
JRUBY-1625 File.fnmatch works incorrectly with case sensitivity
JRUBY-1626 IO.popen("ruby") hangs
JRUBY-1635 Bug in generators
JRUBY-1640 Generator created from empty Enumarable, just hangs
during construction
JRUBY-1643 Generator.new can't handle blocks, and its yield method
works incorrectly
JRUBY-1645 Process.kill support through JNA
JRUBY-1652 Time#gmt_offset returns incorrect values for DST
JRUBY-1653 JRuby incorrectly calculates / and divmod against
Rational number
JRUBY-1655 JRuby fails built-in unit tests from time.rb lib
JRUBY-1658 Float's multiplication is incorrect when used with
non-built-in type (like Rational)
JRUBY-1659 YAML.load can't handle some valid input
JRUBY-1661 JRuby 10x slower than Ruby on "Wide Finder" script
JRUBY-1663 IO.each_line incorrectly reads empty lines
JRUBY-1664 IO.read(1) after ungetc always returns nil
JRUBY-1665 Unhandled Java exception from jMongrel running Rails
JRUBY-1669 IO.puts doesn't follow the specification
JRUBY-1671 jruby bash script fails with bash 2.03 (Solaris 8)
JRUBY-1675 Rails hangs occasionally with JRuby
JRUBY-1682 JRuby files should work with limited functionality within
Jar files
JRUBY-1684 Numerous StringIO spec test failures
JRUBY-1686 OutOfMemoryException while reading from a FIFO
JRUBY-1689 Tempfile class random behavior and "Bad file descriptor
(Errno::EBADF)" exception
JRUBY-1696 test_dir fails under Windows
JRUBY-1700 rio gem problems
JRUBY-1702 NegativeArraySizeException starting JIRB
JRUBY-1704 Broken stdin ( java.lang.OutOfMemoryError ) in Linux
JRUBY-1706 [PATCH] Bad format for "frozen" error messages
JRUBY-1708 Compiler blows up with "NoVarsDynamicScope cannot be
grown; use ManyVarsDynamicScope"
JRUBY-1715 Incompatible behavior for ||= in Hashes
JRUBY-1723 String#initialize and String#replace on frozen strings
behave incompatibly with MRI
JRUBY-1736 Jruby on rails application crashes when starting mongrel
JRUBY-1769 Constructing a transient singleton class should hold the
receiver until complete
JRUBY-1776 Exception when installing mongrel gem
JRUBY-1784 The JNA library bundled with JRuby is built against glibc
JRUBY-1798 JRuby JIT should have an upper limit on how many methods
can be compiled, to avoid eating too much permgen
JRUBY-1808 uninitialized constant OpenSSL::X509::Store
JRUBY-1810 JIT should attempt to locate a previously-compiled method
of the same name and position before creating a new one
JRUBY-1821 jruby-webstart integration: open-uri (actually
net/http.rb) causes java.security.AccessControlException
JRUBY-1822 jruby-webstart integration: copy and paste via system
clipboard in jirb.jnlp does not work
JRUBY-1865 java.lang.LinkageError: attempted duplicate class
definition for name:
JRUBY-1874 HttpOutput flush doesn't send headers
JRUBY-1879 Random Empty Response with Rails 2.0
JRUBY-1891 JRUBY-1890 Cloned IO objects can be closed independently
JRUBY-1892 JRUBY-1890 pipes should not flush write to read when not
in sync mode
JRUBY-1893 JRUBY-1890 Missing method: File#isatty
JRUBY-1894 JRUBY-1890 Missing flush after File.open with a block?
JRUBY-1896 JRUBY-1890 Missing method: IO#stat
JRUBY-1902 AOT compiler does not produce usable output
JRUBY-1907 Monitor synchronize hangs
JRUBY-1908 IO#reopen with File with File::CREAT mode fails
JRUBY-1909 IO#reopen should be able to handle argument of arbitrary
type if it responds to "to_io"
JRUBY-1910 IO#reopen incorrectly handles self as an argument
JRUBY-1911 YAML short-hand hashes cause the parser to crash
JRUBY-1915 Failure to load Yaml
JRUBY-1917 File#link and File#symlink should not accept non-string
JRUBY-1918 File#link and File#symlink never report any errors
JRUBY-1919 File#symlink? returns false on broken symlinks
JRUBY-1921 File#link and File#symlink break hard on Windows
JRUBY-1922 Pathing issues (pathname? realpath?) on Windows with
GlassFish gem
JRUBY-1923 STDIN not working under Kernel.system
JRUBY-1925 Incompatibility: JRuby 1.1 can't run Glassfish gem
JRUBY-1926 File.new doesn't accept Pathname as its argument
JRUBY-1927 File.lstat on MS Windows should be the same as File.stat
JRUBY-1928 FileUtils.fu_windows? doesn't return true
JRUBY-1933 NullPointerException in SSLSocket.java
JRUBY-1934 divmod with 0.0 argument should raise FloatDomainError: NaN
JRUBY-1939 UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native Library
libjnidispatch.jnilib already loaded in another classloader
JRUBY-1940 Fixnum#+ and Fixnum#* return Fixnum in cases when Bignum
is needed
JRUBY-1941 ThreadLocal caches for regexp in RubyString and joni
cause classloader leaks in app servers
JRUBY-1943 FileUtils.cp_r incorrectly produces "same file" error
when files to be copied already exist in destination directory
JRUBY-1945 The "-y" or "--include-dependencies" is not needed
anymore with the most recent rubygems.
JRUBY-1946 -0 flag not supported
JRUBY-1947 -C flag not supported
JRUBY-1948 -c flag not supported
JRUBY-1952 -T flag not supported
JRUBY-1953 -W flag not supported
JRUBY-1955 Lucene index search causes major memory bloat + slowdown
in 1.1RC1, but not 1.1b1
JRUBY-1956 Class#inherited gets invoked regardless of visibility
JRUBY-1957 IO#dup behavior shows channels should be loosely held by
IO objects
JRUBY-1959 Rubyspecs failures for Array#pack with 'ils' patterns
JRUBY-1963 gem install activerecord-jdbc-adapter hangs while
installing ri doc on clean svn co and build of JRuby r5607
JRUBY-1965 Problem with glob test running under bamboo
JRUBY-1966 AR models backed by views fail to work
JRUBY-1970 Time.now has low precision
JRUBY-1971 Time#getgm and Time#getlocal work incorrectly when usecs
JRUBY-1979 NullPointerException when tracing script requiring java
JRUBY-1980 Marshal#dump incorrerctly serializes objects that respond
to _dump.
JRUBY-1983 File.utime and File.mtime
JRUBY-1984 TCPServer.new should allow a single port parameter
JRUBY-1985 TCPServer.accept should set thread status to 'sleep'
before waiting
JRUBY-1986 String extracted with a regular expression cannot be used
as pattern in File.fnmatch
JRUBY-1987 dup'ed stream reopened by IO.new stream from file
descriptor appears to get lost
JRUBY-1988 Kernel#exec should return subprocess exit value and
immediately bubble out of caller
JRUBY-1989 Can't create Zip files using RubyZip
JRUBY-1990 File.dirname, File.link and File.symlink failed rubinius
spec test
JRUBY-1992 Date::Infinity handling is incorrect
JRUBY-1993 ObjectSpace#define_finalizer behavior does not match MRI
JRUBY-1994 higher javasupport "threads step on each other" test now
failing regularly
JRUBY-1995 Warnings from redefining Java classes is annoying
JRUBY-1998 Regression: JRuby prints Exception in thread "main" when
it shouldn't
JRUBY-1999 Time#strftime week of year is broken on some systems
JRUBY-2000 IO#tty? returns false for "/dev/tty"
JRUBY-2001 Kernel#sprintf returns result in incorrect register with
'x' pattern
JRUBY-2002 rexml/document references undefined variable
JRUBY-2004 Const definition on non-class/module breaks JRuby hard
JRUBY-2005 Buffered writes in IOHandlerNio (sockets, stdio, other
non-file IO) are corrupt
JRUBY-2009 -S script does not set $0 to script launched
JRUBY-2010 Errno errors should allow no-arg constructor
JRUBY-2013 YAML doesn't like serializing ActiveRecord has many
JRUBY-2017 Dir.chdir raises a SystemCallError if the original
directory no longer exists
JRUBY-2019 YAML.tagged_classes retuns very few items compared to MRI
JRUBY-2021 Thread Problem: Exception in thread ... attempted
duplicate class definition..
JRUBY-2023 Serious NIO-multithreading breakage in print/puts on Windows
JRUBY-2024 IO#open, IO#popen, File#open with block should not raise
error when io is closed inside the block
JRUBY-2025 jirb_swing not working (r5707), regression in r5665
JRUBY-2026 Update retroweaver jars to 2.0.3
JRUBY-2030 Attempt to load broken Java class breaks JRuby
JRUBY-2031 SystemCallErorr rubyspec regressions and new specs failures
JRUBY-2033 Attribute assignment is twice as slow as MRI
JRUBY-2034 loading a gem (hpricot) which requires a jar not working
in webstart with jrubygems
JRUBY-2036 Spec failure in TCPSocket on Mac
JRUBY-2037 String#unpack with "Q/q" patterns always returns Bignums
even for small values
JRUBY-2038 IO#seek/pos=, StringIO#seek with non-Fixnum args break JRuby
JRUBY-2039 Various socket spec failures
JRUBY-2043 Temp local variable indices overwriting normal local
variables in stack and boxed variable compilers
JRUBY-2044 IO#write breaks JRuby when writing object with special
to_s implementation
JRUBY-2045 IO#write should not really check if IO is writable if
nothing to write (e.g. empty string)
JRUBY-2046 Ranges in conditions are broken
JRUBY-2050 List module does not allow [Range] and [Num, Num] getters
JRUBY-2052 FileUtils.mkdir_p is broken on Windows
JRUBY-2054 File#join can't handle recursive arrays
JRUBY-2055 Time - () explodes
JRUBY-2056 Time#<=> behavior is incompatible with MRI
JRUBY-2057 Array#join can't handle nested recursive arrays
JRUBY-2060 Eval positioning information from binding is incorrect again.
JRUBY-2061 JRuby should support Unix Domain Sockets
JRUBY-2062 Add ids and convenient data to SyntaxException and
IRubyWarning interface to make their life easier
JRUBY-2064 Array.shift leaks
JRUBY-2066 RubyIO and RubyFile have bad conditional translating
/dev/null to Windows NUL: device.
JRUBY-2067 AOT Compiler does not Function
JRUBY-2068 rbconfig missing localstatedir
JRUBY-2069 Instantiating Java subclasses is excrutiatingly slow
JRUBY-2070 IO#syswrite can't write non-string objects
JRUBY-2073 IO#foreach failures and crashes with rubyspecs
JRUBY-2075 IO#gets failures with latest rubyspecs (tainting, lineno, $.)
JRUBY-2076 RubyBigDecimal.getValue() needed
JRUBY-2077 File#lineno= breaks JRuby if non-integer argument supplied
JRUBY-2081 Gem server fails
JRUBY-2083 Yaml parsing error with application in JRuby (war format
of application)
JRUBY-2084 RubyUNIXSocket read() cases IllegalArgumentException
JRUBY-2085 visibilty faiure on class method defined with 'class << self'
JRUBY-2088 Using the simple package-class syntax for JI gives
unintuitive answers when giving arguments
JRUBY-2090 Passing readonly mode to File.new gets File not found error.
JRUBY-2092 Upgrade to jline-0.9.93 fixes 64-bit Windows jirb.
JRUBY-2095 Test failure in run-junit-precompiled (trunk, WinXp)
JRUBY-2096 File#open should not change permissions of existing file,
even when permissions specified in arguments
JRUBY-2097 File#umask blows up on Windows
JRUBY-2101 Fix deprecation warning in build on clean target
JRUBY-2104 7 rubyspecs failures for $~ due to recent changes
JRUBY-2105 Method and UnboundMethod do not strictly behave like in MRI
JRUBY-2106 Regression after recent JI changes: Some unit tests
cannot be executed, just exit
JRUBY-2109 JRUBY-1890
Rubicon test_io's test_reopen1 fails after IO reorg
JRUBY-2113 Regexp behavior differs a bit from MRIs
JRUBY-2118 File#truncate crashes JRuby with NPE when invoked on
closed file

James Britt

Thomas said:
The JRuby community is pleased to announce the release of JRuby 1.1 RC 2

Homepage: http://www.jruby.org/
Download: http://dist.codehaus.org/jruby/

JRuby 1.1RC2 is the second release candidate of JRuby 1.1. JRuby 1.1
represents a concerted focus on speed and refinement. Ruby code can
completely compile in an Ahead Of Time (AOT) or Just In Time (JIT) mode;
yielding a faster Ruby! It also uses less memory than our previous

Thanks for the kick-ass effort and outstanding results.

James Britt

"The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance, but the illusion
of knowledge."
- D. Boorstin

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