Finding computers on LAN


Brian Odsgaard

Hi all

I'm going to build a simple multiplayer game.

The task is to create a game that runs on multiple computers on a LAN.

I want to create a solution that don't need a server running on a specific
computer with a specific IP - all computers should be able to initiate a
game and act as server.

How can I make an application search the LAN to find if any connected
computers is running as server - without knowing the IP on the other

- Brian

Arne Vajhøj

Brian said:
I'm going to build a simple multiplayer game.

The task is to create a game that runs on multiple computers on a LAN.

I want to create a solution that don't need a server running on a
specific computer with a specific IP - all computers should be able to
initiate a game and act as server.

How can I make an application search the LAN to find if any connected
computers is running as server - without knowing the IP on the other

One idea: and UDP broadcast


Roedy Green

How can I make an application search the LAN to find if any connected
computers is running as server - without knowing the IP on the other

I think you will need to learn to solve the problem for your
particular OS in C++ and write some JNI.

John B. Matthews

Christian said:
I don't think that helps. These protocols are rather for
creating/distributing IP addresses not building up connections.

Thank you for expanding on this. I was thinking of the DNS based Service
Discovery capability:

The UDP multicast really is the way to go in LAN.

Bonjour (a zeroconf implementation) uses multicast on UDP port 5353. I
use it to find local print- and vnc-servers:


I'm told it can find games:

[...] it won't work in WAN ;-)

Thank goodness!

Arne Vajhøj

Roedy said:
I think you will need to learn to solve the problem for your
particular OS in C++ and write some JNI.

Why ?

Other posters have already posted Java solutions.


Brian Odsgaard

Hi again ...

Thanks for all the suggestions - I'll have a look into them and hope to find
what I'm looking for :)

- Brian

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