[ANN] JRuby 1.6.0 released


Thomas E Enebo

The JRuby community is pleased to announce the release of JRuby 1.6.0.

- Homepage: http://www.jruby.org/
- Download: http://www.jruby.org/download

JRuby 1.6.0 final is out!

JRuby 1.6.0 is the largest release of JRuby to date. This release
fixes hundreds of user issues and brings compatibility with Ruby 1.9.2
to a very high level. We have made Windows a primary supported
platform by adding it to our continuous integration environment. JRuby
1.6 will provide Windows-based Ruby users with the best experience
yet. This release integrates experimental support for C extensions
based on Ruby's C API. And as with all major releases, we have
improved stability and performance across the board in response to
real-world user input.

Over the next month or two we plan on putting out quicker point releases
in anticipation that 1.6.0 will get a new wave of feedback. Give JRuby
1.6.0 a try and let us know how things go.

### Major Features:

- Ruby 1.9.2 language and API compatibility

- Not implemented Encoding::Converter, ripper
- Improved Ruby call performance
- Built-in profiler (--profile, --profile.graph)
- RSpec no longer bundled
- C Extension support (experimental)
- RubyGems Maven support (preview)
- Improved compatibility and user experience on Windows
- jruby-complete.jar now includes 1.9 standard library
- Embedding API refinements
- Over 2000 commits and 270 issues resolved.

blog: http://blog.enebo.com=A0 =A0 =A0=A0 twitter: tom_enebo
mail: (e-mail address removed)

Tony Arcieri

[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

Awesome! Great job guys.

As it so happens, we just switched one of our Rails apps over to run on
JRuby exclusively today as it integrates Java code :)


[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

Does this release mean that it is generally safe to use 1.9 style code with

Chuck Remes

Let me expand on that just a bit. JRuby still defaults to the 1.8 syntax, so for running 1.9 code you must pass the --1.9 command line switch when starting it up. I believe there is a way to make that a default but I don't know the exact details. I assume it involves setting an environment parameter to contain the --1.9 command; I recommend asking on the JRuby mailing list or joining the #jruby channel on irc.freenode.net and asking there.


Nick Klauer

[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

That environment variable would be RUBYOPT

$ export RUBYOPT="--1.9"

and then

$ jruby -v
jruby 1.6.0 (ruby 1.8.7 patchlevel 330) (2011-03-15 f3b6154) (Java
HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.6.0_24) [darwin-x86_64-java]

I use it this way most of the time. The only thing you need to be aware of
is that 1.9 uses 1.9's gems, so if you notice that your gem require stops
working, you probably forgot to install the gem for 1.9.

-Nick Klauer

Nick Sieger

Actually, it should be JRUBY_OPTS=3D--1.9:

$ JRUBY_OPTS=3D--1.9 jruby -v
jruby 1.6.0 (ruby 1.9.2 patchlevel 136) (2011-03-16 f3b6154) (Java
HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.6.0_24) [darwin-i386-java]


That environment variable would be RUBYOPT

$ export RUBYOPT=3D"--1.9"

and then

$ jruby -v
jruby 1.6.0 (ruby 1.8.7 patchlevel 330) (2011-03-15 f3b6154) (Java
HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.6.0_24) [darwin-x86_64-java]

I use it this way most of the time. =A0The only thing you need to be awar= e of
is that 1.9 uses 1.9's gems, so if you notice that your gem require stops
working, you probably forgot to install the gem for 1.9.

-Nick Klauer

Nick Klauer

[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

Yeah, I forgot that RUBYOPT would break other rubies. My apologies.

-Nick Klauer

Actually, it should be JRUBY_OPTS=--1.9:

$ JRUBY_OPTS=--1.9 jruby -v
jruby 1.6.0 (ruby 1.9.2 patchlevel 136) (2011-03-16 f3b6154) (Java
HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.6.0_24) [darwin-i386-java]


That environment variable would be RUBYOPT

$ export RUBYOPT="--1.9"

and then

$ jruby -v
jruby 1.6.0 (ruby 1.8.7 patchlevel 330) (2011-03-15 f3b6154) (Java
HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.6.0_24) [darwin-x86_64-java]

I use it this way most of the time. The only thing you need to be aware of
is that 1.9 uses 1.9's gems, so if you notice that your gem require stops
working, you probably forgot to install the gem for 1.9.

-Nick Klauer

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