Error: Inserting an ASP.NET control will convert the HTML form


Tom Wilkerson

Whenever I drop a ASP.NET control on the .aspx page, I kept getting this
Inserting an ASP.NET control will convert the HTML form in the page to an
ASP.NET form and remove its current properties. Do you want to insert the
ASP.NET control?

Answering YES removes the html properties and causes many errors.
Consequently, I am unable to add new fields to the .aspx form using the
design view.

I have upgraded to SP1 and checked other references but could not make these
work for me.

Is there a setting in Visual Studio 2008 to prevent converting the html form
to form? Other fix or change?

Here's a little of the request.aspx.cs as a reference to you. Thanks for
your help.

<%@ Page Language="C#" EnableEventValidation="false" validateRequest='false'
AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Copy of Request.aspx.cs"
<%@ Register Src="StdFooter.ascx" TagName="StdFooter" TagPrefix="uc3" %>
<%@ Register Src="index.ascx" TagName="Main" TagPrefix="uc1" %><!DOCTYPE
html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<style type="text/css"> .style6
width: 121px;
width: 126px;
</style> <html xmlns=""><head
runat="server" id="_ComposerApp"></ufy:Application>
<ufy:Body id="_body_" runat="server">
<form action="" id="composer" ondblclick="doDoubleClick();"
runat="server" style='background-color: #f7f7f7; height: 100%; width: 100%'>
<ufy:SplitPane id="_ComposerSplitPane" runat="server">
<ufy:SplitPanePanel id="_ComposerOutline" runat="server">
<uc1:Main id="indexpage" runat="server"></uc1:Main>
<ufy:SplitPanePanel cssclass="splitpane"
id="_ComposerContent" runat="server">
<div class="menu_container">
<asp:Menu backcolor="navy" cssclass="formmenu"
id="ComposerMenu" orientation="horizontal" runat="server" skinid="mainMenu">
<Items >
imageurl="images/actn029.gif" text="Edit the Document" value="Edit"/>
imageurl="images/actn021.gif" text="Save" value="ActSave"/>

Nathan Sokalski

In order to use ASP.NET controls, you must also be using an ASP.NET form.
The reason for this has to do with the postback process. I would recommend
starting with an ASP.NET form. All the attributes that can be added to an
HTML form can also be added to an ASP.NET form; if they are not actual
properties of the ASP.NET form control, they will be items in the form's
Attributes property. Keep in mind that if an attribute is added in design
view that is not a property, it will be passed through as is when the HTML
is generated. For example, in your HTML form you include:


Even though this is not a property of the ASP.NET form, you can include it
the same way and it will pass through when the HTML is generated so that
your generated form tag will have the ondblclick attribute. Hopefully this
all helps.

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