Databinding: How do I use the data as a parameter for a method or function?


Nathan Sokalski

I am using a SortedList as my DataSource. However, one of the things I am
using the data for is to generate the URL for the HyperLinks in my DataList.
Therefore, I need to use the result of a Server.UrlEncode() method with the
data as the parameter. The code I am using to get the data from the
SortedList (which successfully gives me the expected value) is:

<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.Key") %>

However, when I try to modify this to be used as the parameter for the
Server.UrlEncode() (or any other method and/or function), I recieve an
error. Is there a way to do what I want and still use the DataList? Thanks.

Brock Allen

You can always make a method in your codebehind file like:

string GetUrl(object row)
object val = DataBinder.Eval(row, "Key");
// do more work with val then return the value to be put into your HTML

then in your DataBinding expression do this:

<%# GetUrl(Container.DataItem) %>

This allows your GetUrl to have as much logic as it needs without cluttering
your inline ASPX databinding syntax.

Hemang Shah

What is the error you are getting ?

Try adding .ToString(); at the end of the function.

Most likely the url encode expects a string value.

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