ASP/Html checkbox convert to true/false for MS Access backend.



I have a microsoft access front end and backend database for multi-
user use. I have the back end located on a server that also is an IIS
webserver. I've created a few ASP pages that pull customer lists down
so far and it works great. I am trying to edit some of that data and
noticed that a checkbox on the webpage uses ON/OFF instead of True/
False like MS Access uses. My problem is trying to get the checkbox to
be checked if the data in the field called "ServiceCallBack" is pulled
and shown to be True. If False then it would uncheck the box.

Here is the code I have on that webpage:


ID = Request("ID")
ID = CLng(ID)

<!--#include file="database-connect.asp"-->
SQL = "SELECT * FROM Support2Q WHERE LeadDetailID=" & ID
RS.Open SQL, Conn

ServiceNotes = rs("ServiceNotes")
ServiceCallBack = rs("ServiceCallBack")
ServiceCallBackTime = rs("ServiceCallBackTime")
Customer = rs("Customer")
ContractorName = rs("ContractorName")

<!--#include file="database-disconnect.asp"-->


<form method="POST" action="editprocess.asp">
<td width="130">LeadDetailID:</td>
<td width="267"><input type="hidden" name="ID" value="<%=ID%>"
<td width="130">Customer:</td>
<td width="267">
<input type="text" name="Customer" value="<%=Customer%>"
<td width="130">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </p>
Contractor Name:</td>
<td width="267">
<input type="text" name="ContractorName" value="<%=ContractorName
%>" size="50"></td></p>
Notes: <textarea rows="8" name="ServiceNotes" cols="86"><

<p>Call Back?
<input type="checkbox" name="ServiceCallBack" value="<

<p>Call Back When?</td>
<td width="267"><input type="text" name="ServiceCallBackTime"
value="<%=ServiceCallBackTime%>" size="50"></td></p>

<p><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="B1"></p>

Mike Brind

I have a microsoft access front end and backend database for multi-
user use. I have the back end located on a server that also is an IIS
webserver. I've created a few ASP pages that pull customer lists down
so far and it works great. I am trying to edit some of that data and
noticed that a checkbox on the webpage uses ON/OFF instead of True/
False like MS Access uses. My problem is trying to get the checkbox to
be checked if the data in the field called "ServiceCallBack" is pulled
and shown to be True. If False then it would uncheck the box.

Here is the code I have on that webpage:


ID = Request("ID")
ID = CLng(ID)

<!--#include file="database-connect.asp"-->
SQL = "SELECT * FROM Support2Q WHERE LeadDetailID=" & ID
RS.Open SQL, Conn

ServiceNotes = rs("ServiceNotes")
ServiceCallBack = rs("ServiceCallBack")
ServiceCallBackTime = rs("ServiceCallBackTime")
Customer = rs("Customer")
ContractorName = rs("ContractorName")

<!--#include file="database-disconnect.asp"-->


<form method="POST" action="editprocess.asp">
<td width="130">LeadDetailID:</td>
<td width="267"><input type="hidden" name="ID" value="<%=ID%>"
<td width="130">Customer:</td>
<td width="267">
<input type="text" name="Customer" value="<%=Customer%>"
<td width="130">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </p>
Contractor Name:</td>
<td width="267">
<input type="text" name="ContractorName" value="<%=ContractorName
%>" size="50"></td></p>
Notes: <textarea rows="8" name="ServiceNotes" cols="86"><

<p>Call Back?
<input type="checkbox" name="ServiceCallBack" value="<

<p>Call Back When?</td>
<td width="267"><input type="text" name="ServiceCallBackTime"
value="<%=ServiceCallBackTime%>" size="50"></td></p>

<p><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="B1"></p>

<p>Call Back?
<input type="checkbox" name="ServiceCallBack" value="-1" <% If
ServiceCallBack = -1 Then Response.Write " ""checked""" %>>
</ p>

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