Distributing Java Source



Oh really. And you've had that happen to you, have you?

No, I just have aversion to binary files.
A compressed file has better protection against external corruption than
an uncompressed one - there are fewer bits to be hit by cosmic rays or
other random processes, and all archive formats worth bothering with
include checksums, which will detect many kinds of corruption. An
increased chance of corruption could only come from a defective
implementation of the compressor or decompressor, and the simple fact is
that there aren't many such implementations in use in the wild.



The desire to serve via a VCS system is primarily to comply with a
request from JetBrains intellij IDEA, my IDE. They want me to do that as
a condition for getting a free copy of the IDE.

subversion works nicely for me.
It it also might encourage interest in my code, making it more "serious"
and getting free publicity from the hosting VCS.

http://code.google.com works nicely for me.
Anyone trying to stay on top of my many micro changes could do it more
efficiently than by downloading entire ZIPs each time. It also makes it
clearer to them just what I changed.

Plus, there are logs every time you commit a change, giving you an
opportunity to explain the change, or the branch, and so forth.



isn't that just for google widgets?

Not at all, "available and free for all open source projects."

You can do java code (I do), ruby on rails, whatever. python. They
partner with sourceforge but I'm not sure of the details regarding that.

"Project Hosting

Google Code runs a project hosting service[5] that provides revision
control using Subversion (the repositories are implemented on top of
Google's BigTable, but this is hidden to the user), an issue tracker, a
wiki for documentation, and a file download feature. The service is
available and free for all Open Source projects.

The site allows the projects to use only one of seven licenses (Apache,
Artistic, BSD, GPLv2, GPLv3, LGPL, and MIT). The limitation is part of
Google's stance against license proliferation."




Repository corruption, poor performance, very little security, unusable
remotely without 3rd party add-ons, inability to have two working copies
of the same project at the same time, serious problems with timezones,
and more (like converting directories to uppercase on import, thus
breaking Java packages).

sounds like a keeper, particularly the "directories to uppercase" ;)



I'm certain that SVN can handle it, now.

I hate putting IDE-specific artifacts in the trunk of a repository.
Only project-neutral artifacts belong there - the actual deployed
source. I use NetBeans, which has its own (frighteningly complete)
build.xml and a project directory 'nbproject/' in every project. Those
things don't belong in the official build, and they don't reliably
convey to a different developer or workstation.

From NB, I select an "existing source" app and point it the foo/src
folder which is, I think, the trunk -- it's whatever svn downloaded.
Then new packages and source code are added to the trunk on commits and
so forth.


Roedy Green

The site allows the projects to use only one of seven licenses (Apache,
Artistic, BSD, GPLv2, GPLv3, LGPL, and MIT). The limitation is part of
Google's stance against license proliferation."

This is my problem. I have a non-standard licence, public domain
effectively with one restriction, non-military use only.

Arne Vajhøj

Roedy said:
This is my problem. I have a non-standard licence, public domain
effectively with one restriction, non-military use only.

But that restriction also make it non open source, so even if
they allowed all open source it would be a problem.


Roedy Green

Sorry, I must misunderstand what an "atomic commit" is.

If you check in a batch of changes, other people checking out won't
see any of them until the last one is safely in. They won't then get
an inconsistent set of code, half old, half new.

Jason Cavett

Not a lot unwary, and not all the features are better, and does it voluntarily do
inexperience that CVS does?


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
From Jewish "scriptures".

Hikkoth Akum X 1: "Do not save Christians in danger of death."

Other than atomic commits and the handling of binary files, I love the
fact that folders are versioned in SVN. This makes refactoring parts
of projects very easy to do (and it's still tracked in source
control). I know CVS can't do that. Definitely not a good thing for
any major development.

Alexandr Nevsky

Please do not quote anti-Semitic claptrap that others have posted.

Anti-Semitic claptrap, said the mouth foaming zionist pathological
liar and fabricator of bullshit?

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

If Jewish "scriptures" are "anti-Semitic",
then you need medical attention. Urgently.

First of all, those that use this rotten "anti-Semitic" trick,
are not Semites. They are Khazars, a Turko-Finnish tribe.
They came from what is now known as Ukraine and the
Caucasus region. They have never stepped a foot on the
"holy land".

Now, how about these, you zionist sicko?
Are they also "anti-Semitic"?


[Zionism, fascism, ethnic cleansing, terrorism, war crimes, Khasars,
Illuminati, NWO]

"The epithet "anti-Semitism" is hurled to silence anyone,
even other Jews, brave enough to decry Israel's systematic,
decades-long pogrom against the Palestinian Arabs.

Because of the Holocaust, "anti-Semitism" is such a powerful
instrument of emotional blackmail that it effectively pre-empts
rational discussion of Israel and its conduct.

It is for this reason that many good people can witness
daily evidence of Israeli inhumanity toward the "Palestinians'
collective punishment," destruction of olive groves,
routine harassment, judicial prejudice, denial of medical services,
assassinations, torture, apartheid-based segregation, etc. --
yet not denounce it for fear of being branded "anti-Semitic."

To be free to acknowledge Zionism's racist nature, therefore,
one must debunk the calumny of "anti-Semitism."

Once this is done, not only will the criminality of Israel be
undeniable, but Israel, itself, will be shown to be the
embodiment of the very anti-Semitism it purports to condemn."

--- Greg Felton,
Israel: A monument to anti-Semitism


"...Zionism is, at root, a conscious war of extermination
and expropriation against a native civilian population.
In the modern vernacular, Zionism is the theory and practice
of "ethnic cleansing," which the UN has defined as a war crime."

"Now, the Zionist Jews who founded Israel are another matter.
For the most part, they are not Semites, and their language
(Yiddish) is not semitic. These Ashkenazi ("German") Jews --
as opposed to the Sephardic ("Spanish") Jews -- have no
connection whatever to any of the aforementioned ancient
peoples or languages.

They are mostly East European Slavs descended from the Khazars,
a nomadic Turko-Finnic people that migrated out of the Caucasus
in the second century and came to settle, broadly speaking, in
what is now Southern Russia and Ukraine."


Thus what we know as the "Jewish State" of Israel is really an
ethnocentric garrison state established by a non-Semitic people
for the declared purpose of dispossessing and terrorizing a
civilian semitic people. In fact from Nov. 27, 1947, to
May 15, 1948, more that 300,000 Arabs were forced from their
homes and villages. By the end of the year, the number was
close to 800,000 by Israeli estimates. Today, Palestinian
refugees number in the millions."

--- Greg Felton,
Israel: A monument to anti-Semitism


[Zionism, fascism, genocide, racism, ethnic cleansing, terrorism,
war crimes, Khasars, Illuminati, NWO]

As famed violinist Lord Yehudi Menuhin [Jew] told the French
newspaper Le Figaro in January 1988:

"It is extraordinary how nothing ever dies completely.
Even the evil which prevailed yesterday in Nazi Germany is
gaining ground in that country [Israel] today."

For it to have any moral authority, the UN must equate Zionism
with racism. If it doesn't, it tacitly condones Israel's war
of extermination against the Palestinians.

--- Greg Felton,
Israel: A monument to anti-Semitism


In 1920, Winston Churchill made a distinction between national and
"International Jews." He said the latter are behind "a worldwide
conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and the reconstitution of
society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence,
and impossible equality..."


Conservative observers state, that Israel was built
on the bones of at least two million Palestinians.

In Lydda alone Zionist killers murdered 50,000 Palestinians,
both Muslim and Christian.

Only about 5 percent of so called Jews are Semites,
whereas 95 percent are Khazars.

"...I know the blasphemy of them WHICH SAY THEY ARE JEWS,

(Revelation 2:9, 3:9)


"We have to kill all the Palestinians unless they are resigned
to live here as slaves."

--- Chairman Heilbrun
of the Committee for the Re-election of General Shlomo Lahat,
the mayor of Tel Aviv, October 1983.


"The Palestinians are like crocodiles,
the more you give them meat,
they want more"....

--- Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel
at the time - August 28, 2000.
Reported in the Jerusalem Post August 30, 2000


"[The Palestinians are] beasts walking on two legs."

--- Menahim Begin,
speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk,
"Begin and the Beasts".
New Statesman, 25 June 1982.


"The Palestinians" would be crushed like grasshoppers ...
heads smashed against the boulders and walls."

--- Isreali Prime Minister
(at the time) in a speech to Jewish settlers
New York Times April 1, 1988


"When we have settled the land,
all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be
to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle."

--- Raphael Eitan,
Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defence Forces,
New York Times, 14 April 1983.


"How can we return the occupied territories?
There is nobody to return them to."

--- Golda Meir,
March 8, 1969.


"There was no such thing as Palestinians,
they never existed."

--- Golda Meir,
Israeli Prime Minister, June 15, 1969


Ben Gurion also warned in 1948:

"We must do everything to insure they ( the Palestinians)
never do return."

Assuring his fellow Zionists that Palestinians will never come
back to their homes.

"The old will die and the young will forget."


"The Zionist lobby has a hobby
Leading Congress by the nose,
So anywhere the lobby points
There surely Congress goes."

--- Dr. Edwin Wright
former US State Dept. employee and interpreter for
President Eisenhower.


[NWO, degenerate, Zionism, fascism, genocide, Illuminati, Freemasons]

Listen to the Jewish banker, Paul Warburg:

"We will have a world government whether you like it or not.
The only question is whether that government will be achieved
by conquest or consent."

(February 17, 1950, as he testified before the US Senate).


Israel honors its founding terrorists on its postage stamps,
like 1978's stamp honoring Abraham Stern
[Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue #692],

and 1991's stamps honoring Lehi (also called "The Stern Gang",
led at one time by future Prime Minister Begin)

and Etzel (also called "The Irgun", led at one time by future
Prime Minister Shamir) [Scott #1099, 1100].


Imagine the leader of a foreign terrorist organization
coming to the United States with the intention of raising funds
for his group. His organization has committed terrorist acts
such as bombings, assassinations, ethnic cleansing and massacres.

Now imagine that instead of being prohibited from entering the
country, he is given a heroes' welcome by his supporters,
despite the fact some noisy protesters try to spoil the fun.

Arafat, 1974?

It was Menachem Begin in 1948.

"Without Deir Yassin, there would be no state of Israel."

Begin and Shamir proved that terrorism works. Israel honors
its founding terrorists on its postage stamps,

like 1978's stamp honoring Abraham Stern [Scott #692],
and 1991's stamps honoring Lehi (also called "The Stern Gang")
and Etzel (also called "The Irgun") [Scott #1099, 1100].

Being a leader of a terrorist organization did not
prevent either Begin or Shamir from becoming Israel's
Prime Minister. It looks like terrorism worked just fine
for those two.

Oh, wait, you did not condemn terrorism, you merely
stated that Palestinian terrorism will get them
nowhere. Zionist terrorism is OK, but not Palestinian
terrorism? You cannot have it both ways.


Do you know what Jews do on the Day of Atonement,
that you think is so sacred to them? I was one of them.
This is not hearsay. I'm not here to be a rabble-rouser.
I'm here to give you facts.

When, on the Day of Atonement, you walk into a synagogue,
you stand up for the very first prayer that you recite.
It is the only prayer for which you stand.

You repeat three times a short prayer called the Kol Nidre.

In that prayer, you enter into an agreement with God Almighty
that any oath, vow, or pledge that you may make during the next
twelve months shall be null and void.

The oath shall not be an oath;
the vow shall not be a vow;
the pledge shall not be a pledge.

They shall have no force or effect.

And further, the Talmud teaches that whenever you take an oath,
vow, or pledge, you are to remember the Kol Nidre prayer
that you recited on the Day of Atonement, and you are exempted
from fulfilling them.

How much can you depend on their loyalty? You can depend upon
their loyalty as much as the Germans depended upon it in 1916.

We are going to suffer the same fate as Germany suffered,
and for the same reason.

--- Benjamin H. Freedman

[Benjamin H. Freedman was one of the most intriguing and amazing
individuals of the 20th century. Born in 1890, he was a successful
Jewish businessman of New York City at one time principal owner
of the Woodbury Soap Company. He broke with organized Jewry
after the Judeo-Communist victory of 1945, and spent the
remainder of his life and the great preponderance of his
considerable fortune, at least 2.5 million dollars, exposing the
Jewish tyranny which has enveloped the United States.]


"Here in the United States, the Zionists and their co-religionists
have complete control of our government.

For many reasons, too many and too complex to go into here at this
time, the Zionists and their co-religionists rule these
United States as though they were the absolute monarchs
of this country.

Now you may say that is a very broad statement,
but let me show you what happened while we were all asleep..."

--- Benjamin H. Freedman


Rabbi Yaacov Perrin said,
"One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail."
(NY Daily News, Feb. 28, 1994, p.6)."


Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg declared, "We have to recognize that
Jewish blood and the blood of a goy are not the same thing."
(NY Times, June 6, 1989, p.5).


"One drop of blood of a Jew is worth that of a thousand
Gentiles." Yitzhak Shamir, a former Prime Minister of Israel


On Purim, Feb. 25, 1994, Israeli army officer
Baruch Goldstein, an orthodox Jew from Brooklyn,
massacred 40 Palestinian civilians, including children,
while they knelt in prayer in a mosque.

Subsequently, Israeli's have erected a statue to this -
his good work - advancing the Zionist Cause.

Goldstein was a disciple of the late Brooklyn
that his teaching that Arabs are "dogs" is derived
"from the Talmud." (CBS 60 Minutes, "Kahane").


[Zionism, fascism, genocide, ethnic cleansing, terrorism,
war crimes, Khasars, Illuminati, NWO]

Today, the world watches as Israelis unleash state-sanctioned
terrorism against Palestinians, who are deemed to be sub-human
(Untermenschen) - not worthy of dignity, respect or legal protection
under the law.

To kill a Palestinian, to destroy his livelihood, to force him
and his family out of their homes - these are accepted,
sanctioned forms of conduct by citizens of the Zionist Reich
designed to rid Palestine of a specific group of people.

If Nazism is racist and deserving of absolute censure, then so
is Zionism, for they are both fruit of the poisonous tree of

It cannot be considered "anti-Semitic" to acknowledge this fact.

--- Greg Felton,
Israel: A monument to anti-Semitism


[Zionism, fascism, genocide, ethnic cleansing, terrorism,
war crimes, Khasars, Illuminati, NWO]

"The equation of Zionism with the Holocaust, though, is based
on a false presumption.

Far from being a haven for all Jews, Israel is founded by
Zionist Jews who helped the Nazis fill the gas chambers and stoke
the ovens of the death camps.

Israel would not be possible today if the World Zionist Congress
and other Zionist agencies hadn't formed common cause with
Hitler's exterminators to rid Europe of Jews.

In exchange for helping round up non-Zionist Jews, sabotage
Jewish resistance movements, and betray the trust of Jews,
Zionists secured for themselves safe passage to Palestine.

This arrangement was formalized in a number of emigration
agreements signed in 1938.

The most notorious case of Zionist collusion concerned
Dr. Rudolf Kastner Chairman of the Zionist Organization in
Hungary from 1943-45.

To secure the safe passage of 600 Zionists to Palestine,
he helped the Nazis send 800,000 Hungarian Jews to their deaths.
The Israeli Supreme Court virtually whitewashed Kastner's crimes
because to admit them would have denied Israel the moral right
to exist."

--- Greg Felton,
Israel: A monument to anti-Semitism


"If it were not for the strong support of the
Jewish community for this war with Iraq,
we would not be doing this.

The leaders of the Jewish community are
influential enough that they could change
the direction of where this is going,
and I think they should."

"Charges of 'dual loyalty' and countercharges of
anti-Semitism have become common in the feud,
with some war opponents even asserting that
Mr. Bush's most hawkish advisers "many of them Jewish"
are putting Israel's interests ahead of those of the
United States in provoking a war with Iraq to topple
Saddam Hussein," says the Washington Times.


"MSNBC talk-show host Chris Matthews said war supporters
in the Bush Pentagon were 'in bed' with Israeli hawks
eager to take out Saddam."


Buchanan: "The War Party may have gotten its war," he writes.
"... In a rare moment in U.S. journalism, Tim Russert put
this question directly to Richard Perle [of PNAC]:

'Can you assure American viewers ...
that we're in this situation against Saddam Hussein
and his removal for American security interests?
And what would be the link in terms of Israel?'

Buchanan: "We charge that a cabal of polemicists and
public officials seek to ensnare our country in a series
of wars that are not in America's interests. We charge
them with colluding with Israel to ignite those wars
and destroy the Oslo Accords."


[Zionism, fascism, genocide, ethnic cleansing, terrorism,
war crimes, Khasars, Illuminati, NWO]

"There is no other way than to transfer the Arabs from here
to the neighboring countries, to transfer all of them;
not one village, not one tribe, should be left."

--- Joseph Weitz,
the Jewish National Fund administrator
for Zionist colonization (1967),
from My Diary and Letters to the Children, Chapter III, p. 293.

"...Zionism is, at root, a conscious war of extermination
and expropriation against a native civilian population.
In the modern vernacular, Zionism is the theory and practice
of "ethnic cleansing," which the UN has defined as a war crime."

"Now, the Zionist Jews who founded Israel are another matter.
For the most part, they are not Semites, and their language
(Yiddish) is not semitic. These Ashkenazi ("German") Jews --
as opposed to the Sephardic ("Spanish") Jews -- have no
connection whatever to any of the aforementioned ancient
peoples or languages.

They are mostly East European Slavs descended from the Khazars,
a nomadic Turko-Finnic people that migrated out of the Caucasus
in the second century and came to settle, broadly speaking, in
what is now Southern Russia and Ukraine."

In A.D. 740, the khagan (ruler) of Khazaria, decided that paganism
wasn't good enough for his people and decided to adopt one of the
"heavenly" religions: Judaism, Christianity or Islam.

After a process of elimination he chose Judaism, and from that
point the Khazars adopted Judaism as the official state religion.

The history of the Khazars and their conversion is a documented,
undisputed part of Jewish history, but it is never publicly

It is, as former U.S. State Department official Alfred M. Lilienthal
declared, "Israel's Achilles heel," for it proves that Zionists
have no claim to the land of the Biblical Hebrews."

--- Greg Felton,
Israel: A monument to anti-Semitism


What are the facts about the Jews? (I call them Jews to you,
because they are known as "Jews". I don't call them Jews
myself. I refer to them as "so-called Jews", because I know
what they are). The eastern European Jews, who form 92 per
cent of the world's population of those people who call
themselves "Jews", were originally Khazars. They were a
warlike tribe who lived deep in the heart of Asia. And they
were so warlike that even the Asiatics drove them out of Asia
into eastern Europe. They set up a large Khazar kingdom of
800,000 square miles. At the time, Russia did not exist, nor
did many other European countries. The Khazar kingdom
was the biggest country in all Europe -- so big and so
powerful that when the other monarchs wanted to go to war,
the Khazars would lend them 40,000 soldiers. That's how big
and powerful they were.

They were phallic worshippers, which is filthy and I do not
want to go into the details of that now. But that was their
religion, as it was also the religion of many other pagans and
barbarians elsewhere in the world. The Khazar king became
so disgusted with the degeneracy of his kingdom that he
decided to adopt a so-called monotheistic faith -- either
Christianity, Islam, or what is known today as Judaism,
which is really Talmudism. By spinning a top, and calling out
"eeny, meeny, miney, moe," he picked out so-called Judaism.
And that became the state religion. He sent down to the
Talmudic schools of Pumbedita and Sura and brought up
thousands of rabbis, and opened up synagogues and
schools, and his people became what we call "Jews".

There wasn't one of them who had an ancestor who ever put
a toe in the Holy Land. Not only in Old Testament history, but
back to the beginning of time. Not one of them! And yet they
come to the Christians and ask us to support their armed
insurrections in Palestine by saying, "You want to help
repatriate God's Chosen People to their Promised Land, their
ancestral home, don't you? It's your Christian duty. We gave
you one of our boys as your Lord and Savior. You now go to
church on Sunday, and you kneel and you worship a Jew,
and we're Jews."

But they are pagan Khazars who were converted just the
same as the Irish were converted. It is as ridiculous to call
them "people of the Holy Land," as it would be to call the 54
million Chinese Moslems "Arabs." Mohammed only died in
620 A.D., and since then 54 million Chinese have accepted
Islam as their religious belief. Now imagine, in China, 2,000
miles away from Arabia, from Mecca and Mohammed's
birthplace. Imagine if the 54 million Chinese decided to call
themselves "Arabs." You would say they were lunatics.
Anyone who believes that those 54 million Chinese are Arabs
must be crazy. All they did was adopt as a religious faith a
belief that had its origin in Mecca, in Arabia. The same as the
Irish. When the Irish became Christians, nobody dumped
them in the ocean and imported to the Holy Land a new crop
of inhabitants. They hadn't become a different people. They
were the same people, but they had accepted Christianity as
a religious faith.

These Khazars, these pagans, these Asiatics, these
Turko-Finns, were a Mongoloid race who were forced out of
Asia into eastern Europe. Because their king took the
Talmudic faith, they had no choice in the matter. Just the
same as in Spain: If the king was Catholic, everybody had to
be a Catholic. If not, you had to get out of Spain. So the
Khazars became what we call today "Jews".

--- Benjamin H. Freedman


[Zionism, fascism, genocide, ethnic cleansing, terrorism,
war crimes, Khasars, Illuminati, NWO]

"The only good Arab is a dead Arab...When we have settled the
land, all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to
scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle,"

--- Rafael Eitan,
Likud leader of the Tsomet faction (1981)
in Noam Chomsky, Fateful Triangle, pp 129, 130.

"...Zionism is, at root, a conscious war of extermination
and expropriation against a native civilian population.
In the modern vernacular, Zionism is the theory and practice
of "ethnic cleansing," which the UN has defined as a war crime."

"Now, the Zionist Jews who founded Israel are another matter.
For the most part, they are not Semites, and their language
(Yiddish) is not semitic. These Ashkenazi ("German") Jews --
as opposed to the Sephardic ("Spanish") Jews -- have no
connection whatever to any of the aforementioned ancient
peoples or languages.

They are mostly East European Slavs descended from the Khazars,
a nomadic Turko-Finnic people that migrated out of the Caucasus
in the second century and came to settle, broadly speaking, in
what is now Southern Russia and Ukraine."

--- Greg Felton,
Israel: A monument to anti-Semitism


[Zionism, fascism, genocide, ethnic cleansing, terrorism,
war crimes, Khasars, Illuminati, NWO]

"It is forbidden to be merciful to them, you must give them
missiles, with relish - annihilate them. Evil ones, damnable ones.
May the Holy Name visit retribution on the Arabs' heads, and
cause their seed to be lost, and annihilate them, and cause
them to be vanquished and cause them to be cast from the

--- Rabbi Ovadia Yosef,
founder and spiritual leader of the Shas party,
Ma'ariv, April, 9, 2001.


[Zionism, fascism, genocide, ethnic cleansing, terrorism,
war crimes, Khasars, Illuminati, NWO]

That the Jews knew they were committing a criminal act is shown
by a eulogy Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan delivered for a Jew
killed by Arabs on the Gaza border in 1956:

"Let us not heap accusations on the murderers," he said.
"How can we complain about their deep hatred for us?
For eight years they have been sitting in the Gaza refugee camps,
and before their very eyes, we are possessing the land and the
villages where they and their ancestors have lived.

We are the generation of colonizers, and without the steel
helmet and the gun barrel we cannot plant a tree and build a home."

In April 1969, Dayan told the Jewish newspaper Ha'aretz:
"There is not one single place built in this country that
did not have a former Arab population."

"Clearly, the equation of Zionism with racism is founded on solid
historical evidence, and the charge of anti-Semitism is absurd."

--- Greg Felton,
Israel: A monument to anti-Semitism


[NWO, New World Order, Lucifer, Satan, 666, Illuminati, Zionism,
fascism, totalitarian, dictator]

"Who cares what Goyim say? What matters is what the Jews do!"

--- David Ben Gurion,
the first ruler of the Jewish state


[Zionism, nazi, racism, fascism, Illuminati, Freemason, NWO]

"The difference between a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews
is greater and deeper than the difference between a human
soul and the souls of cattle"

--- Quotes by Jewish Rabbis


[Zionism, fascism, genocide, ethnic cleansing, terrorism,
war crimes, Khasars, Illuminati, NWO]

"On Nov. 10, 2000, the American-Jewish editor in chief of the Kansas
City Jewish Chronicle, Debbie Ducro, published an impassioned 1,150
word article from another Jew decrying Israeli atrocities against the
Palestinians. The writer, Judith Stone, even used the term Israeli
Shoah, to draw allusion to Hitler's genocidal war against the Jews.
Ducro was fired on Nov. 11."

--- Greg Felton,
Israel: A monument to anti-Semitism


[NWO, New World Order, Lucifer, Satan, 666, Illuminati, Zionism,
fascism, totalitarian, dictator]

"Each Jewish victim is worth in the sight of God a thousand goyim".

--- The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,
The master plan of Illuminati NWO


In San Francisco, Rabbi Michael Lerner has endured death threats
and vicious harassment from right-wing Jews because he gives voice
to Palestinian views on his website and in the magazine Tikkun.

"An Israeli web site called 'self-hate' has identified me as one
of the five enemies of the Jewish people, and printed my home
address and driving instructions on how to get to my home,"
wrote Lerner in a May 13 e-mail.

"We reported this to the police, the Israeli consulate, and to the
Anti Defamation league. The ADL said it wasn't their concern because
this was not a 'hate crime."

Here's a typical letter that Lerner said Tikkun received: "You subhuman
leftist animals. You should all be exterminated. You are the lowest of
the low life" (David Raziel in Hebron).

If anyone other than a Jew had written this, you can be sure that
the ADL and any other Jewish lobby groups would have gone into full
attack mode.

In other words, when non-Jews slander and threaten Jews, it's
called "anti-Semitism" and "hate crime'; when Zionists slander
and threaten Jews, nobody is supposed to notice.

--- Greg Felton,
Israel: A monument to anti-Semitism


[Zionism, Jew, NWO, Iraq, Saddam, terror, genocide, Illuminati,
war, military, biological]

From the PNAC master plan,
Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century':

"advanced forms of biological warfare
that can "target" specific genotypes may
transform biological warfare from the realm
of terror to a politically useful tool."

"the process of transformation, even if it brings
revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one,
absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event
- like a new Pearl Harbor.

[Is that where this idea of 911 events came from,
by ANY chance?]

Project for New American Century (PNAC)


From Jewish "scriptures".

Baba Kama 113a: "A Jew may lie and perjure to condemn a Christian.
b. "The name of God is not profaned when lying to Christians."


From Jewish "scriptures".

Hikkoth Akum X 1: "Do not save Christians in danger of death."


From Jewish "scriptures".

Kohar I 160a: "Jews must always try to deceive Christians."


From Jewish "scriptures".

Zohar I 25b: "Those who do good to Christians will never rise
from the dead."


From Jewish "scriptures".

Zohar II 43a: "Extermination of Christians is a necessary sacrifice."

Zohar II 64b: "The Christian birthrate must be materially diminished."


From Jewish "scriptures".

Moed Kattan 17a: If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a
city where he is not known and do the evil there.


From Jewish "scriptures".

Erubin 21b. Whosoever disobeys the rabbis deserves death and will be
punished by being boiled in hot excrement in hell.

Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God


From Jewish "scriptures".

Sanhedrin 58b. If a heathen (gentile) hits a Jew, the gentile must
be killed.


From Jewish "scriptures".

Sanhedrin 57a . A Jew need not pay a gentile the wages owed him
for work.


From Jewish "scriptures".

Sanhedrin 57a . When a Jew murders a gentile, there will be no
death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep.


From Jewish "scriptures".

Baba Kamma 37b. The gentiles are outside the protection of the
law and God has "exposed their money to Israel."


From Jewish "scriptures".

Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent
a Gentile.

Yebamoth 98a. All gentile children are animals.


From Jewish "scriptures".

Abodah Zarah 36b. Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth)
from birth.


From Jewish "scriptures".

Abodah Zarah 22a-22b . Gentiles prefer sex with cows.


From Jewish "scriptures".

Yebamoth 63a. Declares that agriculture is the lowest of

Yebamoth 59b. A woman who had intercourse with a beast is
eligible to marry a Jewish priest. A woman who has sex with
a demon is also eligible to marry a Jewish priest.

Hagigah 27a. States that no rabbi can ever go to hell.


From Jewish "scriptures".

Baba Mezia 59b. A rabbi debates God and defeats Him.
God admits the rabbi won the debate.


From Jewish "scriptures".

Gittin 70a. On coming from a privy (outdoor toilet) a man
should not have sexual intercourse till he has waited
long enough to walk half a mile, because the demon of the privy
is with him for that time; if he does, his children will be


From Jewish "scriptures".

Menahoth 43b-44a. A Jewish man is obligated to say the following
prayer every day: "Thank you God for not making me a gentile,
a woman or a slave."

Rabbi Meir Kahane, told CBS News that his teaching that Arabs
are "dogs" is derived "from the Talmud." (CBS 60 Minutes, "Kahane").

University of Jerusalem Prof. Ehud Sprinzak described Kahane
and Goldstein's philosophy: "They believe it's God's will that
they commit violence against goyim," a Hebrew term for non-Jews.
(NY Daily News, Feb. 26, 1994, p. 5).


From Jewish "scriptures".

Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg declared, "We have to recognize that
Jewish blood and the blood of a goy are not the same thing."
(NY Times, June 6, 1989, p.5).


From Jewish "scriptures".

Rabbi Yaacov Perrin said, "One million Arabs are not worth
a Jewish fingernail." (NY Daily News, Feb. 28, 1994, p.6).


From Jewish "scriptures".

Toldoth Jeschu: Says Judas and Jesus engaged in a quarrel
with human excrement.


From Jewish "scriptures".

Kelhubath (11a-11b): "When a grown-up man has had intercourse with
a little girl...

GIRL IT IS NOTHING, for when the girl is less than this THREE YEARS
OLD it is as if one puts the finger into the eye [Again See Footnote]
tears come to the eye again and again, SO DOES VIRGINITY COME BACK

Alexandr Nevsky

Lew said:
Alexandr Nevsky wrote:

Well, mr. sick pervert. You have claimed to filter out
all the posts from this domain.

How were you able to read it?
You see how perverted you are?

What are you doing on this beautiful planet Earth?
Trying to prove you are something?
And not only something, but you are about the only entity
that counts at the end?


And the end is near, you see, mr. donkey ass?

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