i am using xilinx 8.1 and modelsim SE-EE 5.4 and upto behavioural
simulation it is working fine and in post place and route simulation
i am getting this sort of error. is this the wrror due to software or
some other.. how to eliminate this and make simulation to work
# Reading C:/Modeltech_5.4/win32/../tcl/vsim/pref.tcl
# do ptest.tdo
# Model Technology ModelSim SE/EE vcom 5.4 Compiler 2000.03 Mar 24
# ERROR: cannot open D:/ise
# ERROR: C:/Modeltech_5.4/win32/vcom failed.
# Error in macro ./ptest.tdo line 6
# C:/Modeltech_5.4/win32/vcom failed.
# while executing
# "vcom -explicit -93 D:/ise projects/chaitu/netgen/par/
simulation it is working fine and in post place and route simulation
i am getting this sort of error. is this the wrror due to software or
some other.. how to eliminate this and make simulation to work
# Reading C:/Modeltech_5.4/win32/../tcl/vsim/pref.tcl
# do ptest.tdo
# Model Technology ModelSim SE/EE vcom 5.4 Compiler 2000.03 Mar 24
# ERROR: cannot open D:/ise
# ERROR: C:/Modeltech_5.4/win32/vcom failed.
# Error in macro ./ptest.tdo line 6
# C:/Modeltech_5.4/win32/vcom failed.
# while executing
# "vcom -explicit -93 D:/ise projects/chaitu/netgen/par/