[ANN] Thin 0.6.2 Rambo release

  • Thread starter Marc-André Cournoyer
  • Start date

Marc-André Cournoyer

Hey all,

Version 0.6.2 (codename Rambo) of the fastest Ruby server is out!


== What's new?

Important bug fixes for 0.6.1 Cheesecake, please update!
A couple people reported memory & cpu spikes and hangs during file
this release should take care of those issues.

* Server now let current connections finish before stopping, fixes #18
* Fix uploading hanging bug when body is moved to a tempfile,
also delete the tempfile properly upon completion, fixes #25
* 'thin restart' now sends HUP signals rather then stopping &
starting, closes #17
* HUP signal now launches a new process with the same options.
* Add PID and more info from the last request to the Stats adapter
mostly taken from Rack::ShowException.
* pid and log files in cluster are no longer required to be relative
to the
app directory (chdir option), fixes #24
* Revert to using #each when building response headers under Ruby 1.8,
solves an issue w/ Camping adapter, fixes #22
* Restructure thin script options in 3 sections: server, daemon and
* Add --only (-o) option to control only one server of a cluster.
* Stylize stats page and make the url configurable from the thin
* Raise error if attempting to use unix sockets on windows.
* Add example config files for http://www.tildeslash.com/monit usage.
Include the example file using include /path/to/thin/monit/file in
your monitrc file.
The group settings let you do this to manage your clusters:

sudo monit -g blog restart all

There are examples of thin listening on sockets and thin listening
on unix sockets.

== Get it!

sudo gem install thin

Or using my mirror:

sudo gem install thin --source http://code.macournoyer.com

Thin is still alpha software, if you use it on your server you
understand the
risks that are involved.

== Contribute

If you're using Thin, let me know and I'll put your site on http://code.macournoyer.com/thin/users/

Thin is driven by an active community of passionate coders and
Please join us, contribute or share some ideas in Thin Google Group:

Also on IRC: #thin on freenode

Thanks to all the people who contributed to Thin, EventMachine, Rack
and Mongrel.

Marc-Andre Cournoyer

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