Best way to limit max number of characters per line in JEditorPane ?




I need to write swing based editor using which allows the user to
write a plain text document, which has a fixed maximum column width.
The column width will be supplied by the model class later. I finally
managed to write one using a document filter, as shown below. My
question is this the best (or a reasonable) way to realize this or are
there better options / solutions / ideas ?

Any comments are welcome.

public class LMEditor extends JFrame {

	private int frameWidth = 600 ;
	private int frameHeight = 400 ;
	private JEditorPane motivationTxtEdt = null ;
                private static final int MAXCOLUMNS = 30 ;

	public LMEditor(){
		super() ;
		initialize() ;

	public void initialize() {

		// Init frame
		setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE) ;
		this.setSize(frameWidth,frameHeight) ;

.... irrelevant code ...

		motivationTxtEdt = new JEditorPane() ;
		motivationTxtEdt.setBounds(20,120,400,300) ;
		motivationTxtEdt.setContentType("text/plain") ;
		Document motivationDoc = motivationTxtEdt.getDocument();
	                DocumentFilter motivationFilter = new
	                ((AbstractDocument) motivationDoc).setDocumentFilter
		LMEditorPanel.add(motivationTxtEdt) ;

		 setVisible(true) ;


	class ColumnWidthDocumentFilter extends DocumentFilter {

		int maxColumnWidth = 0 ;
		JEditorPane motivationEditorPane = null ;

		public ColumnWidthDocumentFilter(int maxColumnWidth, JEditorPane
motivationEditorPane) {

			this.maxColumnWidth = maxColumnWidth ;
			this.motivationEditorPane = motivationEditorPane ;


		public void insertString(DocumentFilter.FilterBypass fb, int offset,
String string,
				AttributeSet attr) throws BadLocationException {
			super.insertString(fb, offset, string, attr);

		public void remove(DocumentFilter.FilterBypass fb, int offset, int
				throws BadLocationException {
		    super.remove(fb, offset, length);

		public void replace(DocumentFilter.FilterBypass fb, int offset, int
length, String text,
				AttributeSet attrs) throws BadLocationException {

			// Get the caret position
		    int caretPosition = motivationEditorPane.getCaretPosition() ;
		    // Get line and linestart of root Document
		    Element root = fb.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement() ;
			int line = root.getElementIndex( caretPosition );
			int lineStart = root.getElement( line ).getStartOffset();

			if (((caretPosition - lineStart + 1) < this.maxColumnWidth) ||
(text == "\n")) {
			    super.replace(fb, offset, length, text, attrs);



John B. Matthews

Peter said:
I need to write swing based editor, using [a component that] allows
the user to write a plain text document, which has a fixed maximum
column width. The column width will be supplied by the model class
later. I finally managed to write one using a document filter, as
shown below. My question is this the best (or a reasonable) way to
realize this or are there better options / solutions / ideas ?

Any comments are welcome.

I tend to think of width as a property of the container in which the
text is rendered, rather than a property of the text itself. JEditorPane
seems to have been designed accordingly. If you intended to limit the
maximum line length, your approach seems reasonable. You might also look
at leveraging an existing line-oriented editor such as jEdit:


[Interesting approach to text wrap in JEditorPane.]

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