custom control, remoting?? How can I do that?



I have the following scenario: a web application (ASP.NET/C#).
The connected users would be send messages to another user, the server would
be sende message from especific user, the server would be redirect especific
user to especific page.
So, I moved to this company two days ago, and receive the following sample
1. A Web Application with:
- main.html (3 framesets)
-- 1# frame - client.html
-- 2# frame - events.spx
-- 3# frame - blank page
-- global.asax

2. A console application to raise events

In the global.asax, I create the remote server and the http channels.
In the events.aspx, on page load, I do a loop while clientIsConnected and do
a thread for each connected user, and make this thread silent
I put in silent inside a try catch block, because in the console
application, I list all connected users on the http channel, and, just for
test, interrupt the thread of a specific user, to throw the exception on the
events.aspx. After, this interrupt of thred will be substituted by the
others method I said (send messages from server, redirect page, etc)

So, necessarily I need to encapsulate this code like a web custom control,
or, if anyone have any better idea, please tell me.
Nedde to work like this: Having a ready project, the control, or what it
will be, will be implemented and will be work fastest as possible. As well
as, new functionalities could be easily and fast to developed too.

Sorry my english and please help me!

Any idea it will be very appreciated.



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