Custom Profile Provider


Weston Weems

Ok, when I first started to play with the Provider model for all things
membership in ASP.NET 2.0, I have to say I was pleased... but I must
have missed something here...

I've got two questions...

1) I'd like to have profile be a strongly typed complex object derived
from profilebase. I've edited in web.config to change <provider name=""

I would like to simply construct this object with my homebrew OR Mapper,
which I beleive I can get the context (a user id, or a username)

But the only way I can return data from the ProfileProvider is through a
collection of name/value pairs? That seems extremely lame.

Should I just scrap the profiles all together and somehow assign
equivalent of a profile on Authentication?
any one have any advice that way? It looks like it was designed to be
able to use custom strongly typed complex objects, I just don't know how
to populate the object.

2) How does one DEBUG a custom profile provider extension? I build both
the parent web project in debug mode, as well as the custom provider as
well. When I set a breakpoint and hit start, it'll always say either "No
symbols loaded for this document" or "There is no executable code at
this line numbers"

I want it to break in Initialize() method, when should I expect it to
break (application start is what I would have guessed)

Please any input would be greatly appreciated.

Dominick Baier

If you derive from ProfileBase and set the inherits in web.config you can
access the values just using your properties...what's the problem?

Weston Weems

That side of things is no problem. When I do that, I actually appear to
be getting out what I expect to when I try Profile.SomeCustomCollection...

Its the population of that object with real information from my data

Everything wants to be in a namevalue collection. I am curious as to why
they didnt allow you to return a Profile, eg, they feed you a customer
id, or custoer name, and expect you to return a Profile object.

Instead they cripple the provider interface and dont let you get that
low yourself. The problem is that I want to use my OR mapper to quickly
load up a CustomProfile object from db, and pass that object back.

Profile.GetType() already returns CustomProfile, its just empty.


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