Xah Lee
hi guys,
sorry am feeling a bit prolifit lately.
today's show, is: 〈Fuck Python〉
**** Python
By Xah Lee, 2012-04-08
**** Python.
just fucking spend 2 hours and still going.
here's the short story.
so recently i switched to a Windows version of python. Now, Windows
version takes path using win backslash, instead of cygwin slash. This
fucking broke my find/replace scripts that takes a dir level as input.
Because i was counting slashes.
Ok no problem. My sloppiness. After all, my implementation wasn't
portable. So, let's fix it. After a while, discovered there's the
「os.sepã€. Ok, replace 「"/"〠to 「os.sepã€, done. Then, bang, all hell
went lose. Because, the backslash is used as escape in string, so any
regex that manipulate path got fucked majorly. So, now you need to
find a quoting mechanism. Then, **** python doc incomprehensible
scattered comp-sci-r-us BNF shit. Then, **** python for “os.path†and
“os†modules then string object and string functions inconsistent
ball. And **** Guido who wants to **** change python for his idiotic
OOP concept of “elegance†so that some of these are deprecated.
So after several exploration of “repr()â€, “format()â€, “‹str›.count()â€,
“os.path.normpath()â€, “re.split()â€, “len(re.search().group())†etc,
after a long time, let's use “re.escape()â€. 2 hours has passed. Also,
discovered that “os.path.walk†is now deprecated, and one is supposed
to use the sparkling “os.walkâ€. In the process of refreshing my
python, the “os.path.walk†semantics is really one fucked up ****.
Meanwhile, the “os.walk†went into incomprehensible OOP object and
iterators ****.
now, it's close to 3 hours. This fix is supposed to be done in 10 min.
I'd have done it in elisp in just 10 minutes if not for my
This is Before
def process_file(dummy, current_dir, file_list):
current_dir_level = len(re.split("/", current_dir)) -
len(re.split("/", input_dir))
cur_file_level = current_dir_level+1
if min_level <= cur_file_level <= max_level:
for a_file in file_list:
if re.search(r"\.html$", a_file, re.U) and
os.path.isfile(current_dir + "/" + a_file):
replace_string_in_file(current_dir + "/" + a_file)
This is After
def process_file(dummy, current_dir, file_list):
current_dir = os.path.normpath(current_dir)
cur_dir_level = re.sub( "^" + re.escape(input_dir), "",
current_dir).count( os.sep)
cur_file_level = cur_dir_level + 1
if min_level <= cur_file_level <= max_level:
for a_file in file_list:
if re.search(r"\.html$", a_file, re.U) and
os.path.isfile(current_dir + re.escape(os.sep) + a_file):
replace_string_in_file(current_dir + os.sep + a_file)
# print "%d %s" % (cur_file_level, (current_dir + os.sep +
Complete File
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Python
# find & replace strings in a dir
import os, sys, shutil, re
# if this this is not empty, then only these files will be processed
my_files = []
input_dir = "c:/Users/h3/web/xahlee_org/lojban/hrefgram2/"
input_dir = "/cygdrive/c/Users/h3/web/zz"
input_dir = "c:/Users/h3/web/xahlee_org/"
min_level = 2; # files and dirs inside input_dir are level 1.
max_level = 2; # inclusive
print_no_change = False
find_replace_list = [
u"""<iframe style="width:100%;border:none" src="http://xahlee.org/
u"""<iframe style="width:100%;border:none" src="../footer.html"></
def replace_string_in_file(file_path):
"Replaces all findStr by repStr in file file_path"
temp_fname = file_path + "~lc~"
backup_fname = file_path + "~bk~"
# print "reading:", file_path
input_file = open(file_path, "rb")
file_content = unicode(input_file.read(), "utf-8")
num_replaced = 0
for a_pair in find_replace_list:
num_replaced += file_content.count(a_pair[0])
output_text = file_content.replace(a_pair[0], a_pair[1])
file_content = output_text
if num_replaced > 0:
print "â—† ", num_replaced, " ", file_path.replace("\\", "/")
shutil.copy2(file_path, backup_fname)
output_file = open(file_path, "r+b")
output_file.read() # we do this way instead of “os.rename†to
preserve file creation date
if print_no_change == True:
print "no change:", file_path
# os.remove(file_path)
# os.rename(temp_fname, file_path)
def process_file(dummy, current_dir, file_list):
current_dir = os.path.normpath(current_dir)
cur_dir_level = re.sub( "^" + re.escape(input_dir), "",
current_dir).count( os.sep)
cur_file_level = cur_dir_level + 1
if min_level <= cur_file_level <= max_level:
for a_file in file_list:
if re.search(r"\.html$", a_file, re.U) and
os.path.isfile(current_dir + re.escape(os.sep) + a_file):
replace_string_in_file(current_dir + os.sep + a_file)
# print "%d %s" % (cur_file_level, (current_dir + os.sep +
input_dir = os.path.normpath(input_dir)
if (len(my_files) != 0):
for my_file in my_files:
replace_string_in_file(os.path.normpath(my_file) )
os.path.walk(input_dir, process_file, "dummy")
print "Done."
sorry am feeling a bit prolifit lately.
today's show, is: 〈Fuck Python〉
**** Python
By Xah Lee, 2012-04-08
**** Python.
just fucking spend 2 hours and still going.
here's the short story.
so recently i switched to a Windows version of python. Now, Windows
version takes path using win backslash, instead of cygwin slash. This
fucking broke my find/replace scripts that takes a dir level as input.
Because i was counting slashes.
Ok no problem. My sloppiness. After all, my implementation wasn't
portable. So, let's fix it. After a while, discovered there's the
「os.sepã€. Ok, replace 「"/"〠to 「os.sepã€, done. Then, bang, all hell
went lose. Because, the backslash is used as escape in string, so any
regex that manipulate path got fucked majorly. So, now you need to
find a quoting mechanism. Then, **** python doc incomprehensible
scattered comp-sci-r-us BNF shit. Then, **** python for “os.path†and
“os†modules then string object and string functions inconsistent
ball. And **** Guido who wants to **** change python for his idiotic
OOP concept of “elegance†so that some of these are deprecated.
So after several exploration of “repr()â€, “format()â€, “‹str›.count()â€,
“os.path.normpath()â€, “re.split()â€, “len(re.search().group())†etc,
after a long time, let's use “re.escape()â€. 2 hours has passed. Also,
discovered that “os.path.walk†is now deprecated, and one is supposed
to use the sparkling “os.walkâ€. In the process of refreshing my
python, the “os.path.walk†semantics is really one fucked up ****.
Meanwhile, the “os.walk†went into incomprehensible OOP object and
iterators ****.
now, it's close to 3 hours. This fix is supposed to be done in 10 min.
I'd have done it in elisp in just 10 minutes if not for my
This is Before
def process_file(dummy, current_dir, file_list):
current_dir_level = len(re.split("/", current_dir)) -
len(re.split("/", input_dir))
cur_file_level = current_dir_level+1
if min_level <= cur_file_level <= max_level:
for a_file in file_list:
if re.search(r"\.html$", a_file, re.U) and
os.path.isfile(current_dir + "/" + a_file):
replace_string_in_file(current_dir + "/" + a_file)
This is After
def process_file(dummy, current_dir, file_list):
current_dir = os.path.normpath(current_dir)
cur_dir_level = re.sub( "^" + re.escape(input_dir), "",
current_dir).count( os.sep)
cur_file_level = cur_dir_level + 1
if min_level <= cur_file_level <= max_level:
for a_file in file_list:
if re.search(r"\.html$", a_file, re.U) and
os.path.isfile(current_dir + re.escape(os.sep) + a_file):
replace_string_in_file(current_dir + os.sep + a_file)
# print "%d %s" % (cur_file_level, (current_dir + os.sep +
Complete File
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Python
# find & replace strings in a dir
import os, sys, shutil, re
# if this this is not empty, then only these files will be processed
my_files = []
input_dir = "c:/Users/h3/web/xahlee_org/lojban/hrefgram2/"
input_dir = "/cygdrive/c/Users/h3/web/zz"
input_dir = "c:/Users/h3/web/xahlee_org/"
min_level = 2; # files and dirs inside input_dir are level 1.
max_level = 2; # inclusive
print_no_change = False
find_replace_list = [
u"""<iframe style="width:100%;border:none" src="http://xahlee.org/
u"""<iframe style="width:100%;border:none" src="../footer.html"></
def replace_string_in_file(file_path):
"Replaces all findStr by repStr in file file_path"
temp_fname = file_path + "~lc~"
backup_fname = file_path + "~bk~"
# print "reading:", file_path
input_file = open(file_path, "rb")
file_content = unicode(input_file.read(), "utf-8")
num_replaced = 0
for a_pair in find_replace_list:
num_replaced += file_content.count(a_pair[0])
output_text = file_content.replace(a_pair[0], a_pair[1])
file_content = output_text
if num_replaced > 0:
print "â—† ", num_replaced, " ", file_path.replace("\\", "/")
shutil.copy2(file_path, backup_fname)
output_file = open(file_path, "r+b")
output_file.read() # we do this way instead of “os.rename†to
preserve file creation date
if print_no_change == True:
print "no change:", file_path
# os.remove(file_path)
# os.rename(temp_fname, file_path)
def process_file(dummy, current_dir, file_list):
current_dir = os.path.normpath(current_dir)
cur_dir_level = re.sub( "^" + re.escape(input_dir), "",
current_dir).count( os.sep)
cur_file_level = cur_dir_level + 1
if min_level <= cur_file_level <= max_level:
for a_file in file_list:
if re.search(r"\.html$", a_file, re.U) and
os.path.isfile(current_dir + re.escape(os.sep) + a_file):
replace_string_in_file(current_dir + os.sep + a_file)
# print "%d %s" % (cur_file_level, (current_dir + os.sep +
input_dir = os.path.normpath(input_dir)
if (len(my_files) != 0):
for my_file in my_files:
replace_string_in_file(os.path.normpath(my_file) )
os.path.walk(input_dir, process_file, "dummy")
print "Done."