easy update


l e o

I have a section on the web site that I would like to allow somebody who
doesn't know html to be able to update the content. I am using
Dreamweaver and need something much simpler for a secretary type of
person. Maybe something that can be updated right on the website (using
perl, etc, I presume), something like blog would work but I need to be
have some control to be able to integrate it to the website's design.

David Manheim

Actually, with a blogger blog, you could simply use an iframe, and set
the blog template to whatever you need. This is the least technically
sophisticated method. Of course, it's kludgy, but it should work fine,
if you can use an iframe (which is non-reccommended, but a useful
solution.) You could also have her use the blog, then use PHP to
re-process the blog's contents, and display it that way (more kludgy,
but more standard markup, I think)

Otherwise, a perl-cgi interface, if you have a server you have access
to, would be a significant project. A better solution might be to have
some php that parses a simple tab-delimited text file, so you can have
her upload that.

Travis Newbury

l said:
I have a section on the web site that I would like to allow somebody who
doesn't know html to be able to update the content....

You need a content management system. Google "website content
management systems" for choices. One called Mambo seems to be very

Robert Frost-Bridges

l said:
I have a section on the web site that I would like to allow somebody who
doesn't know html to be able to update the content. I am using
Dreamweaver and need something much simpler for a secretary type of
person. Maybe something that can be updated right on the website (using
perl, etc, I presume), something like blog would work but I need to be
have some control to be able to integrate it to the website's design.

On the site in my sig I use a bit of php and mysql to do something like
this. There are various admin pages for the site where a , non-tecchy,
friend of mine can update the content simply by typing in to a <textarea>
or <input> and clicking 'Send'.

For instance, the short main paragraphs on the home page are written out
from a mysql db thus:

<div class="content">
$result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM mainnews', $link_id);
while($query_data = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {

where mainnews is the table containing the data he has entered, the first
field being the headline and the second the text. The admin page is
something like:

<div class="admincontent">
<form method="post" action="add_news.php">
<p>Title: <input type="text" name="title"></p>
<p><textarea name="words" cols="40" rows="20"></textarea></p>
<p><input type="submit" value="Post" class="sendbutton"></p>
$query =
"UPDATE mainnews SET title = '$title'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$query =
"UPDATE mainnews SET words = '$words'";
$result = mysql_query($query);

It means I can drop the content exactly in to the site as I want it. I've
only ever taught myself enough php and mysql as I've needed to know to get
this done however so I can't exactly vouch for the code being the best and
I'm not denying I had some problems along the way getting to where I am now
but it all seems to run pretty smoothly these days and I thought maybe it
would give you something to think about

I would actually like to find a way for him to insert paragraphs/line
breaks, as each entry is currently just a single block of text, but I
suspect this will involve someting other than a <textarea> for input and
I've not really looked in to how this would be done yet. At the moment I
would have to recreate all the above again and add it to the page where I
wanted the new paragraph.


Andrew @ Rockface

Robert Frost-Bridges said:
I would actually like to find a way for him to insert paragraphs/line
breaks, as each entry is currently just a single block of text, but I
suspect this will involve someting other than a <textarea> for input
and I've not really looked in to how this would be done yet. At the
moment I would have to recreate all the above again and add it to the
page where I wanted the new paragraph.

Try nl2br(). It converts newlines to <br>. Even if it's not exactly what
you're looking for, the user comments will help you code your own nl2p()
type function.

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