faster integer arithmetics & arbitrary precision floating number


David Garamond

1. Is there a way in Ruby to speed up 32bit integer arithmetics (only
involving numbers & sums up to 2^32-1)? I want to use Ruby for
summarizing network traffic logs, but it's pathetically slow compared to

$ time ruby -e'1000000.times{1073741823+1073741824}'

real 0m23.693s
user 0m5.720s
sys 0m0.610s
$ time perl -e'for(1..1000000){1073741823+1073741824}'

real 0m1.142s
user 0m0.320s
sys 0m0.050s

since 2**30 is already in the Bignum range.

2. Doing arbitrary integer math is already very convenient in Ruby
because of its automatic conversion. But Ruby still doesn't do seamless
conversion to arbitrary floating point numbers:

$ irb
irb(main):001:0> 0.00000000000000001
=> 1.0e-17
irb(main):002:0> 0.000000000000000001
=> 0.0

Any chance Ruby will do this in the future? Or perhaps in the nearer
future, include an arbitrary floating number package in its distribution
(is there any? GMP is GPL so it potentially a problem license-wise).

Emmanuel Touzery

David said:
1. Is there a way in Ruby to speed up 32bit integer arithmetics (only
involving numbers & sums up to 2^32-1)? I want to use Ruby for
summarizing network traffic logs, but it's pathetically slow compared
to Perl:

$ time ruby -e'1000000.times{1073741823+1073741824}'

real 0m23.693s
user 0m5.720s
sys 0m0.610s
$ time perl -e'for(1..1000000){1073741823+1073741824}'

real 0m1.142s
user 0m0.320s
sys 0m0.050s

i just tried to run this, and this is really quite discouraging indeed..
:O/ even though i was personnally never hurt by ruby's speed (yet).


Daniel Carrera

One idea would be to make a "FastInt" class that stores inegers as regular C
int's. It could work like this:

int1 =
int2 =

1000000.times{ int1 + int2 }

So addition would be done in C, which would be faster.

Notice: If you create the integers about as often as you add them, the
conversion from Ruby to C and back would more than compensate for any gains
from C (I suspect).

I would expec that this:

1000000.times do
int1 =
int2 =
int1 + int2

would be even slower.




E> i just tried to run this, and this is really quite discouraging indeed..
E> :O/ even though i was personnally never hurt by ruby's speed (yet).

just use a faster cpu

svg% time ruby -e'1000000.times{1073741823+1073741824}'

real 0m2.638s
user 0m2.631s
sys 0m0.008s

Guy Decoux

Emmanuel Touzery

David said:
1. Is there a way in Ruby to speed up 32bit integer arithmetics (only
involving numbers & sums up to 2^32-1)? I want to use Ruby for
summarizing network traffic logs, but it's pathetically slow compared
to Perl:

$ time ruby -e'1000000.times{1073741823+1073741824}'

real 0m23.693s
user 0m5.720s
sys 0m0.610s
$ time perl -e'for(1..1000000){1073741823+1073741824}'

real 0m1.142s
user 0m0.320s
sys 0m0.050s

since 2**30 is already in the Bignum range.

i have the feeling (unconfirmed) that perl is optimising it away since
the result is unused or the operation repeated or something. i created a
file with 1000000 lines repeating the addition and perl is very slow too
then (and ruby too).

i'm not sure.


Daniel Carrera

$ time perl -e'for(1..1000000){1073741823+1073741824}'
i have the feeling (unconfirmed) that perl is optimising it away since
the result is unused or the operation repeated or something. i created a
file with 1000000 lines repeating the addition and perl is very slow too
then (and ruby too).

That seems likely.

Which brings up another point, shouldn't ruby have such an optimization

Yes, I know that you can redefine the Integer class so that + does something
weird, which means that you don't know what each + does until you are
actually there. But suppose that there were a Ruby flag where I "promise" I
haven't done anything odd to the numeric classes, and it is safe to optimize
them. Wouldn't that be a good idea?


E> i have the feeling (unconfirmed) that perl is optimising it away since
E> the result is unused or the operation repeated or something. i created a
E> file with 1000000 lines repeating the addition and perl is very slow too
E> then (and ruby too).

the P language make a constant (1073741823+1073741824) and compute it only

Guy Decoux

David Garamond

ts said:
E> i just tried to run this, and this is really quite discouraging indeed..
E> :O/ even though i was personnally never hurt by ruby's speed (yet).

just use a faster cpu

reminds me of Perl's very powerful pragmas:

use less time;
use more cpu;


Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2004 00:09:53 +0900
From: David Garamond <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.ruby
Subject: faster integer arithmetics & arbitrary precision floating number

1. Is there a way in Ruby to speed up 32bit integer arithmetics (only
involving numbers & sums up to 2^32-1)? I want to use Ruby for
summarizing network traffic logs, but it's pathetically slow compared to

$ time ruby -e'1000000.times{1073741823+1073741824}'

real 0m23.693s
user 0m5.720s
sys 0m0.610s
$ time perl -e'for(1..1000000){1073741823+1073741824}'

real 0m1.142s
user 0m0.320s
sys 0m0.050s

since 2**30 is already in the Bignum range.

if there is someway you can organized your problem into arrays (eg. collecting
the item to sum into one), narray might be the way to go, it offer blindingly
fast numerical operations:

~ > time ruby -r narray -e '[true] = 1073741823+1073741824'

real 0m0.025s
user 0m0.010s
sys 0m0.010s

~ > time perl -e'for(1..1000000){1073741823+1073741824}'

real 0m0.128s
user 0m0.130s
sys 0m0.000s

in fact, the operations are fast enough that you might simply be able to use
normal ruby objects and ignore the Fixnum/Bignum distinction - which is a very
useful (accurate) abstraction:

~ > irb -r narray
irb(main):001:0> (na=NArray.object(1000000))[true] = 1073741823+1073741824
=> 2147483647

irb(main):002:0>; p(na.sum);; b.to_f - a.to_f
=> 0.882834911346436

not bad for summing a million numbers with arbitrary precision eh?


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David Garamond

Emmanuel said:
i have the feeling (unconfirmed) that perl is optimising it away since
the result is unused or the operation repeated or something. i created a
file with 1000000 lines repeating the addition and perl is very slow too
then (and ruby too).

do you mean you did:



then have you factored out compilation overhead? I would wild-guess that
Perl is slightly slower than Ruby, due to its complex syntaxes?

Mike Stok

i have the feeling (unconfirmed) that perl is optimising it away since
the result is unused or the operation repeated or something. i created a
file with 1000000 lines repeating the addition and perl is very slow too
then (and ruby too).

i'm not sure.

You are correct about perl optimising away a constant -

[mike@ratdog mike]$ perl -MO=Deparse -e 'for(1..1000000){1073741823+1073741824}'
foreach $_ (1 .. 1000000) {
-e syntax OK

??? is B::Deparse's way of showing something that's been optimised away.
If you make perl do some work then it does slow down e.g.

[mike@ratdog mike]$ time perl -e 'for(1..1000000){1073741823+1073741824}'
0.12user 0.00system 0:00.26elapsed 45%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (297major+36minor)pagefaults 0swaps
[mike@ratdog mike]$ time perl -e 'for(1..1000000){$_+1073741824}'
0.24user 0.00system 0:00.24elapsed 100%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (300major+36minor)pagefaults 0swaps
[mike@ratdog mike]$ perl -MO=Deparse -e 'for(1..1000000){$_+1073741824}'
foreach $_ (1 .. 1000000) {
$_ + 1073741824;
-e syntax OK

Hope this helps,


Robert Klemme

Daniel Carrera said:
One idea would be to make a "FastInt" class that stores inegers as regular C
int's. It could work like this:

int1 =
int2 =

1000000.times{ int1 + int2 }

So addition would be done in C, which would be faster.

Notice: If you create the integers about as often as you add them, the
conversion from Ruby to C and back would more than compensate for any gains
from C (I suspect).

I would expec that this:

1000000.times do
int1 =
int2 =
int1 + int2

would be even slower.

Of course you would define FastInt#add which adds something to the current
instance, removing the overhead of object creation.



David Garamond

in fact, the operations are fast enough that you might simply be able to use
normal ruby objects and ignore the Fixnum/Bignum distinction - which is a very
useful (accurate) abstraction:

~ > irb -r narray
irb(main):001:0> (na=NArray.object(1000000))[true] = 1073741823+1073741824
=> 2147483647

irb(main):002:0>; p(na.sum);; b.to_f - a.to_f
=> 0.882834911346436

not bad for summing a million numbers with arbitrary precision eh?

Nice! I can surely try clustering the numbers into sizable bites of
Narray's before summing them up together.



David Garamond said:
then have you factored out compilation overhead? I would wild-guess that
Perl is slightly slower than Ruby, due to its complex syntaxes?

No, Perl is much faster than ruby for these sort of operations. Where
Perl's speed suffers is in its OO (lots of nested classes can bring
Perl down to its knees not to mention make the code very hard to deal

Python2.2 is now an extremely good compromise for both, as it has
great performance for simple things and it scales very well on complex
projects. But I cannot stand its syntax, personally.

Ruby is, for these type of operations, quite slow. It is somewhat
akin to the old python1.5 overall. Ruby is in my opiniong the
language that has the nicest syntax of them all, but both its speed
and library base is not on par with others.

In the python mailing list someone recently sent out a mail with a
silly benchmark like that (which I ported to perl and ruby, too).
"Nine Language Performance Round-up: Benchmarking Math & File I/O"

This benchmark is not that great as it does not measure that many
other areas of a language that you use in real code, but I guess it is
okay if you want to get an idea of arithmetic speed.

The top performer on that benchmark from the scripting languages is
C#. And I was quite surprised that microsoft did something decent
this time around (albeit C# is perhaps closer to C++ in philosophy and
syntax than to a scripting language such as perl, ruby or python).

On the machine I am on (XP) (and reducing the # of iterations of each
one), I got:

C#: 560 milliseconds
Perl5.8.1: 5.08 sec.
Python2.2.3: 6.07115513285 sec.
Ruby1.8: 14.170000 sec.

Indeed, Ruby seems particularly bad with normal integer arithmetic.

Here's the not very scientific code for perl and ruby I used which I
ported from python (you can get the rest from the guy's website to
test). Since ruby deals with int/longs/bignums transparently, I am
not sure the test below is a good example, thou of long behavior. But
it does give you a rough idea where ruby stands in overall number
crunching performance.

#! /usr/bin/ruby

require "benchmark"
include Benchmark

intMax = 10000000000 # 1B
doubleMin = 10000000000.0 # 10B
doubleMax = 11000000000.0 # 11B
longMin = 10000000000 # 10B
longMax = 11000000000 # 11B
trigMax = 10000000.0 # 10M
ioMax = 1000000 # 1M

# I used these numbers to test as the orig. ones take too long
intMax = 10000000 # 1B
doubleMin = 10000000.0 # 10B
doubleMax = 11000000.0 # 11B
longMin = 10000000 # 10B
longMax = 11000000 # 11B
trigMax = 100000.0 # 10M
ioMax = 10000 # 1M

def intArithmetic(intMax)

i = 1
intResult = 1
while i < intMax
intResult = intResult - i
i = i + 1
intResult = intResult + i
i = i + 1
intResult = intResult * i
i = i + 1
intResult = intResult / i
i = i + 1
print " i:", i, "\n"
print " intResult:", intResult, "\n"

def doubleArithmetic(doubleMin, doubleMax)

i = doubleMin
doubleResult = doubleMin
while i < doubleMax
doubleResult = doubleResult - i
i = i + 1.0
doubleResult = doubleResult + i
i = i + 1.0
doubleResult = doubleResult * i
i = i + 1.0
doubleResult = doubleResult / i
i = i + 1.0
print " i:", i, "\n"
print " doubleResult:", doubleResult, "\n"

def longArithmetic(longMin, longMax)

i = longMin
longResult = longMin
while i < longMax
longResult = longResult - i
i = i + 1
longResult = longResult + i
i = i + 1
longResult = longResult * i
i = i + 1
longResult = longResult / i
i = i + 1
print " i:", i, "\n"
print " Result:", longResult, "\n"

def trig(trigMax)
i = 1.0
sine = 0.0
cosine = 0.0
tangent = 0.0
logarithm = 0.0
squareRoot = 0.0

while i < trigMax
sine = Math.sin(i)
cosine = Math.cos(i)
tangent = Math.tan(i)
logarithm = Math.log10(i)
squareRoot = Math.sqrt(i)
i = i + 1.0
print " i:", i, "\n"
print " sine:", sine, "\n"
print " cosine:", cosine, "\n"
print " tangent:", tangent, "\n"
print " logarithm:", logarithm, "\n"
print " squareRoot:", squareRoot, "\n"

def io(ioMax)
fileName = "TestRuby.txt"
myString = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890abcdefgh\n"

linesToWrite = [myString]
for i in 2..ioMax
linesToWrite.push( myString )

file =, 'w')

file =, 'r')
readLines = file.readlines()
print "write=",linesToWrite.length()
print " read=",readLines.length()

# Main program begins here

puts "Start Ruby benchmark"

t = 0
benchmark(" " + CAPTION, 7, FMTSTR) do |x|
t ="intArithmetic") { intArithmetic(intMax) }
t +="doubleArithmetic") { doubleArithmetic(doubleMin,
doubleMax) }
t +="longArithmetic") { longArithmetic(longMin, longMax)
t +="trig") { trig(trigMax) }
t +="io") { ioTime = io(ioMax) }

print "Total Ruby benchmark time:", t, "\n"
puts "End Ruby benchmark"

#####################For perl...
#! /usr/bin/perl
use Benchmark qw( timeit timestr );
use Math::Trig; #for tan

my $intMax = 1000000000; # 1B
my $intMax = 10000000; # 1B
my $doubleMin = 10000000.0; # 10B
my $doubleMax = 11000000.0; # 11B
my $longMin = 10000000; # 10B
my $longMax = 11000000; # 11B
my $trigMax = 100000.0; # 10M
my $ioMax = 10000; # 1M

sub intArithmetic($)
my ($intMax) = @_;

my $i = 1;
my $intResult = 1;
while ($i < $intMax)
$intResult = $intResult - $i;
$intResult = $intResult + $i;
$intResult = $intResult * $i;
$intResult = int $intResult / $i;
print " i:", $i, "\n";
print " intResult:", $intResult, "\n";

sub doubleArithmetic($$)
my ($doubleMin, $doubleMax) = @_;

my $i = $doubleMin;
my $doubleResult = $doubleMin;
while ($i < $doubleMax)
$doubleResult = $doubleResult - $i;
$i = $i + 1.0;
$doubleResult = $doubleResult + $i;
$i = $i + 1.0;
$doubleResult = $doubleResult * $i;
$i = $i + 1.0;
$doubleResult = $doubleResult / $i;
$i = $i + 1.0;
print " i:", $i, "\n";
print " doubleResult:", $doubleResult, "\n";

sub longArithmetic
my ($longMin, $longMax) = @_;

my $i = $longMin;
my $longResult = $longMin;
while ($i < $longMax)
$longResult = $longResult - $i;
$i = $i + 1;
$longResult = $longResult + $i;
$i = $i + 1;
$longResult = $longResult * $i;
$i = $i + 1;
$longResult = $longResult / $i;
$i = $i + 1;
print " i:", $i, "\n";
print " longResult:", $longResult, "\n";

sub log10 { log($_[0])/log(10); }

sub trig($)
my ($trigMax) = @_;
my $i = 1.0;
my $sine = 0.0;
my $cosine = 0.0;
my $tangent = 0.0;
my $logarithm = 0.0;
my $squareRoot = 0.0;

while ($i < $trigMax)
$sine = sin($i);
$cosine = cos($i);
$tangent = tan($i);
$logarithm = log10($i);
$squareRoot = sqrt($i);
$i = $i + 1.0;
print " i:", $i, "\n";
print " sine:", $sine, "\n";
print " cosine:", $cosine, "\n";
print " tangent:", $tangent, "\n";
print " logarithm:", $logarithm, "\n";
print " squareRoot:", $squareRoot, "\n";

sub io($)
my ($ioMax) = @_;
my $fileName = "TestPerl.txt";
my $myString = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890abcdefgh\n";
my $linesToWrite = $myString;
for $i ( 1..$ioMax )
$linesToWrite .= $myString;

open(FILE, ">".$fileName);
print FILE $linesToWrite;

open(FILE, "<".$fileName);
my @readLines = <FILE>;
print "length:",$#readLines,"\n";

# Main program begins here

print "Start Perl benchmark\n";

my $total= timeit( 1, sub
my $t = timeit( 1, sub{intArithmetic($intMax); } );
print "intArithmetic: ",timestr($t),"\n";
$t = timeit( 1, sub{doubleArithmetic($doubleMin,$doubleMax); } );
print "doubleArithmetic: ",timestr($t),"\n";
$t = timeit( 1, sub{doubleArithmetic($longMin,$longMax); } );
print "longArithmetic: ",timestr($t),"\n";
$t = timeit( 1, sub{trig($trigMax); } );
print "trig: ",timestr($t),"\n";
$t = timeit( 1, sub{io($ioMax); } );
print "io: ",timestr($t),"\n";

print "total=",timestr($total),"\n";

print "End Perl benchmark";

Emmanuel Touzery

do you mean you did:



then have you factored out compilation overhead? I would wild-guess that
Perl is slightly slower than Ruby, due to its complex syntaxes?

i did try with a file as you said, but due to a slow computer i had to kill it
before the end. when i first ran it, i saw perl was slow, which seemed to
confirm this 'perl is caching the result' intuition, i didn't think about the
syntax parsin overhead :O)

now i tried on a faster computer:

[emmanuel@papillon emmanuel]$ time perl test.rbpl
10.63user 1.01system 0:35.49elapsed 32%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (6628major+98402minor)pagefaults 0swaps
[emmanuel@papillon emmanuel]$ time ruby test.rbpl
test.rbpl:8127:in `+': Bignum can't be coerced into Fixnum (TypeError)
from test.rbpl:8127
Command exited with non-zero status 1
26.86user 0.71system 0:28.19elapsed 97%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (254major+51518minor)pagefaults 0swaps

i'm not really sure why ruby is choking on line 8127, all lines are identical
and read '1073741823+1073741824;'
but anyway it shows that in any case ruby is still much slower than perl, so
nevermind what i said. as far as i'm concerned, it's not sure at all that
perl is saving the calculation. my initial impression was simply caused by
the huge difference between ruby and perl.


PS: if someone is interested in this ruby error, the file is too big to send,
but is so that:
[emmanuel@papillon emmanuel]$ uniq test.rbpl

[emmanuel@papillon emmanuel]$ wc -l test.rbpl
1000001 test.rbpl

PPS: great trick with NArray.. :O)

Neil Spring

got around bzipping2 it. it's attached, if someone cares. bunzip2 it,
run with
ruby and you'll get
test.rbpl:8127:in `+': Bignum can't be coerced into Fixnum (TypeError)
from test.rbpl:8127
which seems to be an error.
(ruby 1.8.0 (2003-08-04) [i586-linux-gnu])

and with --enable-pthread

jimbo:~> ruby1.8 ./test1.rbpl
/test1.rbpl:6250: stack level too deep (SystemStackError)
33.665u 1.132s 0:35.33 98.4% 0+0k 0+0io 269pf+0w

jimbo:~> ruby1.8 --version
ruby 1.8.1 (2003-12-27) [i386-linux]

jimbo:~> ruby1.8 -r rbconfig -e "puts Config::CONFIG['configure_args']"
'--enable-frame-address' '--target=i386-linux' '--program-suffix=1.8' '--prefix=/usr' '--datadir=/usr/share' '--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--sysconfdir=/etc' '--localstatedir=/var' '--with-sitedir=/usr/local/lib/site_ruby' '--with-default-kcode=none' '--with-dbm-type=gdbm_compat' '--with-tklib=tk8.4' '--with-tcllib=tcl8.4' '--with-tcl-include=/usr/include/tcl8.4' '--enable-pthread' '--enable-shared' '--enable-ipv6' '--with-lookup-order-hack=INET' 'CFLAGS=-Wall -g -O2' 'target_alias=i386-linux'

debian 1.8.1-2, though I verified the effect of
--enable-pthread with current cvs as well.


Joel VanderWerf

if there is someway you can organized your problem into arrays (eg. collecting
the item to sum into one), narray might be the way to go, it offer blindingly
fast numerical operations:

~ > time ruby -r narray -e '[true] = 1073741823+1073741824'

But isn't this only performing the addition once?

Dave Brown

: > i have the feeling (unconfirmed) that perl is optimising it away since
: > the result is unused or the operation repeated or something. i created a
: > file with 1000000 lines repeating the addition and perl is very slow too
: > then (and ruby too).
: do you mean you did:
: #!/usr/bin/{perl,ruby}
: 1234567+123456;
: 1234567+123456;
: 1234567+123456;
: 1234567+123456;
: 1234567+123456;
: ..
: ?
: then have you factored out compilation overhead? I would wild-guess that
: Perl is slightly slower than Ruby, due to its complex syntaxes?


:) [~] head -2 foo
:) [~] wc -l foo
100000 foo
:) [~] time perl foo
perl foo 1.37s user 0.06s system 99% cpu 1.431 total
:) [~] time python foo
python foo 2.55s user 0.22s system 100% cpu 2.769 total
:) [~] time ruby foo
ruby foo 3.03s user 0.10s system 98% cpu 3.165 total

Still, that's not a difference which I'm overly worried about.


Emmanuel Touzery

David said:
2. Doing arbitrary integer math is already very convenient in Ruby
because of its automatic conversion. But Ruby still doesn't do
seamless conversion to arbitrary floating point numbers:

$ irb
irb(main):001:0> 0.00000000000000001
=> 1.0e-17
irb(main):002:0> 0.000000000000000001
=> 0.0

Any chance Ruby will do this in the future? Or perhaps in the nearer
future, include an arbitrary floating number package in its
distribution (is there any? GMP is GPL so it potentially a problem
btw, just saw a mention of this today: isn't maybe ext/bigdecimal what
you want? shipped with ruby-1.8.0.


David Garamond

Emmanuel said:
btw, just saw a mention of this today: isn't maybe ext/bigdecimal what
you want? shipped with ruby-1.8.0.

Yes, exactly what I wanted. Thanks.

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