Eclipse install for Java EE not working



I am trying to install Eclipse 3.5.0 EE IDE on my Windows Vista 64
After I download and extract Eclpse and click on the install icon it
shows a long pop up message with the below message,
jvm terminated. Exit code = -1
-Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion = 1.5

I tried by installing jdk1.5.0_20 and (jdk1.6.0_16 & jre6), still i am
getting the same error pop up window.

Also i tried to set the below path in eclipse.ini that can alter the
"default" JVM for the system


After the above changes when i tried to open the eclipse icon, nothing
is open, i am not sure what happening internally,

please suggest me how to resolve and exact version's for Windows
vista 64 , to run the eclipse.


I am trying to install Eclipse 3.5.0  EE IDE on my Windows Vista 64
After I download and extract Eclpse and click on the install icon it
shows a long pop up message with the below message,
jvm terminated. Exit code = -1
-Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion = 1.5

I tried by installing jdk1.5.0_20 and (jdk1.6.0_16 & jre6), still i am
getting the same error pop up window.

Also i tried to set the below path in eclipse.ini  that can alter the
"default" JVM for the system


After the above changes when i tried to open the eclipse icon, nothing
is open, i am not sure what happening internally,

The big popup window is just a report of what the JVM options were to
Eclipse; it doesn't necessarily mean that the JDK is the wrong

Usually JDK / JRE locations don't include the 'bin' subdirectory but
the parent install directory, but I don't know if that holds for
Ecipse. If it did, you'd specify the JDK location as 'C:\Java\JDK
\1.5', not the actual EXE location. Messing with the .ini is almost
always unnecessary; the registry and possibly the JAVA_HOME
environment variable locate Java for the application.

That may all be moot if your problem has nothing to do with locating

Do other Java programs work on your system?

It's hard to diagnose, because usually Eclipse just works.

David Karr

I am trying to install Eclipse 3.5.0  EE IDE on my Windows Vista 64
After I download and extract Eclpse and click on the install icon it
shows a long pop up message with the below message,
jvm terminated. Exit code = -1
-Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion = 1.5

I tried by installing jdk1.5.0_20 and (jdk1.6.0_16 & jre6), still i am
getting the same error pop up window.

Also i tried to set the below path in eclipse.ini  that can alter the
"default" JVM for the system


After the above changes when i tried to open the eclipse icon, nothing
is open, i am not sure what happening internally,

please suggest me how to resolve and  exact version's for Windows
vista 64 , to run the eclipse.

You might check the file ".metadata/.log" in your workspace. That
might give you a clue.

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