Kent R. Spillner
As I said: unsubscribe is broken.=0A=0A-----Original Message-----=0AFrom: r=
(e-mail address removed)=0ASent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 12:11=0ATo: =
(e-mail address removed)=0ASubject: Fml status report (ruby-talk ML)=0A=0Ayour mai=
l has no effective commands=0Aplease read the following help and send reque=
sts to=0A<[email protected]>=0A=0A=0A=09HELP FILE of <ruby-talk@r=
uby-lang.org> ML=0A=0A----- Index -----=0A=0A1=09FYI: Brief Summary=0A=0A2=
=09Fundamental Usage=0A2.1=09What is a mailing list?=0A2.2=09Usage of Comma=
nds=0A2.3=09When you confused ...=0A=0A3=09Commands List=0A3.1=09How to ret=
rieve files; basic commands=0A3.2=09How to get member list and unsubscribe=
=0A3.3=09When your email address changed =0A3.4=09Digest Delivery=0A3.5=09H=
ow to retrieve past articles=0A=0A4=09Not standard commands=0A4.1=09Library=
commands=0A4.2=09whois database (ML local)=0A4.3=09Traffic command=0A=0A5=
=09Command Usage Examples =0A5.1=09Retrieve past articles=0A=0A------------=
-----=0A=0A1=09FYI: Brief Summary=0A=0AHere I introduce the brief summary f=
or you which may join this mailing=0Alist in error.=0A=0ATo unsubscribe ML =
<[email protected]>, send "unsubscribe" in the mail body=0Ato the add=
ress <[email protected]>. Also you can send "# unsubscribe". =0A"=
#" is prepended in fml documents for some historically reasons. "#"=0Ais NO=
T NEEDED in almost all cases but fml can accepct commands with or=0Awithout=
'#'. Please ignore this in default configuration.=0A=0ATo stop the delive=
ry for a vacation, send "# off" in the mail body to=0A<ruby-talk-ctl@ruby-l=
ang.org>. =0ATo start the delivery again, send "# on" in the same way.=0A=
=0ATo get the past articles, firstly send "# index" in the mail body to=0At=
he address <[email protected]> to retrieve =0Athe list of article=
s. It shows the list this ML stores. To retrieve=0Aarticles, use "# get" or=
"# mget" command. For example, send "# mget=0A100-200" to retrieve article=
s from 100 to 200.=0A=0AFml compares From: field in a posted article with m=
ember list. If you=0Ahave several mail addresses, pay attention!=0A=0A2=09F=
undamental Usage=0A=0A2.1=09What is a mailing list?=0A=0AA mailing list (ML=
) is mail forwarding mechanism. When you send a mail=0Ato the address=0A=0A=
[email protected] =0A=0Athe mail is forwarded to all members of=
this ML.=0A=0A2.2=09Usage of Commands=0A=0AThis ML server has a lot of fun=
ctions. Please send English command=0Aphrases/words to <ruby-talk-ctl@ruby-=
lang.org>[email protected] =0A=0AA command has a comman=
d keyword and the options.=0A=0A=09# command options=0A=0ADepends on the co=
nfiguration of the ML server, '# help' and '#help'=0Amay be treated as the =
same. (if USE_RPGruby-talkFLAG is non-nil) Note that=0Acommands are case-in=
sensitive, i.e. # help =3D $ Help =3D # HELP [Option]=0Ameans optional. % =
is shell prompt.=0A=0AExample 1:=0A=0A--------- mail body --------------=
=0A# help=0A-----------------------------------=0A=0ASend "# help" to <ruby=
(e-mail address removed)>, =0Ayou obtain the help file of this ML.=0A=0AExam=
ple 2:=0A=0ATo retrieve =0A=0A=09help=0A=09articles from 10 to 14=0A=0A----=
----- mail body --------------=0A# help=0A# get 10-14=0A# exit=0A---------=
--------------------------=0A=0A2.3=09When you confused ...=0A=0APlease see=
the mail header, you will find the basic information.=0A=0A X-MLServer: =
fml [fml 2.1_RELEASE](distribute + commands available mode)=0A X-ML-Info:=
If you have a question, =0A =09send "# help" to the address ruby-talk-ct=
(e-mail address removed)=0A=0A X-MLServer: fml [fml 2.1_RELEASE](distribute only m=
ode)=0A=0AIf you are confused and have no clue, you can take a contact with=
the=0AML maintainer at the [email protected]=
=0A=0AWhen you make the contact, you should write=0A=0A=09What you did?=0A=
=09Error/ returned mails if exist=0A=0A3=09Commands List=0A=0AThe command s=
yntax is =0A=0Acommand=09=09description=0A=0A[] is optional.=0A=0A3.1=09How=
to retrieve files; basic commands=0A=0A# help Get command hel=
p (this file)=0A# objective Get ML objective=0A# guide =
Get ML guide (non-members are allowed to use=0A this com=
mand)=0A=0A# msg Send a mail to ML administrator=0A=0A# summa=
ry [arg] Get a summary of ML articles=0A arg: range =
of the ML articles=0A Ex.=0A summary =
whole summary (1-last)=0A summary last:10 summ=
ary of last 10 articles=0A summary 100-200 summary of a=
rticle 100-200=0A=0A# exit=0A# end=0A# quit Terminate command =
processing (so that your signature=0A will not get proce=
ssed)=0A=0A3.2=09How to unsubscribe=0A=0A# skip Make the addres=
s of From: in your mail a posting only=0A address; mails =
will not be sent to this address any more=0A# noskip Reverse of #=
skip=0A# off Sign off ML temporarily (stop receiving mails)=
=0A# on Resume receiving mails after # off=0A# bye =
Sign off ML permanently=0A# unsubscribe Sign off ML permanently=0A=
=0A3.3=09When your email address changed =0A=0ATo change the address which =
you use to join this ML, you can use '=0Achaddr' command. The form is=0A=0A=
=09# chaddr old-address new-address=0A=0APlease send this form from OLD-ADD=
RESS (fml 2.2 specification).=0A=0A3.4=09Digest Delivery=0A=0A<<<<< Batch m=
ail mode (approximately every N hours)=0A=0A# matome <num>[opt] Send batch=
mail at approximately every <num> hours=0A To be exact=
, mail are sent at N clock where=0A 0 =3D=3D N (mo=
d <num>) N=3D1..24=0A When <num> is between 13 to 36=
, mail batch will be=0A sent once a day at =0A =
<num> if <num>=3D13..24=0A <n=
um>-24 if <num>=3D25..36=0A=0A Ex.=0A # matome <num>u =
plain(unpack) format=0A [opt]:=0A (no option) gzip(with=
=0A u PLAINTEXT(with UNIX From
=0A =
=0A b =
RFC934 format PLAINTEXT=0A d RFC1153 format PLA=
INTEXT=0A mp MIME/Multipart PLAINTEXT=0A=0A# matome 0=
Cancel batch mode. Return to normal distribution=0A Ex.=0A=
# matome 1 Mail batch every 1 hour (gzip-ped)=0A # m=
atome 2 Mail batch every 2 hours (gzip-ped) =0A # matome 2u =
Mail batch every 2 hours (plain text)=0A # matome 2mp Mail=
batch every 2 hours (MIME/Multipart)=0A # matome 17 Mail batc=
h once a day at 17:00 (gzip-ped)=0A # matome 29 Mail batch onc=
e a day at 5:00 (gzip-ped)=0A=0A3.5=09How to retrieve past articles=0A=0A#=
index Get a list of files which you can # get=0A =
Index file will be returned if it exists=0A=0A# get ID=0A# send ID =
Get a ML article (sends back in plain text)=0A=0A# mget <range list=
(e-mail address removed)=0ASent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 12:11=0ATo: =
(e-mail address removed)=0ASubject: Fml status report (ruby-talk ML)=0A=0Ayour mai=
l has no effective commands=0Aplease read the following help and send reque=
sts to=0A<[email protected]>=0A=0A=0A=09HELP FILE of <ruby-talk@r=
uby-lang.org> ML=0A=0A----- Index -----=0A=0A1=09FYI: Brief Summary=0A=0A2=
=09Fundamental Usage=0A2.1=09What is a mailing list?=0A2.2=09Usage of Comma=
nds=0A2.3=09When you confused ...=0A=0A3=09Commands List=0A3.1=09How to ret=
rieve files; basic commands=0A3.2=09How to get member list and unsubscribe=
=0A3.3=09When your email address changed =0A3.4=09Digest Delivery=0A3.5=09H=
ow to retrieve past articles=0A=0A4=09Not standard commands=0A4.1=09Library=
commands=0A4.2=09whois database (ML local)=0A4.3=09Traffic command=0A=0A5=
=09Command Usage Examples =0A5.1=09Retrieve past articles=0A=0A------------=
-----=0A=0A1=09FYI: Brief Summary=0A=0AHere I introduce the brief summary f=
or you which may join this mailing=0Alist in error.=0A=0ATo unsubscribe ML =
<[email protected]>, send "unsubscribe" in the mail body=0Ato the add=
ress <[email protected]>. Also you can send "# unsubscribe". =0A"=
#" is prepended in fml documents for some historically reasons. "#"=0Ais NO=
T NEEDED in almost all cases but fml can accepct commands with or=0Awithout=
'#'. Please ignore this in default configuration.=0A=0ATo stop the delive=
ry for a vacation, send "# off" in the mail body to=0A<ruby-talk-ctl@ruby-l=
ang.org>. =0ATo start the delivery again, send "# on" in the same way.=0A=
=0ATo get the past articles, firstly send "# index" in the mail body to=0At=
he address <[email protected]> to retrieve =0Athe list of article=
s. It shows the list this ML stores. To retrieve=0Aarticles, use "# get" or=
"# mget" command. For example, send "# mget=0A100-200" to retrieve article=
s from 100 to 200.=0A=0AFml compares From: field in a posted article with m=
ember list. If you=0Ahave several mail addresses, pay attention!=0A=0A2=09F=
undamental Usage=0A=0A2.1=09What is a mailing list?=0A=0AA mailing list (ML=
) is mail forwarding mechanism. When you send a mail=0Ato the address=0A=0A=
[email protected] =0A=0Athe mail is forwarded to all members of=
this ML.=0A=0A2.2=09Usage of Commands=0A=0AThis ML server has a lot of fun=
ctions. Please send English command=0Aphrases/words to <ruby-talk-ctl@ruby-=
lang.org>[email protected] =0A=0AA command has a comman=
d keyword and the options.=0A=0A=09# command options=0A=0ADepends on the co=
nfiguration of the ML server, '# help' and '#help'=0Amay be treated as the =
same. (if USE_RPGruby-talkFLAG is non-nil) Note that=0Acommands are case-in=
sensitive, i.e. # help =3D $ Help =3D # HELP [Option]=0Ameans optional. % =
is shell prompt.=0A=0AExample 1:=0A=0A--------- mail body --------------=
=0A# help=0A-----------------------------------=0A=0ASend "# help" to <ruby=
(e-mail address removed)>, =0Ayou obtain the help file of this ML.=0A=0AExam=
ple 2:=0A=0ATo retrieve =0A=0A=09help=0A=09articles from 10 to 14=0A=0A----=
----- mail body --------------=0A# help=0A# get 10-14=0A# exit=0A---------=
--------------------------=0A=0A2.3=09When you confused ...=0A=0APlease see=
the mail header, you will find the basic information.=0A=0A X-MLServer: =
fml [fml 2.1_RELEASE](distribute + commands available mode)=0A X-ML-Info:=
If you have a question, =0A =09send "# help" to the address ruby-talk-ct=
(e-mail address removed)=0A=0A X-MLServer: fml [fml 2.1_RELEASE](distribute only m=
ode)=0A=0AIf you are confused and have no clue, you can take a contact with=
the=0AML maintainer at the [email protected]=
=0A=0AWhen you make the contact, you should write=0A=0A=09What you did?=0A=
=09Error/ returned mails if exist=0A=0A3=09Commands List=0A=0AThe command s=
yntax is =0A=0Acommand=09=09description=0A=0A[] is optional.=0A=0A3.1=09How=
to retrieve files; basic commands=0A=0A# help Get command hel=
p (this file)=0A# objective Get ML objective=0A# guide =
Get ML guide (non-members are allowed to use=0A this com=
mand)=0A=0A# msg Send a mail to ML administrator=0A=0A# summa=
ry [arg] Get a summary of ML articles=0A arg: range =
of the ML articles=0A Ex.=0A summary =
whole summary (1-last)=0A summary last:10 summ=
ary of last 10 articles=0A summary 100-200 summary of a=
rticle 100-200=0A=0A# exit=0A# end=0A# quit Terminate command =
processing (so that your signature=0A will not get proce=
ssed)=0A=0A3.2=09How to unsubscribe=0A=0A# skip Make the addres=
s of From: in your mail a posting only=0A address; mails =
will not be sent to this address any more=0A# noskip Reverse of #=
skip=0A# off Sign off ML temporarily (stop receiving mails)=
=0A# on Resume receiving mails after # off=0A# bye =
Sign off ML permanently=0A# unsubscribe Sign off ML permanently=0A=
=0A3.3=09When your email address changed =0A=0ATo change the address which =
you use to join this ML, you can use '=0Achaddr' command. The form is=0A=0A=
=09# chaddr old-address new-address=0A=0APlease send this form from OLD-ADD=
RESS (fml 2.2 specification).=0A=0A3.4=09Digest Delivery=0A=0A<<<<< Batch m=
ail mode (approximately every N hours)=0A=0A# matome <num>[opt] Send batch=
mail at approximately every <num> hours=0A To be exact=
, mail are sent at N clock where=0A 0 =3D=3D N (mo=
d <num>) N=3D1..24=0A When <num> is between 13 to 36=
, mail batch will be=0A sent once a day at =0A =
<num> if <num>=3D13..24=0A <n=
um>-24 if <num>=3D25..36=0A=0A Ex.=0A # matome <num>u =
plain(unpack) format=0A [opt]:=0A (no option) gzip(with=
RFC934 format PLAINTEXT=0A d RFC1153 format PLA=
INTEXT=0A mp MIME/Multipart PLAINTEXT=0A=0A# matome 0=
Cancel batch mode. Return to normal distribution=0A Ex.=0A=
# matome 1 Mail batch every 1 hour (gzip-ped)=0A # m=
atome 2 Mail batch every 2 hours (gzip-ped) =0A # matome 2u =
Mail batch every 2 hours (plain text)=0A # matome 2mp Mail=
batch every 2 hours (MIME/Multipart)=0A # matome 17 Mail batc=
h once a day at 17:00 (gzip-ped)=0A # matome 29 Mail batch onc=
e a day at 5:00 (gzip-ped)=0A=0A3.5=09How to retrieve past articles=0A=0A#=
index Get a list of files which you can # get=0A =
Index file will be returned if it exists=0A=0A# get ID=0A# send ID =
Get a ML article (sends back in plain text)=0A=0A# mget <range list=
[mode] [interval]=0A# mget <regular expression> [mode] [interva=[/QUOTE]
l]=0A Get multiple files (ML articles or archive files)=
=0A Arg:=0A <range list> Ex. 1-10,12,15-100 1,2,10=0A =
first first:10 last:30 100-last (MH syntax)=0A <regul=
ar exp> Ex. * ? 1? 1??=0A [mode] gz tgz rfc934 b rfc1153 d unp=
ack uf (default=3Dtgz)=0A [interval] mail time interval if the rep=
ly spans multiple mails=0A (default=3D300)=0A Mode:=
=0A (No option) 'tar+gzip' -> spool.tar.gz=0A tgz 'tar+=
gzip' -> spool.tar.gz=0A uf PLAINTEXT(with UNIX From=0A =
gz GZIP(with UNIX From=0A rfc934 RFC934 format =
PLAINTEXT=0A unpack PLAINTEXT(with UNIX From=0A uu =
UUENCODE=0A d RFC1153 format PLAINTEXT=0A rfc115=
3 RFC1153 format PLAINTEXT=0A=0A4=09Not standard commands=0A=0AThese c=
ommands may be unavailable for maintainer's policy. In default=0Afml disabl=
es these functions.=0A=0A4.1=09Library commands=0A=0ATo add a file to the a=
rchive area of this ML and retrieve them.=0A=0A# library command [options]=
=0A=0A# library index=09=09get index list in library archive area=0A# libra=
ry summary=09the same as "# library index"=0A=0A# library get [NUM]=09retri=
eve NUM file in library archive area=0A=09=09=09options used in "mget" are =
available.=0A=0A# library put =09=09add the mail to library archive area.=
=0A=0A# library unlink [NUM]=09remove NUM file in library archive area.=0A#=
library delete [NUM] =0A# library rm [NUM]=0A=0A4.2=09whois database =
(ML local)=0A=0A# whois [-h host] key Look up whois database with key=0A =
When host is given, look up is done on the host=0A =
through IPC. Otherwise the search is performed=0A =
in ML local whois database=0A# iam Put se=
lf-introduction (ML local whois database)=0A=0A# who=0A# whois-index=0A# wh=
ois-list Get the list of available whois entries=0A=0A4.3=09Traff=
ic command=0A=0ASYNOPSIS:=0A# traffic [-n <best?>] [-m <mails>] [-d]=0A=0A"=
traffic" command gives the traffic information.=0A=0A5=09Command Usage Exam=
ples =0A=0A5.1=09Retrieve past articles=0A=0AIn the following, 'mail' refer=
s to /usr/ucb/mail, Mail(SUN),=0Amalix(SYSR3/4) /usr/bin/Mail(4.4BSD), /usr=
/bin/mail(4.4BSD)=0A=0A* Get article number 1=0A % echo "# get 1" =
| mail <ML address>=0A % echo "#get 1" | mail <ML address>=0A=0A*=
Get article number 100-200=0A % echo "# mget 100-200" | mail <ML =
address>=0A=0A* Get article number 100-200. In the case where the reply co=
nsists of=0A multiple mails, send each one at an interval of 30 seconds=0A=
% echo "# mget 100-200 30" | mail <ML address>=0A=0A* Get article=
number 100-200 in PLAINTEXT format=0A % echo "# mget 100-200 unpa=
ck" | mail <ML address>=0A=0A* Get article number 100-200 in PLAINTEXT (mai=
l interval =3D 30sec)=0A % echo "# mget 100-200 30 unpack" | mail =
<ML address>=0A=0A* Get files matching ? (i.e. article 1-9)=0A % =
echo "# mget ?" | mail <ML address>=0A=0A* Get files matching * (i.e. all =
articles)=0A % echo "# mget *" | mail <ML address>=0A=0A<<<<< Expl=
anation of the example=0A=0A(1) Get the article of X-Mail-Count: 1 (article=
1)=0A NOTE: All command mail must begin with '#' If illegal commands =
are=0A found, the server will send back this help file=0A=0A T=
he following way is recommended:=0A=0A % echo "# get 1" | mail <ML addr=
ess>=0A=0A If you want to get article 1-3=0A % cat > foo=0A # ge=
t 1=0A # get 2=0A # get 3=0A ^D=0A % cat foo=0A # mget =
1=0A # mget 2=0A # mget 3=0A % cat fpp | mail <ML address>=0A=
=0A Then the server will send article 1, 2, 3 in separate mails=0A=0A =
The problem with this scheme is that, for each get command the server=0A =
has to start a sendmail process. Imagine you try to get 1-100 articles=
=0A in this way. It will be a big burden for the server machine.=0A=0A =
The solution is to use # mget=0A For example, we want to get article =
1-9:=0A % echo "# mget ? 30" | mail <ML address>=0A=0A Like ftp mget=
command, you can use regular expression. In this case,=0A ? will match=
all files with single character file name, therefore it=0A matches 1 to=
9 in spool directory. Likewise, * will match all articles,=0A ?? will =
match article 10-99=0A=0A Mail interval argument is not necessarily need=
ed. If a reply=0A is longer than 1000 lines, ML server will split it in=
to multiple=0A mails every 1000 lines. In this example, the server will=
send=0A each of these mails at the specified interval of 30 seconds (de=
fault=0A is 5 minutes) This argument is usually used in the case like :=
you=0A only want to receive 2-3 mails for each UUCP polling interval. =
If your=0A machine is IP-reachable and you are confident that it can han=
dle=0A lots of incoming mails at the same time, probably you don't need =
to=0A worry about this argument.=0A=0A The requested files will be ta=
r+gzip+uuencode-d. If the result file=0A is longer than 1000 lines, the=
server will split it. You'll have=0A to concatenate them into one file=
, say bar, and then decode,=0A decompress, extract the original files fr=
om it (uumerge.pl is very=0A convenient for this purpose)=0A=0A % uud=
ecode bar=0A % ls=0A spool.tar.Z=0A % zcat spool.tar.Z | tar xf -=
=0A % ls=0A spool.tar.Z spool=0A % ls -l=0A rw-r--r-- ........=
.................... spool.tar.Z=0A drwxr-xr-x .........................=
... spool=0A=0A spool/ contains the files you want=0A=0AHistory:=0A=0A19=
98/08/17 translated by (e-mail address removed)=0A=09=09by fukachan@sappo=
ro.iij.ad.jp=0A1997/04/17 improved by (e-mail address removed)=0A1997/04/16 ha=
nd-patched by (e-mail address removed)=0A1997/04/13 improved by metalman@=
kt.rim.or.jp=0A1997/04/05 imported and merged by (e-mail address removed)=
=0A1997/04/13 improved by (e-mail address removed)=0A1997/04/04 improved by me=
(e-mail address removed)=0A1997/04/01 improved by (e-mail address removed)=0A=0A=09=
help and help.example2 are merged by (e-mail address removed)=0A=09=09=09=
=09(preparation for 2.1 RELEASE)=0A=0A=09help.example2 contributed =
by (e-mail address removed)=0A=09 =09=09=09(mnews ML's help is contribute=
d) =0A=0A=09original by (e-mail address removed)=0A=0A$Id: h=
elp.wix,v 2.1 1998-09-06 14:29:59+09 fukachan Exp fukachan $=0A=0A--ruby-ta=
(e-mail address removed), Be Seeing You! =0A=0A*********************************=
***************************=0A=0A Help: <mailto:ruby-talk-ctl@ruby-la=
ng.org?body=3Dhelp>=0AUnsubscribe: <mailto:[email protected]?body=
=3Dunsubscribe>=0A=0AIf you have any questions or problems,=0A please con=
tact (e-mail address removed)=0A or =0A send e-mail with the b=
ody "help"(without quotes) to=0A (e-mail address removed)=0A (=
here is the automatic reply, so more preferable)=0A=0Ae.g. on a Unix Machin=
e=0A(shell prompt)% echo "help" |Mail (e-mail address removed)=0A=0A****=