In an intranet asp.net application I have the following in the web config:
<authentication mode="Windows" />
<location path="AdministrationFolder">
<allow users="John"/>
<allow users="David"/>
<allow users="Eric"/>
<deny users="*"/>
The "Default.aspx" page is accessible to everybody.
I have a link <a href=Administration.aspx>Administration</a> on this page,
which I need it to be visible only if the user is one of those specified in
"<location path=....>" (If user = in (John, David, Eric) then, display the
How can I check if the logged user is one of the mentioned users above ?
<authentication mode="Windows" />
<location path="AdministrationFolder">
<allow users="John"/>
<allow users="David"/>
<allow users="Eric"/>
<deny users="*"/>
The "Default.aspx" page is accessible to everybody.
I have a link <a href=Administration.aspx>Administration</a> on this page,
which I need it to be visible only if the user is one of those specified in
"<location path=....>" (If user = in (John, David, Eric) then, display the
How can I check if the logged user is one of the mentioned users above ?