convert list of strings to set of regexes; convert list of strings to trie


Klaus Neuner


I need a function that converts a list into a set of regexes. Like so:

string_list = ["blaa", "blab", "raaa", "rabb"]

print string_list2regexes(string_list)

This should return something like:

["bla(a|b)", "ra(aa|bb)"]

I am aware of the fact that converting the list to a *trie* would almost do
the job. But I couldn't find anything about Python modules that produce tries.

Are there any modules that I could use? Or do I have to implement it myself?


=?iso-8859-1?Q?Fran=E7ois?= Pinard

[Klaus Neuner]
I need a function that converts a list into a set of regexes. Like so:
string_list = ["blaa", "blab", "raaa", "rabb"]
print string_list2regexes(string_list)
This should return something like:
["bla(a|b)", "ra(aa|bb)"]

I once wrote code for doing something very close, but not finding it,
I guess I deleted it; so presumably, it would not be that difficult
redoing from scratch. By the way, the regexp compiler in Python library
already turns, at least logically, `(blaa)|(blab)|(raaa)|(rabb)' into
`(bla(a|b))|(ra(aa|bb))' -- disregarding of course how groups are being
saved by parentheses. So, you may also peek in this direction.

Klaus Neuner

François Pinard said:
By the way, the regexp compiler in Python library
already turns, at least logically, `(blaa)|(blab)|(raaa)|(rabb)' into
`(bla(a|b))|(ra(aa|bb))' -- disregarding of course how groups are being
saved by parentheses. So, you may also peek in this direction.

What do you mean exactly by "logically"? That Python translates

(1) (blaa)|(blab)|(raaa)|(rabb)

to something (logically equivalent to)

(2) (bla(a|b))|(ra(aa|bb))

before matching it? Does this mean that (1) (taken as normal regex) is always
exactly as fast as (2) (taken as normal regex)?


Matteo Dell'Amico

Klaus said:

I need a function that converts a list into a set of regexes. Like so:

string_list = ["blaa", "blab", "raaa", "rabb"]

print string_list2regexes(string_list)

This should return something like:

["bla(a|b)", "ra(aa|bb)"]

So, I guess you just want to isolate common prefixes.
I am aware of the fact that converting the list to a *trie* would almost do
the job. But I couldn't find anything about Python modules that produce tries.

can be of some use for you, even if I didn't have a look at it.

Matteo Dell'Amico

Klaus said:
What do you mean exactly by "logically"? That Python translates

(1) (blaa)|(blab)|(raaa)|(rabb)

to something (logically equivalent to)

(2) (bla(a|b))|(ra(aa|bb))

before matching it? Does this mean that (1) (taken as normal regex) is always
exactly as fast as (2) (taken as normal regex)?

Looks like (2) is a little bit more efficient in case of not matching
strings: edited from an interactive session,

In [22]: timer = timeit.Timer("re1.match('blorb')", "import re;re1 =

In [23]: timer.timeit()
Out[23]: 1.4223082065582275

In [24]: timer2 = timeit.Timer("re2.match('blorb')", "import re;re2 =

In [25]: timer2.timeit()
Out[25]: 1.2273669242858887

In [28]: timer3 = timeit.Timer("re3.match('blab')", "import re;re3 =

In [29]: timer3.timeit()
Out[29]: 1.4784541130065918

In [30]: timer4 = timeit.Timer("re4.match('blab')", "import re;re4 =

In [31]: timer4.timeit()
Out[31]: 1.4766991138458252

=?iso-8859-1?Q?Fran=E7ois?= Pinard

[Klaus Neuner]
[François Pinard]
By the way, the regexp compiler in Python library already
turns, at least logically, `(blaa)|(blab)|(raaa)|(rabb)' into
`(bla(a|b))|(ra(aa|bb))' -- disregarding of course how groups
are being saved by parentheses. So, you may also peek in this
What do you mean exactly by "logically"? That Python translates (1) to
something (logically equivalent to) (2) before matching it? Does this
mean that (1) (taken as normal regex) is always exactly as fast as (2)
(taken as normal regex)?

This is what I understand, yes: it is not worth optimising regexps the
above way ourselves (as we sometimes do for Emacs Lisp regexps, say),
before giving them to the Python regexp compiler.

Nick Craig-Wood

Klaus Neuner said:
I need a function that converts a list into a set of regexes. Like so:

string_list = ["blaa", "blab", "raaa", "rabb"]

print string_list2regexes(string_list)

This should return something like:

["bla(a|b)", "ra(aa|bb)"]

The program below does exactly this... Run it like this

$ ./ 5
Extracting 5 letter words

(Giving the list of words to stdin)

It produced this regexp which matches just the above strings.

Re: bla[ab]|ra(?:aa|bb)

For your input. Eg find a regexp to match all the 1&2 letter words
in the dictionary...

../ 2 < /usr/share/dict/words

Re: [aa]|a[cdghlmmnrssttuy]|[bb]|b[aeeikry]|[cc]|c[adfilmorssu]|[dd]|d[bor]|[ee]|e[dhmrssux]|[ff]|f[aemr]|[gg]|g[adeeos]|[hh]|h[aeefgiooz]|[ii]|i[dfnnorstt]|[jj]|j[or]|[kk]|k[crsw]|[ll]|l[aaeiorstu]|[mm]|m[abdeginorsstuy]|[nn]|n[abdeiopu]|[oo]|o[bfhknrswxz]|[pp]|p[aabdhimotu]|[qqrr]|r[abdeehnsux]|[ss]|s[bcehimnort]|[tt]|t[abchiilmosy]|[uu]|u[hprs]|[vv]|v[as]|[ww]|w[emu]|[xx]|xe|[yy]|y[abe]|[zz]|z[nr]

Yes its in perl, but its almost entirely regexps! I haven't got the
time to pythonise it at the moment - hope you enjoy a challenge ;-)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# The challenge - to write a function which given a list of words
# returns a regexp which will match those and only those words.

use strict;
my $LIMIT = shift || 3;

print "Extracting $LIMIT letter words\n";

my @list = ();
while (<>)
next if $_ eq "";
push @list, lc($_) if length($_) <= $LIMIT;

print "Extracted ", scalar(@list), " words\n";

my ($re, $old_re) = ("", "1");

while ($re ne $old_re)
$old_re = $re;
print "-" x 60, "\n";
$re = word_list_to_regexp( @list );
check_word_list_to_regexp($re, \@list);
print "Length: ", length($re), "\n";

# Converts a list of words into a regexp which will
# match those words and those numbers only.
# It does this by constructing a regexp and then progressively
# simplifying it - recursively if necessary. It uses regexp's to
# transform the regexp of course! This is almost a general purpose
# regexp optimiser.
# We assume that the caller will bound the regexp with ^( and )$ or
# \W(?: and )\W or whatever takes their fancy
# Set $DEBUG to 1 if you want to print lots of info and check the
# regexp works after each transformation.
# Warning: code contains heavy regexps - lift with care ;-)
# Caution: Code may use exponential time and space ;-(

sub word_list_to_regexp
my (@list) = @_;
my $DEBUG = 1;

# The basic regexp with |'s on the start and end to make our life
# easier
# Should uniq here too...
$re = join("|", sort {
#length($a) <=> length($b) ||
$a cmp $b
} @list);

$re = "|$re|";

# Transform the regexp in stages, making sure at all time the
# regexp is correct if $DEBUG is set

check_word_list_to_regexp($re, \@list) if $DEBUG;

# 1) Concatenate all the single characters a|b|c into [abc]'s
$re =~ s{ \| ( \w (?: \| \w )+ ) (?= \| ) }
my ( $string ) = ( $1 );
print "string = '$string'\n" if $DEBUG;
"|[" . join("", split m{\|}, $string) . "]"

check_word_list_to_regexp($re, \@list) if $DEBUG;

# 2) Find all the Xa|Xb|Xc and change to X(?:a|b|c)]
$re =~ s{ \| ( (\w+)(\w+) (?: \| \2\w+ )+ ) (?= \| ) }
my ( $string, $prefix ) = ( $1, $2 );
print "prefix = '$prefix', string = '$string'\n" if $DEBUG;
"|$prefix\(?:" . join("|", map { substr($_, length $prefix) } split m{\|}, $string) . ")"

check_word_list_to_regexp($re, \@list) if $DEBUG;

# 3) Find all the aX|bX|cX and change to (a|b|c)X]
$re =~ s{ \| ( (\w+?)(.+) (?: \| \w+\3 )+ ) (?= \| ) }
my ( $string, $postfix ) = ( $1, $3 );
print "postfix = '$postfix', string = '$string'\n" if $DEBUG;
$string =~ s{ \Q$postfix\E (?= \| | $ ) }{}gx;
print "...string = '$string'\n" if $DEBUG;

check_word_list_to_regexp($re, \@list) if $DEBUG;

# 4) Change (?:a|b|c) into [abc]
$re =~ s{ \(\?\: ( \w (?: \| \w )+ ) \) }
my ( $string ) = ( $1 );
print "string = '$string'\n" if $DEBUG;
"[" . join("", split m{\|}, $string) . "]"

check_word_list_to_regexp($re, \@list) if $DEBUG;

# 5) Optimise [abc] into [a-c] or \d
# This doesn't optimise all the cases only the complete continuous
# range in the [ ... ]
# $re =~ s{ \[ ( \w{3,} ) \] }
# {
# my ( $string, $start, $end ) = ( $1, substr($1, 0, 1), substr($1, -1, 1) );
# print "match ['$string']...range [$start-$end]\n" if $DEBUG;
# if ($end - $start + 1 == length $string)
# {
# $start == 0 && $end == 9 ? '\d' : "[$start-$end]";
# }
# else
# {
# "[$string]";
# }
# }gex;

check_word_list_to_regexp($re, \@list) if $DEBUG;

my $re_length;

$re_length = length($re);

# 6) recurse on any sequences left (?:ab|cd|ef)
$re =~ s{ \(\?\: ( \w+ (?: \| \w+ )+ ) \) }
my ( $string ) = ( $1 );
if (length($string) < length($re) - 4)
print "**** Recursing on '$string'\n" if $DEBUG;
"(?:" . word_list_to_regexp(split m{\|}, $string) . ")";

# 6a) recurse on any sequences left |ab|cd|ef|
$re =~ s{ \| ( \w+ (?: \| \w+ )+ ) \| }
my ( $string ) = ( $1 );
if (length($string) < length($re) - 2)
print "**** Recursing on '$string'\n" if $DEBUG;
"|" . word_list_to_regexp(split m{\|}, $string) . "|";
until (length($re) == $re_length);

check_word_list_to_regexp($re, \@list) if $DEBUG;

# 7) fix the | on each end
$re =~ s{^\|}{};
$re =~ s{\|$}{};

print "**** Returning '$re'\n" if $DEBUG;

return $re;

# Test subroutine to check the regexp performs as advertised
# Call with a regexp and a reference to a list of numbers
# it will check that the regexp matches all the list and
# doesn't match some others (obviously it can't check them
# all can it!) die-ing on any failures.

sub check_word_list_to_regexp
my ($re, $list) = @_;
my %list = map { $_ => 1 } @$list;
print "Re: $re\n";

# Put some other test cases in
$list{$_} += 0 for (0..999);
$list{int(rand()*1000)} += 0 for (0..99);
$list{int(rand()*10000)} += 0 for (0..99);
$list{int(rand()*100000)} += 0 for (0..99);

# print join(", ", map {"$_ => $list{$_}"} keys %list), "\n";
$re =~ s{^\|}{}; # fix | on start and end
$re =~ s{\|$}{};
$re = "^(?:$re)\$"; # put in ^(?: ... )$
$re = qr{$re}; # compile the regexp for speed

# Check all the keys in list against the regexp - some should pass
# and some should fail
for my $item (keys %list)
if ($list{$item} xor ($item =~ /$re/))
die "*** FAILED '$re' for '$item' ShouldMatch: $list{$item}\n";
# print "OK '$re' for '$item'\n";

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