connect login control to my application




Which field from aspnet_Users table should I use as a foreign key in
the related tables in my application?

Ex. I have a message board app in old asp and there is a table Topics
containing all the messages posted by users. And I had MsgID as pk and
UserId fk to identify the user. I am planning to move everything
to .net

I've always used UserID but in the new model it looks like UserName is
a better choice because of User.Identity.Name. Does User collection
keeps information about UserID?

When I insert a new record looks like it's better to use UserName
directly, so it means all the table should have UserName as fk instead
of UserID. Am I right?




Which field from aspnet_Users table should I use as a foreign key in
the related tables in my application?

Ex. I have a message board app in old asp and there is a table Topics
containing all the messages posted by users. And I had MsgID as pk and
UserId fk to identify the user. I am planning to move everything
to .net

I've always used UserID but in the new model it looks like UserName is
a better choice because of User.Identity.Name. Does User collection
keeps information about UserID?

When I insert a new record looks like it's better to use UserName
directly, so it means all the table should have UserName as fk instead
of UserID. Am I right?


It depends on your implementation. The UserId value could be either
the string value of numeric UserId, or a name of the user, or an email
address. The idea is to use a unique key to unambiguously identify
specific user. Most of message boards require unique name, email (and
#), and any of these fields can be used as a key.

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