Easy Question for "Someone" who knows ASP.




I haven't done much programming in .asp and was wondering if someone
could provide me with some sample code to do the following task...

I have a Web Service called:


It has a Web Method called:

public string getReportId(string sKey)
return sValue

When you call this Web Method with an input string (ie: sKey) it will
return (in the form of a string) an sValue.

I would like this classic asp (ie: test.asp) to consume this web
service and method, and pass an example "Key" to it, and return the

I would then like to "append" this sValue on the end of another URL I
have, namely:


(where 123 is the sValue in this case)

and redirect (via Http Redirect) to this ReportView.asp

I believe this is quite simple for all you knowledgeable folks. I'm
just not too versed in regular .asp, and am getting a lot of compile
errors as the debug environment I have is almost non-existent.

Also, is there an easy way to read the values of these URL's from a
Web.config file?

THANKS so much in advance to all you "gurus"...

Bob Barrows [MVP]


I haven't done much programming in .asp and was wondering if someone
could provide me with some sample code to do the following task...

I have a Web Service called:


It has a Web Method called:

public string getReportId(string sKey)
return sValue

When you call this Web Method with an input string (ie: sKey) it will
return (in the form of a string) an sValue.

I would like this classic asp (ie: test.asp) to consume this web
service and method, and pass an example "Key" to it, and return the

I would then like to "append" this sValue on the end of another URL I
have, namely:


(where 123 is the sValue in this case)

and redirect (via Http Redirect) to this ReportView.asp

I believe this is quite simple for all you knowledgeable folks. I'm
just not too versed in regular .asp, and am getting a lot of compile
errors as the debug environment I have is almost non-existent.

Also, is there an easy way to read the values of these URL's from a
Web.config file?

THANKS so much in advance to all you "gurus"...
There are several examples (I'm thinking of one on 4guysfromrolla) that you
can find by googling for

consume web service with classic asp

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