[ANN] Thin 0.7.0 Spherical Cow release

  • Thread starter Marc-André Cournoyer
  • Start date

Marc-André Cournoyer

Hey all,

Version 0.7.0 (codename Spherical Cow) of the fastest Ruby server is


== What's new?

Persistent connections (Keep-Alive) and Swifitply support!

* Add --max-persistent-conns option to sets the maximum number of
persistent connections.
Set to 0 to disable Keep-Alive.
* INT signal now force stop and QUIT signal gracefully stops.
* Warn when descriptors table size can't be set as high as expected.
* Eval Rackup config file using top level bindings.
* Remove daemons gem dependency on Windows plateform, fixes #45.
* Change default timeout from 60 to 30 seconds.
* Add --max-conns option to sets the maximum number of file or
socket descriptors that
your process may open, defaults to 1024.
* Tail logfile when stopping and restarting a demonized server,
fixes #26.
* Wrap application in a Rack::CommonLogger adapter in debug mode.
* --debug (-D) option no longer set so logging will be less verbose
and Ruby won't be too strict, fixes #36.
* Deprecate Server#silent in favour of Logging.silent.
* Persistent connection (keep-alive) support.
* Fix -s option not being included in generated config file, fixes
* Add Swiftiply support. Use w/ the --swiftiply (-y) option in the
thin script,
closes #28 [Alex MacCaw]

== Get it!

sudo gem install thin

Or using my mirror:

sudo gem install thin --source http://code.macournoyer.com

Thin is still alpha software, if you use it on your server you
understand the
risks that are involved.

== Contribute

If you're using Thin, let me know and I'll put your site on http://code.macournoyer.com/thin/users/

Thin is driven by an active community of passionate coders and
Please join us, contribute or share some ideas in Thin Google Group:

Also on IRC: #thin on freenode

Thanks to all the people who contributed to Thin, EventMachine, Rack
and Mongrel.

Marc-Andre Cournoyer

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