ASP .NET Admin Tool Timed out



Hi all,

I have a strange behavior with the ASP .NET 2.0 Admin tool.

When I click on ASP.NET Configuration in VS 2005 the Administration
intro page displays correctly but when I click on any link "Security",
"Application" or "Provider" the message "Tool as timed out" appears.

I can't find any KB article about this problem.

Any help will be appreciated.

S. Nunes

Brock Allen

The admin tool uses Session state to remember what directory and
virtual path you're configuring (note the query string when you first launch
it). Perhaps you have cookies disbaled?


You must be running IE7. For some reason it doesn't show you any of the help
messages when the config tool times out.

Your problem is either that you didn't install sql 2k5 express when
installing VSNET. The config website, by default, attempts to connect to
this instance of 2k5 as per the default membership provider. A rough outline
on what you need to do:
1) If you don't have sql server installed or access to a sql server, install
sql 2k5 express
2) open up the visual studio command prompt (under start menu/all
programs/visual studio 2005/Visual Studio Tools directory) and type
aspnet_regsql. This brings up a tool that you can use to configure whatever
instance of sql server you have to be accessible by aspnet for use as a
membership provider data source. It also creates a new database. Create a
connection string that connects to that database.
3) In web.config, if you don't have a <configuration></configuration> node,
add it. Inside, add the following:
<remove name=â€LocalSqlServerâ€/>
<add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="" providerName =

Insert your sql server's connection string for the aspnet database created
by aspnet_regsql between the quotes after connectionString.

Check out the following site for more detailed info on the process:

The problem with that site is that if you aren't running server 2k3, you
can't use the config screens shown (they're only avail in iis 6.0, where XP
has 5.something). But it does describe the issue you're having pretty well
otherwise. You just have to manually change web.config to work. Also,
realize that all the configuration stuff that is screwing you up is
completely hidden from you. It should be in web.config, but its not. So
that's why you have to "remove" the connection string and then add it back
again. Truly annoying.

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