[ANN] JRuby 1.3.0RC2 Released


Thomas Enebo

The JRuby community is pleased to announce the release of JRuby 1.3.0RC2

Homepage: http://www.jruby.org/
Download: http://dist.codehaus.org/jruby/

JRuby 1.3.0RC2 is a release to fix some issues which prevented JRuby from
working with Google App Engine (GAE/J). We decided to put out a shorter
release so that users interested in GAE/J could get going without needing to
build JRuby from scratch.

****Please try your apps against 1.3.0RC2 ASAP and report problems****

- Fixes so that JRuby runs in restricted environments better like GAE/J
- Accessing primitive Java arrays are about 10x faster
- timeout.rb is now ~40% faster
- Method cache performance improvements
- irb works in --1.9 mode now
- Additional Miscellaneous 1.9 fixes
- rubygems 1.3.3, rake 0.8.7, and rspec 1.2.6 upgrades
- 58 bugs fixed since 1.2.0

JRUBY-3626 Thread Safety issue with JRuby 1.3 RC1 - JRuby
abnormally exit
JRUBY-3625 Multi-threading issue with RegExp
JRUBY-1441 ENV should not be case-sensitive on Windows
JRUBY-3617 Java array support unit tests on are failing on AIX with
JRuby 1.3-dev
JRUBY-3663 Can't build JRuby on last OpenJDK builds (58+) because of
uncorrect Invokdynamic support
JRUBY-3638 Multi-Threading issues with JRuby 1.3RC1 and soap4r
JRUBY-3678 problem with super called from method defined with
JRUBY-3686 io.fcntl can also accept one-arg version
JRUBY-3509 uninitialized constant when using ResourceController
plugin with Rails 2.2.2
JRUBY-3699 Failure in ruby1.8/uri/test_common
JRUBY-3594 JRuby's instance_exec only accepts up to 3 arguments
JRUBY-3677 Array#pack problem
JRUBY-3633 JRuby 1.3 Fails to Execute Embedded Ruby code in Java
JRUBY-3634 File.read or File.open with a url to a file resource
fails with StringIndexOutOfBounds exception
JRUBY-3621 relative_path_from returns errors for "C:/" and "C:\\"
JRUBY-3536 JRUBY-1441
jruby-complete gem install fails: private method `split' called for
JRUBY-3647 Severe performance degradation from
JRUBY-3659 Running ant spec-short without the proper Git
abbreviations does not break
JRUBY-3661 Incorrect super call site caching with multiple included
JRUBY-3395 RubySpec: ConditionVariable#wait should return self
JRUBY-3658 RubySpec: Range#initialize visibility and arity failures
JRUBY-3396 RubySpec: Queue#num_waiting reports the number of threads
waiting on the Queue
JRUBY-3357 Marshal load and dump rubyspec failures
JRUBY-3644 After sucessfully launching a remotely-debugged
application (using -S rdebug --stop) trying to run it crashes
JRUBY-3649 IllegalArgumentException with --debug and syslog
JRUBY-3671 RubySpec: Time.times is an obsolete method
JRUBY-3388 RubySpec: File.open opens the file when passed mode, num
and permissions
JRUBY-3343 Modify require logic to block when two threads require
the same file at the same time
JRUBY-3585 Syslog has broken on OS X
JRUBY-2518 Dir["some glob"] doesn't work for files inside a jar
JRUBY-3496 MRI tests: test_hash shows bug in delete_if block argument
JRUBY-3578 ByteList.endsWith fails on empty bytelist
JRUBY-3586 StringIO should support to_inputstream, to_outputstream,
and to_channel just like IO does
JRUBY-3588 Allow rescuing Java Throwables.
JRUBY-1800 Ruby 1.9 Fiber support should leverage the same thread
pool as pooled JRuby threading
JRUBY-3345 Exception backtraces at toplevel appear to be broken
JRUBY-3483 Redirecting $stdout to an object blows up the stack
JRUBY-2900 Add -vm command line argument to pass classpath, etc.
JRUBY-3573 Memory leak when -Djruby.thread.pool.enabled=true
JRUBY-3680 closed stream error when using druby to copy a file
JRUBY-3472 RubySpec: failures in after_each for core/file
JRUBY-3579 Prawn gem nil:NilClass error that doesn't occur in MRI
JRUBY-3498 New failure in MRI's test_time
JRUBY-3679 java.nio.BufferOverflowException on every Kernel.puts call
JRUBY-3670 RubySpec: A Symbol literal does not contain null in the
JRUBY-3683 JRUBY-3670 fix introduces a symbol regression
JRUBY-3596 gems in a jar are not found if the current directory
contains a space
JRUBY-3393 RubySpec: CSV::Reader.parse calls block once for one row
of input
JRUBY-3698 RubyDateFormat.java does ont handle %R specifier in strftime
JRUBY-3652 IO.popen drops first space between command and first argument
JRUBY-3632 Jruby deployment missing batch files
JRUBY-3620 JRuby shebang parsing is too simplistic
JRUBY-3572 Support for anonymous callback inside function definition
JRUBY-3650 Please consider allowing jruby -c to take multiple files
as arguments
JRUBY-3660 Dir.pwd correctly displays dirs with unicode characters
in them
JRUBY-2235 Minor regression: Kernel.system('non-existing-file')
produces some output but shouldn't
JRUBY-3615 Fiber.yield crahes if called without arguments
JRUBY-3640 Minor optimizations with Map.entrySet

Gregory Brown

The JRuby community is pleased to announce the release of JRuby 1.3.0RC2

Homepage: http://www.jruby.org/
Download: http://dist.codehaus.org/jruby/

JRuby 1.3.0RC2 is a release to fix some issues which prevented JRuby from
working with Google App Engine (GAE/J). =A0We decided to put out a shorte= r
release so that users interested in GAE/J could get going without needing= to
build JRuby from scratch.

Thank you for all your great work on this. I've finally started to
take the plunge into JRuby (including using FFI), and it has been
awesome so far. You guys have really come a long way with this!


PS: To those using Prawn, this release should fix an issue with TTF
font embedding

James Britt

Thomas said:
The JRuby community is pleased to announce the release of JRuby 1.3.0RC2

Homepage: http://www.jruby.org/
Download: http://dist.codehaus.org/jruby/

JRuby 1.3.0RC2 is a release to fix some issues which prevented JRuby from
working with Google App Engine (GAE/J). We decided to put out a shorter
release so that users interested in GAE/J could get going without
needing to
build JRuby from scratch.

Sweet. Thanks for all the time and effort.


www.jamesbritt.com - Playing with Better Toys
www.ruby-doc.org - Ruby Help & Documentation
www.rubystuff.com - The Ruby Store for Ruby Stuff
www.neurogami.com - Smart application development

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