Closures and Partial Function Application


Travis Parks

I was a little disappointed the other day when I realized that
closures were read-only. I like to use closures quite a bit.

Can someone explain why this limitation exists? Secondly, since I can
cheat by wrapping the thing being closure-ified, how can I write a
simple wrapper that has all the same members as the thing (decorator),
that then applies them to the underlying thing?

I also like partial function application. What is the easiest way of
achieving this in Python? Would it look something like this:

def foo(x, y):
return x + y

xFoo = lambda y: foo(10, y)

Arnaud Delobelle

I was a little disappointed the other day when I realized that
closures were read-only. I like to use closures quite a bit.

Can someone explain why this limitation exists? Secondly, since I can
cheat by wrapping the thing being closure-ified, how can I write a
simple wrapper that has all the same members as the thing (decorator),
that then applies them to the underlying thing?

I don't understand. Can you give an example?
I also like partial function application. What is the easiest way of
achieving this in Python? Would it look something like this:

def foo(x, y):
   return x + y

xFoo = lambda y: foo(10, y)

from functools import partial

foo10 = partial(foo, 10)



Travis Parks

Assuming I'm intuiting your question correctly, then you're incorrect;
they are "read/write". You just need a `nonlocal` declaration for the
variables in question. See
for details.


Cool. So I just need to put "nonlocal" in front of the variable name.

Travis Parks

Cool. So I just need to put "nonlocal" in front of the variable name.

Am I doing something wrong, here? nonlocal isn't registering. Which
version did this get incorporated?


I was a little disappointed the other day when I realized that
closures were read-only. I like to use closures quite a bit.

They are not _strictly_ read only, but Python being first and foremost
an OO language, it's usually way simpler to use OO instead of closures
when you start needing such features.

Travis Parks

Ah, okay. It would be really useful for unit testing. Unfortunately, I
want to make the code I am writing compatible with 2.x and 3.x. I will
just deal with it until 3.x takes over. Glad to know Guido sees the

Travis Parks

They are not _strictly_ read only, but Python being first and foremost
an OO language, it's usually way simpler to use OO instead of closures
when you start needing such features.

I like to leave OO to large-scale architectures and leave functional
paradigms for implementation details.

Writing an entire class for wrapping an int seems excessive.
Especially if that code is limited to a small scope. I agree, though,
that there is a time and a place for everything.

Terry Reedy

I was a little disappointed the other day when I realized that
closures were read-only.

'Were', in 2.x. The standard 2.x workaround for a single nonlocal is to
wrap it in a list.

def f():
i = [0]
def g(): i[0] += 1
for j in range(5): g()

# 5

Piet van Oostrum

Travis Parks said:
I also like partial function application. What is the easiest way of
achieving this in Python? Would it look something like this:

def foo(x, y):
return x + y

xFoo = lambda y: foo(10, y)

from functools import partial
xfoo = partial(foo, 10)

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