[ANN] rdoc 3.5.2 Released


Eric Hodel

rdoc version 3.5.2 has been released!

* RDoc Project Page - https://github.com/rdoc/rdoc/
* RDoc Documentation - http://docs.seattlerb.org/rdoc
* RDoc Bug Tracker - https://github.com/rdoc/rdoc/issues

RDoc produces HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects. =
includes the rdoc and ri tools for generating and displaying online

See RDoc for a description of RDoc's markup and basic use.

=3D=3D=3D 3.5.2 / 2010-02-04

* Deprecations
* RDoc::Context::Section#sequence is now deprecated. Use
RDoc::Context::Section#aref instead.

* Bug fixes
* Fixed syntax highlighting CSS class generation. Reported by Daniel
* Fixed ri for methods with aliases. Pull Request #15 by Sven Riedel.
* Added windows-specific test for test_check_files.
* Darkfish now supports sections. Template and generator author see
RDoc::Context#each_section to add section support. RubyForge Bug =
by Jeff Hodges.
* Fixed post-install message for Ruby 1.9.2 users.
* Set required ruby version to >=3D 1.8.7.

=3D=3D=3D 3.5.1 / 2010-01-30

* Bug fixes
* Fixed some typos. Pull request #13 by R.T. Lechow.
* Ensure an RDoc::Stats is created in #parse_files. Fixes =
documentation for
railties which has no files. Reported by Aaron Patterson

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