Forcing static text to the right side of a page

  • Thread starter OccasionalFlyer
  • Start date


I normally develop (alas) in the environment provided by PeopleSoft, a huge bloatware thing that generates HTM and such for me. I essentially neversee the html it produces because there is no need to. Now, I'm trying to add a small block of static text on to a page in their WTSWIG editor in an HTML Area. I need to have six lines of text (wrapping is not okay). My problem is that I cannot seem to get the "area" to stay on the right side of he page where I put it.

I tried <p align="right"> but the text still shows up underneath what I want it to be to the right of. I am not sure what to do but I'm wondering there is a way to force a paragraph or one-cell table or the like stay over on the right where I dragged the "JTML area". Any suggestions? I can'ttweak the other HTML that is there now. Every time I touch it or it gets moved to a test or production server, the page is analyzed and the HTML is built again. Thanks.


Chris F.A. Johnson

I normally develop (alas) in the environment provided by PeopleSoft,
a huge bloatware thing that generates HTM and such for me. I
essentially never see the html it produces because there is no need
to. Now, I'm trying to add a small block of static text on to a page
in their WTSWIG editor in an HTML Area.

WTSWIG? Do you mean WYSIWYG?

You have probably discovered why everyone recommends not using a
WYSIWYG editor.
I need to have six lines of text (wrapping is not okay).

What if the viewer's font size is too big and the text will not fit
without wrapping?
My problem is that I cannot seem to get the "area" to stay on the
right side of he page where I put it.

I tried <p align="right"> but the text still shows up underneath
what I want it to be to the right of. I am not sure what to do but
I'm wondering there is a way to force a paragraph or one-cell table
or the like stay over on the right where I dragged the "JTML area".

How about 'style="float: right;"'?
Any suggestions? I can't tweak the other HTML that is there now.
Every time I touch it or it gets moved to a test or production
server, the page is analyzed and the HTML is built again. Thanks.

Without seeing the HTML/CSS it's impossible to say more.


I normally develop (alas) in the environment provided by PeopleSoft, a huge bloatware thing that generates HTM and such for me. I essentially never see the html it produces because there is no need to. Now, I'm trying to add a small block of static text on to a page in their WTSWIG editor in an HTML Area. I need to have six lines of text (wrapping is not okay). My problem is that I cannot seem to get the "area" to stay on the right side of he page where I put it.

I tried <p align="right"> but the text still shows up underneath what I want it to be to the right of. I am not sure what to do but I'm wondering there is a way to force a paragraph or one-cell table or the like stay over on the right where I dragged the "JTML area". Any suggestions? I can't tweak the other HTML that is there now. Every time I touch it or it gets moved to a test or production server, the page is analyzed and the HTML is built again. Thanks.


<div style="border-style: dotted; border-color: black; float: right;
font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; position: relative;
font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">text

The above inline style floats the <div> container to the right.

See here: and
here: for help on css and html


OccasionalFlyer said:
I normally develop (alas) in the environment provided by PeopleSoft, a huge
bloatware thing that generates HTM and such for me. I essentially never
see the html it produces because there is no need to. Now, I'm trying to
add a small block of static text on to a page in their WTSWIG editor in an
HTML Area. I need to have six lines of text (wrapping is not okay). My
problem is that I cannot seem to get the "area" to stay on the right side
of he page where I put it.

I tried <p align="right"> but the text still shows up underneath what I
want it to be to the right of. I am not sure what to do but I'm wondering
there is a way to force a paragraph or one-cell table or the like stay
over on the right where I dragged the "JTML area". Any suggestions? I
can't tweak the other HTML that is there now. Every time I touch it or it
gets moved to a test or production server, the page is analyzed and the
HTML is built again. Thanks.

You can't get 6 lines if a user has a different text size to you. If
it was not for the six lines requirement, you could give a width to
the block of text perhaps in percentages to take up a known part of
the page, and then float the block right:

<div style="width: 20%; float: right">text</div>

Test in various browsers and experiment using various tactical text
sizes in the browser (like for example, in Firefox using Text Only
Zoom, to see if that will do you.

If you really have to have six lines, it is simple, just make an image
of text and float it right. Make the text reasonably big to satisfy
people not as well sighted as you, make the image high quality so that
it will zoom up a bit and clearly enough.


You can't get 6 lines if a user has a different text size to you. If
it was not for the six lines requirement, you could give a width to
the block of text perhaps in percentages to take up a known part of
the page, and then float the block right:

Heh... Capture the six lines of _static_ text in a PNG.
Float _that_ to the right...

Jonesy - w/tongue in cheek


In message said:
You can't get 6 lines if a user has a different text size to you.

Of course you can. First off, this is PeopleSoft, a huge bloat owned by
Oracle. I think the OP can be confident of knowing the users setup.

Second, he can specify the font choice, style, size, weight, etc.
it was not for the six lines requirement, you could give a width to
the block of text perhaps in percentages to take up a known part of
the page, and then float the block right:
<div style="width: 20%; float: right">text</div>

<div style="float:right; font-size:18pt;">
line6 is a lot longer than the other lines
If you really have to have six lines, it is simple, just make an image
of text and float it right. Make the text reasonably big to satisfy
people not as well sighted as you, make the image high quality so that
it will zoom up a bit and clearly enough.

Well, that would be the worst possible solution, but it is a solution.

Chris F.A. Johnson

In message said:
Of course you can. First off, this is PeopleSoft, a huge bloat owned by
Oracle. I think the OP can be confident of knowing the users setup.

Does any company only hire people with perfect vision? Who all
sit at the same distance from the monitor? Who are never bleary
eyed? Who all use the same font-size for comfortable reading?
Second, he can specify the font choice, style, size, weight, etc.

And the user can override them, particularly font size.


In message said:
Does any company only hire people with perfect vision? Who all
sit at the same distance from the monitor? Who are never bleary
eyed? Who all use the same font-size for comfortable reading?

No, but many companies have computers with settings that cannot be
And the user can override them, particularly font size.

In many cases, it is quite difficult to do that, and maybe impossible.

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