Custom tag function?



I'm stuck in a problem

Hi I want to create a funtion in asp.
Like this [userid=Smith] Then the function convert the "custom tag" to.

How to do?
I'm real stucked.

// Hagge


I solved it, this is my function to be used like this...

Response.write userLink("This will be a link to [userid=Hagge]")

Will be displayed as...
This will be a link to <a href="userpage.asp?userid=XXXXXX">Hagge</a>

Function userLink(sText)
Dim arrayWords(20000)
arrWords = Split(sText," ")
For iWords=0 to Ubound(arrWords)
iStartLength = Int("0")
iStartLength = Int(Instr(arrWords(iWords),"[userid=")+8)
iEndLength = Int(Instr(arrWords(iWords),"]"))
iNameLength = Int(iEndLength-iStartLength)
If iNameLength > Int("0") Then
sFuncUserName = Mid(arrWords(iWords),iStartLength,iNameLength)
SQL=SQL & " FROM tblUsers"
SQL=SQL & " WHERE sUserName='" & sFuncUserName & "'"
Set rsName = db.execute( SQL )
If NOT rsName.EOF Then
sFuncText=sFuncText & "<a href=""userpage.asp?userid=" &
rsName("sUserGUID") & """>" & sFuncUserName & "</a>"
End If

Set rsName = Nothing
sFuncText=sFuncText & arrWords(iWords) & " "
End If
userLink = sFuncText
End Function

// Hagge


Just to help a little. There is no reason to have to build an array or
have any loop for what you want to do with your function. The below
should do what you are wanting to do, and much faster and easier to

Response.Write "This will be a link to" & userLink("Hagge")

will return...

This will be a link to <a href="userpage.asp?userid=XXXXXX">Hagge</a>

I added also ... if Hagge is not in the usersTable ... it will return

This will be a link to **Invalid username**

Anyway, I hope the below function helps ... if yours is working, this
one should work with no changes in my function. Also, it will be much
easier to call since you are giving it the username only. The function
only returns the link.

Function userLink(theUserName)
Dim theUserID, theSQLStatement, linkSentence

theSQLStatement = "Select sUserGUID From tblUsers "
theSQLStatement = theSQLStatement & "Where sUserName = '" &
theUserName & "';"
Set rsName = db.Execute(theSQLStatement)

If Not rsName.EOF Then '//User Exists
theUserID = rsName("sUserGUID")
linkSentence = "<a href=""userpage.asp"
linkSentence = linkSentence & "?userid=" & theUserID & """>"
linkSentence = linkSentence & theUserName
linkSentence = linkSentence & "</a>"
Else '//User Doesn't Exist
linkSentence = "**Invalid username**"
End If

Set rsName = Nothing

userLink = linkSentence
End Function

Response.Write "This will be a link to " & userLink("Hagge")


I solved it, this is my function to be used like this...

Response.write userLink("This will be a link to [userid=Hagge]")

Will be displayed as...
This will be a link to <a href="userpage.asp?userid=XXXXXX">Hagge</a>

Function userLink(sText)
Dim arrayWords(20000)
arrWords = Split(sText," ")
For iWords=0 to Ubound(arrWords)
iStartLength = Int("0")
iStartLength = Int(Instr(arrWords(iWords),"[userid=")+8)
iEndLength = Int(Instr(arrWords(iWords),"]"))
iNameLength = Int(iEndLength-iStartLength)
If iNameLength > Int("0") Then
sFuncUserName = Mid(arrWords(iWords),iStartLength,iNameLength)
SQL=SQL & " FROM tblUsers"
SQL=SQL & " WHERE sUserName='" & sFuncUserName & "'"
Set rsName = db.execute( SQL )
If NOT rsName.EOF Then
sFuncText=sFuncText & "<a href=""userpage.asp?userid=" &
rsName("sUserGUID") & """>" & sFuncUserName & "</a>"
End If

Set rsName = Nothing
sFuncText=sFuncText & arrWords(iWords) & " "
End If
userLink = sFuncText
End Function

// Hagge

Hagge said:
I'm stuck in a problem

Hi I want to create a funtion in asp.
Like this [userid=Smith] Then the function convert the "custom tag" to.

How to do?
I'm real stucked.

// Hagge


But say you type in...
[userid=Hagge] and [userid=Smith]

Will it convert both then, or just the first match?

// Hagge

Brynn said:
Just to help a little. There is no reason to have to build an array or
have any loop for what you want to do with your function. The below
should do what you are wanting to do, and much faster and easier to

Response.Write "This will be a link to" & userLink("Hagge")

will return...

This will be a link to <a href="userpage.asp?userid=XXXXXX">Hagge</a>

I added also ... if Hagge is not in the usersTable ... it will return

This will be a link to **Invalid username**

Anyway, I hope the below function helps ... if yours is working, this
one should work with no changes in my function. Also, it will be much
easier to call since you are giving it the username only. The function
only returns the link.

Function userLink(theUserName)
Dim theUserID, theSQLStatement, linkSentence

theSQLStatement = "Select sUserGUID From tblUsers "
theSQLStatement = theSQLStatement & "Where sUserName = '" &
theUserName & "';"
Set rsName = db.Execute(theSQLStatement)

If Not rsName.EOF Then '//User Exists
theUserID = rsName("sUserGUID")
linkSentence = "<a href=""userpage.asp"
linkSentence = linkSentence & "?userid=" & theUserID & """>"
linkSentence = linkSentence & theUserName
linkSentence = linkSentence & "</a>"
Else '//User Doesn't Exist
linkSentence = "**Invalid username**"
End If

Set rsName = Nothing

userLink = linkSentence
End Function

Response.Write "This will be a link to " & userLink("Hagge")


I solved it, this is my function to be used like this...

Response.write userLink("This will be a link to [userid=Hagge]")

Will be displayed as...
This will be a link to <a href="userpage.asp?userid=XXXXXX">Hagge</a>

Function userLink(sText)
Dim arrayWords(20000)
arrWords = Split(sText," ")
For iWords=0 to Ubound(arrWords)
iStartLength = Int("0")
iStartLength = Int(Instr(arrWords(iWords),"[userid=")+8)
iEndLength = Int(Instr(arrWords(iWords),"]"))
iNameLength = Int(iEndLength-iStartLength)
If iNameLength > Int("0") Then
sFuncUserName = Mid(arrWords(iWords),iStartLength,iNameLength)
SQL=SQL & " FROM tblUsers"
SQL=SQL & " WHERE sUserName='" & sFuncUserName & "'"
Set rsName = db.execute( SQL )
If NOT rsName.EOF Then
sFuncText=sFuncText & "<a href=""userpage.asp?userid=" &
rsName("sUserGUID") & """>" & sFuncUserName & "</a>"
End If

Set rsName = Nothing
sFuncText=sFuncText & arrWords(iWords) & " "
End If
userLink = sFuncText
End Function

// Hagge

Hagge said:
I'm stuck in a problem

Hi I want to create a funtion in asp.
Like this [userid=Smith] Then the function convert the "custom tag" to.

How to do?
I'm real stucked.

// Hagge


Here it is modified to handle more than one ... just enter a comma
delimited string into the function. if only one username, don't use a

Function userLink(theUserNameList)
Dim theUsernameSeperator
theUsernameSeperator = "<b />"

Dim theUserID, theSQLStatement, linkSentence

Dim theUsernameArray, theUserName, n
theUsernameArray = Split(theUserNameList, ",")

For n = 0 to ubound(theUsernameArray)
theUserName = theUsernameArray(n)

theSQLStatement = "Select sUserGUID From tblUsers "
theSQLStatement = theSQLStatement & "Where sUserName = '" &
theUserName & "';"
Set rsName = db.Execute(theSQLStatement)

If Not rsName.EOF Then '//User Exists
theUserID = rsName("sUserGUID")
linkSentence = "<a href=""userpage.asp"
linkSentence = linkSentence & "?userid=" & theUserID & """>"
linkSentence = linkSentence & theUserName
linkSentence = linkSentence & "</a>" & theUsernameSeperator
Else '//User Doesn't Exist
linkSentence = "**Invalid username ( " & & " )**"
End If


Set rsName = Nothing

userLink = linkSentence
End Function

Response.Write "This will be a link to " & userLink("Hagge")

I could make this faster using my DBConn.asp script. I would build a
comma delimited list with each of the usernames between 2 single
quotes. then I would use my cp_sqlArray function with a "select where
in" statement so that you are only searching the database once. The
code would look something like this

I would also change this into a subroutine because performance will be
better writing the code than building a string

<!-- #include virtual="/coolpier_scripts/_database_tools/DBConn.asp"

Sub userLinks(theUserNameList)
'// Create the usersList for the sql in statement
Dim usersList, usersArray
usersList = "''" & Replace(theUserNameList, ",",
"'',''") & "''"

'// Get a 2-dimensional array of the results
theSQL = "Select sUserGUID, sUserName " &_
"From tblUsers " &_
"Where sUserName IN (" & usersList & ");"
usersArray = cp_sqlArray(theSQL)

With Response

If IsArray(usersArray) Then
Dim theRows '//
For theRows = 0 to ubound(usersArray,1)
.Write "<a href=""userpage.asp"
.Write "?userid=" & usersArray(0,n) & """>"
.Write usersArray(1,n) & "</a>"
.Write "<br />"
.Write "No Users Found!"
End If

End With

End Sub

cp_TheConnectionString = "yourConnectionString"
Call userLinks("Hagge, Smith")

But say you type in...
[userid=Hagge] and [userid=Smith]

Will it convert both then, or just the first match?

// Hagge

Brynn said:
Just to help a little. There is no reason to have to build an array or
have any loop for what you want to do with your function. The below
should do what you are wanting to do, and much faster and easier to

Response.Write "This will be a link to" & userLink("Hagge")

will return...

This will be a link to <a href="userpage.asp?userid=XXXXXX">Hagge</a>

I added also ... if Hagge is not in the usersTable ... it will return

This will be a link to **Invalid username**

Anyway, I hope the below function helps ... if yours is working, this
one should work with no changes in my function. Also, it will be much
easier to call since you are giving it the username only. The function
only returns the link.

Function userLink(theUserName)
Dim theUserID, theSQLStatement, linkSentence

theSQLStatement = "Select sUserGUID From tblUsers "
theSQLStatement = theSQLStatement & "Where sUserName = '" &
theUserName & "';"
Set rsName = db.Execute(theSQLStatement)

If Not rsName.EOF Then '//User Exists
theUserID = rsName("sUserGUID")
linkSentence = "<a href=""userpage.asp"
linkSentence = linkSentence & "?userid=" & theUserID & """>"
linkSentence = linkSentence & theUserName
linkSentence = linkSentence & "</a>"
Else '//User Doesn't Exist
linkSentence = "**Invalid username**"
End If

Set rsName = Nothing

userLink = linkSentence
End Function

Response.Write "This will be a link to " & userLink("Hagge")


I solved it, this is my function to be used like this...

Response.write userLink("This will be a link to [userid=Hagge]")

Will be displayed as...
This will be a link to <a href="userpage.asp?userid=XXXXXX">Hagge</a>

Function userLink(sText)
Dim arrayWords(20000)
arrWords = Split(sText," ")
For iWords=0 to Ubound(arrWords)
iStartLength = Int("0")
iStartLength = Int(Instr(arrWords(iWords),"[userid=")+8)
iEndLength = Int(Instr(arrWords(iWords),"]"))
iNameLength = Int(iEndLength-iStartLength)
If iNameLength > Int("0") Then
sFuncUserName = Mid(arrWords(iWords),iStartLength,iNameLength)
SQL=SQL & " FROM tblUsers"
SQL=SQL & " WHERE sUserName='" & sFuncUserName & "'"
Set rsName = db.execute( SQL )
If NOT rsName.EOF Then
sFuncText=sFuncText & "<a href=""userpage.asp?userid=" &
rsName("sUserGUID") & """>" & sFuncUserName & "</a>"
End If

Set rsName = Nothing
sFuncText=sFuncText & arrWords(iWords) & " "
End If
userLink = sFuncText
End Function

// Hagge

I'm stuck in a problem

Hi I want to create a funtion in asp.
Like this [userid=Smith] Then the function convert the "custom tag" to.

How to do?
I'm real stucked.

// Hagge


My DBConn.asp file is up on my site at

click on Coolpier Scripts at the top left ... the click on the
coolpier_scripts folder to go to the download page of my site

The website is under total redesign, so bare with me ... the redesign
is only a couple days old.

Here it is modified to handle more than one ... just enter a comma
delimited string into the function. if only one username, don't use a

Function userLink(theUserNameList)
Dim theUsernameSeperator
theUsernameSeperator = "<b />"

Dim theUserID, theSQLStatement, linkSentence

Dim theUsernameArray, theUserName, n
theUsernameArray = Split(theUserNameList, ",")

For n = 0 to ubound(theUsernameArray)
theUserName = theUsernameArray(n)

theSQLStatement = "Select sUserGUID From tblUsers "
theSQLStatement = theSQLStatement & "Where sUserName = '" &
theUserName & "';"
Set rsName = db.Execute(theSQLStatement)

If Not rsName.EOF Then '//User Exists
theUserID = rsName("sUserGUID")
linkSentence = "<a href=""userpage.asp"
linkSentence = linkSentence & "?userid=" & theUserID & """>"
linkSentence = linkSentence & theUserName
linkSentence = linkSentence & "</a>" & theUsernameSeperator
Else '//User Doesn't Exist
linkSentence = "**Invalid username ( " & & " )**"
End If


Set rsName = Nothing

userLink = linkSentence
End Function

Response.Write "This will be a link to " & userLink("Hagge")

I could make this faster using my DBConn.asp script. I would build a
comma delimited list with each of the usernames between 2 single
quotes. then I would use my cp_sqlArray function with a "select where
in" statement so that you are only searching the database once. The
code would look something like this

I would also change this into a subroutine because performance will be
better writing the code than building a string

<!-- #include virtual="/coolpier_scripts/_database_tools/DBConn.asp"

Sub userLinks(theUserNameList)
'// Create the usersList for the sql in statement
Dim usersList, usersArray
usersList = "''" & Replace(theUserNameList, ",",
"'',''") & "''"

'// Get a 2-dimensional array of the results
theSQL = "Select sUserGUID, sUserName " &_
"From tblUsers " &_
"Where sUserName IN (" & usersList & ");"
usersArray = cp_sqlArray(theSQL)

With Response

If IsArray(usersArray) Then
Dim theRows '//
For theRows = 0 to ubound(usersArray,1)
.Write "<a href=""userpage.asp"
.Write "?userid=" & usersArray(0,n) & """>"
.Write usersArray(1,n) & "</a>"
.Write "<br />"
.Write "No Users Found!"
End If

End With

End Sub

cp_TheConnectionString = "yourConnectionString"
Call userLinks("Hagge, Smith")

But say you type in...
[userid=Hagge] and [userid=Smith]

Will it convert both then, or just the first match?

// Hagge

Brynn said:
Just to help a little. There is no reason to have to build an array or
have any loop for what you want to do with your function. The below
should do what you are wanting to do, and much faster and easier to

Response.Write "This will be a link to" & userLink("Hagge")

will return...

This will be a link to <a href="userpage.asp?userid=XXXXXX">Hagge</a>

I added also ... if Hagge is not in the usersTable ... it will return

This will be a link to **Invalid username**

Anyway, I hope the below function helps ... if yours is working, this
one should work with no changes in my function. Also, it will be much
easier to call since you are giving it the username only. The function
only returns the link.

Function userLink(theUserName)
Dim theUserID, theSQLStatement, linkSentence

theSQLStatement = "Select sUserGUID From tblUsers "
theSQLStatement = theSQLStatement & "Where sUserName = '" &
theUserName & "';"
Set rsName = db.Execute(theSQLStatement)

If Not rsName.EOF Then '//User Exists
theUserID = rsName("sUserGUID")
linkSentence = "<a href=""userpage.asp"
linkSentence = linkSentence & "?userid=" & theUserID & """>"
linkSentence = linkSentence & theUserName
linkSentence = linkSentence & "</a>"
Else '//User Doesn't Exist
linkSentence = "**Invalid username**"
End If

Set rsName = Nothing

userLink = linkSentence
End Function

Response.Write "This will be a link to " & userLink("Hagge")


I solved it, this is my function to be used like this...

Response.write userLink("This will be a link to [userid=Hagge]")

Will be displayed as...
This will be a link to <a href="userpage.asp?userid=XXXXXX">Hagge</a>

Function userLink(sText)
Dim arrayWords(20000)
arrWords = Split(sText," ")
For iWords=0 to Ubound(arrWords)
iStartLength = Int("0")
iStartLength = Int(Instr(arrWords(iWords),"[userid=")+8)
iEndLength = Int(Instr(arrWords(iWords),"]"))
iNameLength = Int(iEndLength-iStartLength)
If iNameLength > Int("0") Then
sFuncUserName = Mid(arrWords(iWords),iStartLength,iNameLength)
SQL=SQL & " FROM tblUsers"
SQL=SQL & " WHERE sUserName='" & sFuncUserName & "'"
Set rsName = db.execute( SQL )
If NOT rsName.EOF Then
sFuncText=sFuncText & "<a href=""userpage.asp?userid=" &
rsName("sUserGUID") & """>" & sFuncUserName & "</a>"
End If

Set rsName = Nothing
sFuncText=sFuncText & arrWords(iWords) & " "
End If
userLink = sFuncText
End Function

// Hagge

I'm stuck in a problem

Hi I want to create a funtion in asp.
Like this [userid=Smith] Then the function convert the "custom tag" to.

How to do?
I'm real stucked.

// Hagge


The problem is...
I'm running a community and in diffrent places on the site can the users
write in the forum, comment images...
If they write more then one [userid=XXX] Then they must include "," (no
quotes). Else do I have to split the text in a array again.
Else will the script fail, am I write?

Your dbConnection script was awesome, thx alot.

// Hagge

Brynn said:
Here it is modified to handle more than one ... just enter a comma
delimited string into the function. if only one username, don't use a

Function userLink(theUserNameList)
Dim theUsernameSeperator
theUsernameSeperator = "<b />"

Dim theUserID, theSQLStatement, linkSentence

Dim theUsernameArray, theUserName, n
theUsernameArray = Split(theUserNameList, ",")

For n = 0 to ubound(theUsernameArray)
theUserName = theUsernameArray(n)

theSQLStatement = "Select sUserGUID From tblUsers "
theSQLStatement = theSQLStatement & "Where sUserName = '" &
theUserName & "';"
Set rsName = db.Execute(theSQLStatement)

If Not rsName.EOF Then '//User Exists
theUserID = rsName("sUserGUID")
linkSentence = "<a href=""userpage.asp"
linkSentence = linkSentence & "?userid=" & theUserID & """>"
linkSentence = linkSentence & theUserName
linkSentence = linkSentence & "</a>" & theUsernameSeperator
Else '//User Doesn't Exist
linkSentence = "**Invalid username ( " & & " )**"
End If


Set rsName = Nothing

userLink = linkSentence
End Function

Response.Write "This will be a link to " & userLink("Hagge")

I could make this faster using my DBConn.asp script. I would build a
comma delimited list with each of the usernames between 2 single
quotes. then I would use my cp_sqlArray function with a "select where
in" statement so that you are only searching the database once. The
code would look something like this

I would also change this into a subroutine because performance will be
better writing the code than building a string

<!-- #include virtual="/coolpier_scripts/_database_tools/DBConn.asp"

Sub userLinks(theUserNameList)
'// Create the usersList for the sql in statement
Dim usersList, usersArray
usersList = "''" & Replace(theUserNameList, ",",
"'',''") & "''"

'// Get a 2-dimensional array of the results
theSQL = "Select sUserGUID, sUserName " &_
"From tblUsers " &_
"Where sUserName IN (" & usersList & ");"
usersArray = cp_sqlArray(theSQL)

With Response

If IsArray(usersArray) Then
Dim theRows '//
For theRows = 0 to ubound(usersArray,1)
.Write "<a href=""userpage.asp"
.Write "?userid=" & usersArray(0,n) & """>"
.Write usersArray(1,n) & "</a>"
.Write "<br />"
.Write "No Users Found!"
End If

End With

End Sub

cp_TheConnectionString = "yourConnectionString"
Call userLinks("Hagge, Smith")

But say you type in...
[userid=Hagge] and [userid=Smith]

Will it convert both then, or just the first match?

// Hagge

Brynn said:
Just to help a little. There is no reason to have to build an array or
have any loop for what you want to do with your function. The below
should do what you are wanting to do, and much faster and easier to

Response.Write "This will be a link to" & userLink("Hagge")

will return...

This will be a link to <a href="userpage.asp?userid=XXXXXX">Hagge</a>

I added also ... if Hagge is not in the usersTable ... it will return

This will be a link to **Invalid username**

Anyway, I hope the below function helps ... if yours is working, this
one should work with no changes in my function. Also, it will be much
easier to call since you are giving it the username only. The function
only returns the link.

Function userLink(theUserName)
Dim theUserID, theSQLStatement, linkSentence

theSQLStatement = "Select sUserGUID From tblUsers "
theSQLStatement = theSQLStatement & "Where sUserName = '" &
theUserName & "';"
Set rsName = db.Execute(theSQLStatement)

If Not rsName.EOF Then '//User Exists
theUserID = rsName("sUserGUID")
linkSentence = "<a href=""userpage.asp"
linkSentence = linkSentence & "?userid=" & theUserID & """>"
linkSentence = linkSentence & theUserName
linkSentence = linkSentence & "</a>"
Else '//User Doesn't Exist
linkSentence = "**Invalid username**"
End If

Set rsName = Nothing

userLink = linkSentence
End Function

Response.Write "This will be a link to " & userLink("Hagge")


I solved it, this is my function to be used like this...

Response.write userLink("This will be a link to [userid=Hagge]")

Will be displayed as...
This will be a link to <a href="userpage.asp?userid=XXXXXX">Hagge</a>

Function userLink(sText)
Dim arrayWords(20000)
arrWords = Split(sText," ")
For iWords=0 to Ubound(arrWords)
iStartLength = Int("0")
iStartLength = Int(Instr(arrWords(iWords),"[userid=")+8)
iEndLength = Int(Instr(arrWords(iWords),"]"))
iNameLength = Int(iEndLength-iStartLength)
If iNameLength > Int("0") Then
sFuncUserName = Mid(arrWords(iWords),iStartLength,iNameLength)
SQL=SQL & " FROM tblUsers"
SQL=SQL & " WHERE sUserName='" & sFuncUserName & "'"
Set rsName = db.execute( SQL )
If NOT rsName.EOF Then
sFuncText=sFuncText & "<a href=""userpage.asp?userid=" &
rsName("sUserGUID") & """>" & sFuncUserName & "</a>"
End If

Set rsName = Nothing
sFuncText=sFuncText & arrWords(iWords) & " "
End If
userLink = sFuncText
End Function

// Hagge

I'm stuck in a problem

Hi I want to create a funtion in asp.
Like this [userid=Smith] Then the function convert the "custom tag" to.

How to do?
I'm real stucked.

// Hagge

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